Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
The reunion is behind us, but Jock SCHWANK wanted me to pass on that there are some items of memorabilia left from our gathering. There are playing card sets, red or black, and leather coaster sets. Either item sells for $12.50 which includes postage and taxes. Make checks payable to AOG/Class of '60. There wasn't a lot of mail, and I now realize why Andi said that he often had to fabricate things in order to put out a column. I am not as imaginative as Andi; so, you'll only read information which I've been able to gather.
Andi received a letter from Frank MAYBERRY. He and Eve took a trip around the world as part of their reunion trip. Frank recapped the return trip to Woomera, Australia where he works for TRW. They flew to Frankfurt to visit former German neighbors, followed by a stop in England to visit Eve's friends and relatives. Then on to India where riots and unrest messed up their plans to visit Jaipur, but they were able to visit Agra and see the Taj Mahal. They then went to Nepal and took a trek into the mountains. [They] also went elephant riding through the jungle preserve seeing wild animals like rhinos and deer but unfortunately no tigers. Then to Bangkok for some shopping and on to Sydney to return to Woomera by train. It must have been an outstanding experience. I'd have much preferred traveling the world than enduring almost a week of subzero temperatures here in the west. Keep us up to date on your activities down under Frank.
Andi also passed on a letter from Bill and Joan HALES. They have been in Rochester, NY since 1965 working for, who else but, Eastman Kodak. He has put his Air Force experience to good use in that he has been responsible for corporate aviation for the past five years. He has held a variety of management positions in marketing, manufacturing and business before they let him return to most of our first loves, airplanes.
Some weeks ago Pat and I had the good fortune to spend an evening with Jack and Jeanne BRUSH who had a group of neighbors and friends in for dinner. Jack is still very much involved in flying with his J & J Aviation. As we drove up to the house I noticed that his driveway has runway markings, likely the only one like it anywhere, but no airplane in the garage. Bill and Fran HODSON were also among the group. Bill is a professor of math at the former Loretto Heights which is now a Japanese university for about 400 Japanese students. It was an interesting evening with the usual story telling. One I had not heard before and may be of interest to some of your fellow conspirators was told by a veterinarian by the name of Frank Black who had served at the AFA during our senior year. He told a story about one of our classmates who loved animals. It seems this classmate had a handful of coyote pups that he had found abandoned and brought them into the dorm to nurse them back to health. Apparently food which agreed with them was difficult to find. He was reported to have had the doolies at his table fill their mouths with milk to be deposited in a container in his room so that he could have milk to feed them. Evidently the pups still weren't doing well so he had to turn them over to the vet for care. Perhaps Gary SHEETS, who knows more of the details, can verify this.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Bill QUELLETTE changed rural routes but is still in Brunswick. Does that mean you actually moved or was the address just incorrect? John GUTZWEILER has a new street address; 25 Murray Drive, still living in Easton, Pa. And Dale THOMPSON is in place at 1 Circle Drive, Hill AFB, UT as the depot commander.
Send cards and letters! I had gotten promises from some of you, but the mail must have gotten lost. I would really like to hear from some of you who did not attend the reunion so that we all can share in your experiences of recent years.
One last thing! The situation in the Persian Gulf. Although most of us are at that stage of life where we won't be directly involved, several of our classmates have sons and daughters who are serving there. Let's keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.