Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Time flies and I probably shouldn't assume all you middle-age troops can remember last quarter's epistle. However, we did have an article about Tom SCHLECHTE and his airplane, and now I have a photo. Tom is the one on the right! For many of us who haven't seen or heard from him we might deduce his tastes haven't changed much over the years--airplanes and Mickey Mouse.

Another successful football season. The Falcon followers were quite abundant at times during the 10-3 season. The regulars were Jim GLAZA who was seen everywhere the team played; at home games, Dick and Sharon SCHEHR, Doug and Leeanna MILLER, Wayne and Barbara KENDALL, Fred and MaryLou PORTER, Jock SCHWANK, and Gary CREW, all local regular attendees. We had a group of additional fans for the Army game: Brian and Carol KALEY, still with American Airlines and still in Connecticut; Roy and Barb JOLLY, hanging on with TWA and living in Littleton, CO; and Tom and Carol SEEBODE, who also were visiting Lt Eliz (Dau) and Ed Nelson. Tom works for a commercial food processing firm in Houston, TX. Rich and Catherine CARTER came down from Denver. They have recently moved into a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed home in Cherry Hills. We see Joan BIANCUR at most games and once in awhile Andi drops by. They plan to move to Salt Lake City soon. Rosie CLER and son Scott were present for the Notre Dame game and, if I am deciphering my notes correctly, he married off daughter Brandy on Oct. 29 in Boston. From the Boston area we had Paul and De SULLIVAN for the ND game, and they were also on vacation in Wyoming. They have one grandchild who lives with father, Lance Bryant, a marine at Monterey, CA. Our traveling reporter Jim GLAZA went to the Navy game and saw Tom BURKE who is still at the same old business, Ace HOLMAN from Chicago with Texas Instruments, Ken ALNWICK (no change), Norm HALLER who is a granddaddy, and Doug REKENTHALER and son. Doug is in an international business operation which I believe is based in Italy but does business in of all places, Moscow. In fact he was there during the coup. Doug, we'd all like an update! At the Utah game Jim saw Dale THOMPSON, still at Hill AFB; George PUPICH, flying with the same airline; and Howie BRONSON, who as I write is likely instructing some sweet little thing how to ski on the slopes of Big Bear, CA, and when there is little or no snow, continues to build on his house. Last but not least is the one who when he turns sidewise is almost invisible, Deke JOHNSON. Deke had recently returned from Saudi to Boise, ID. During Jim's other travels he spoke to Les HOBGOOD who is the noise abatement officer at the San Antonio airport. He stands at the end of the runway to measure the noise level. He sez he's going deaf! He also reports Hardy LABEL is still hanging on in the motel business in Rhode Island. Jim advises that he is spearheading an effort to consolidate several 30-year reunion tapes and provide a memory of our 30th. Watch for further info in future epistles.
I received a number of Christmas cards and several letters for which I am thankful. Lou PRICE writes he and Sherry are doing fine in Garden Valley, CA. Lou has just finished a book entitled Secrets of the Flute. It concerns math, physics, and design of non-mechanical folk flutes. He is working on a longer book about music and its influence on our culture since prehistoric times. He is looking for ideas on how to market either or both. Any publishers/book retailers out there?

From John MACARTNEY I received a letter and notice of the " '60 Christmas Gathering" held by Bob and Liliane BADGER. Those in attendance were Tony and Karen BURSHNICK, Jerry and Betty DE LA CRUZ, Ralph and Darlene LALIME, George and Evelyn ELSEA, Richard HEAD, and Lorna Aldrich. From the appearance of those in the photos everyone had a good time. John still teaches at American University. He was one of many retired Colonels who were interviewed during Desert Storm. He did about 50 radio interviews and several TV appearances. Is he a star?

Gordo and Ann FLYGARE send an "Ops Normal." He lives in Norman, OK and works for Boeing. Tony and Karen BURSHNICK are now settled in their old house in Springfield, VA.
Had a phone call from Jim THOMASSON who is flying more and working in the family construction business less. He flies a King Air for Executive Business Charters in Charlotte. Recently he flew a charter to Clemson and visited with Earl H. Ambrose, once AOC of 7th Sqdn. Earl was a pilot at Clemson U and in the Dept of Athletics after he retired. He lives in Seneca, a suburb of Clemson. Jim had planned to hear Roach speak on Dec 6 at the Chamber of Commerce meeting, but the Roach cancelled to "reorganize the Air Force."
NEW ADDRESSES: John MACARTNEY, 2119 0 St NW, Washington, DC 20037; Wm BISHOP, 11523 Olde Tiverton Cir, Reston, VA 22094-1930; Don WOLFWINKEL, 1934 Twickenham Pl, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464; and Charles HOLMAN, 404 N. Elm St, Itasca, IL 60143.
Thanks guys! Keep those cards and letters coming.