Checkpoints Class News
RD 2, Box 85
Ottsville, PA 18942
Home: (215) 847-5719
Happy New Year!
Your "elected" Scribe has no data base, Autovon, computer, WATTS line or typist. However, time is precious, and I have a little. If your cards, letters, calls and information arrive, I'll be able to update you quarterly! Needless to say, my location hasn't been a problem in the past. No one has bothered me, since no one knows where Ottsville, PA is.
How about those Falcons? The Notre Dame game was a Cardiac Kids replay from 1958. I'm sure it was done just for '60s reunion. The team couldn't have given us a better reward.
Reward? Our class gift is approaching its target, financially. Four guys each gave $1,000. With that example, surely others can drop a small donation into the mail. Send yours to the AOG, attention 1960 Class Fund. The flag case is as pleasing to the eye as its award ceremony was to our hearts! It certainly enjoys a spot of honor in Arnold Hall! Send the money! Other loose pocket change would enjoy a new home with the AFA Fund--same address!
My bride and I can't really describe our emotions over the 25th reunion. We had such an enjoyable four days, and seeing all of you after so long just made 1985! Sadly, many weren't there; however, even I, as an airline jock, understand that someone has to work, right VAN INWEGAN? I know you were in Geneva with the CNC! We loved seeing everyone and thought fondly of those who couldn't be there. See feature article elsewhere in the magazine with photos of the reunion.
Logistically, the reunion reflected hard work and thoughtfulness on the part of some great people. The hotel was superb, the timing precise, the mix of events just right. The weather was Heaven Sent and the football--just miraculous! Special kudos for the GLAZA's team, Gary CREW, Wayne KENDALL, Jock SCHWANK, Dick SCHEHR, and Earl VAN INWEGEN! Thanks also to the many whose names I don't know. I'm sure there were many.
We awarded the assistance by electing several officers: class president, Jim GLAZA; V.P., Ray JOLLY; sec., Mac MACFARLAND; and treas., Jack BRUSH. Congrats troops. I know you'll handle the mission. The positions also are lifetime!
Imagine my surprise when I recently learned that I've lived for years within 15 miles of Bob FISCHER and hadn't seen him. Our wives play tennis at the same club and also had not met. However, each mentioned the reunion to a mutual friend, learned they were married to 1960 zoomies, and here we are. It was nice to see them again. Bob works for Airborne Express in Ohio and is home less than I.
Other changes that I'm aware of: Derry ADAMSON's new job is principal scientist for an analytical outfit in Endicott, NY. Jerry CASKEY is an cps manager for Southern Gulf in Lafayette, LA. Miles KASPAR and George LESTER will be leaving Pan Am for United Airlines with the Pacific route sale. Gary GULBRANSEN is a new A300 airbus captain in New York (Pan Am). Dale MAYO is a grandfather--twice. Tony BURSHNICK still has MAC under control--no other news to relate. Clark WALKER is VC of a test wing at Dayton. He says Ron DEEP and Ron YATES are there also, but he seldom sees them. I suppose classified missions keep them on opposite sides of the base.
Rumor has it that Les HOBGOOD has a wing at Ramstein. True? Lets hear about it, Les.
Earl VAN INWEGEN is a DCS rep for Defense and Space negotiations, Hq USAF. He spends half his time in D.C. saving coins to spend in Geneva where he is forced to work the rest of the time. Uncle apparently provides an apartment and wheels. Tough duty--but you and Pat deserve it, Van. Keep up the great work!
Maj Gen Mike LOH also lives at Bolling--practically next door to Van. He apparently is tasked with determining many of the Air Force needs. My sources confirm that he is accomplishing his task with his usual efficiency!
Leon GOODSON has retired, apparently. I'll try to learn where he plans to go--so far no luck. Two new stars on the horizon: Dale THOMPSON and Dennis WALSH. Great going, guys. Now tell us where you're going.
Quick address changes picked up from the cards--no other info: Jim THOMASON, 2132 Cloister Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211-3908; Bill GOODYEAR, 244 Woodland Dr., Osprey, FL 33559; Dean VIKAN, 23625 Real CL, Valencia, CA 91355; George LUCK, 7611 Donegal, Wichita, KS 67206; Al JOHNSON, 4813 Tarpon Ln., Alexandria, VA 22309; and Ken BIEHLE, 1004 Woodcrest Ct., Roseville, CA 95678.
Got a note from Norm ALEXANDER. He wants to move the BUFF at the north entrance to behind the stadium. Anyone have access to a small crane? Contact Norm!
Are you rank or status conscious? We have eight generals, over 40 colonels, several doctors and lawyers, one or two real airline pilots, one Navy captain (maybe another that I don't know of) and who knows what else? Write and let me know your status. I'll print it!
Have a great 1986.