Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
It's time for Falcon Football again! Those of us here in the shadows of Falcon Stadium are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the '92 season and all the excitement and disappointments it might hold. For you who are planning to attend the Army game at West Point, Brian KALEY is offering his place as a gathering spot. He lives in Brookfield, CT. Contact Brian at his place or call Jim GLAZA at l-800-875-3739 for information. Of course it really is the beginning of summer as I write this epistle. Thanks to Tony BURSHNICK, you will have news worthy of this distinguished readership. Tony sent me a stack of notes from the "Beltway Bandits '60" who met mid-June at the home of Joe and Sue HIGGINS for fun and fellowship. Tony reports that the ladies all looked as lovely as ever, a fact which my old roomy would naturally note. He also observed that a few of the guys could still fit into their cadet uniforms. On to the news!
Tom and Mary BURKE still haunt the scene. If you watched the Kemper Open and thought the marshall on the l5th fairway looked familiar, then you probably guessed it was none other than "Kurtz" himself. He was reported to have hobnobbed with the big boys to get a few tips so that he could take some of your money when you're in town..
Ron YATES was the only active-duty guy there and at this writing is about to move to Wright-Pat to take command of the new Air Force Material Command. Congratulations from all of us! Ron and Connie have their two oldest living in the Denver area and visit them as well as spend time at their condo in Winter Park for skiing to maintain their sanity. Their youngest is a senior in college, and they are looking forward to having her on someone else's payroll soon! Keep those who live out here in mind when you are visiting next.
Ken and Judy ALNWICK are in France this summer to fulfill a 27-year-old promise. Ken is busy with his gaming and simulations business. It oftens takes him to Europe, San Diego, Tampa and Ft Walton Beach. They have children who are a NASA engineer, TV girl Friday, and a U of VA architecture student. Ken plans to attend the AFA History Symposium in October and freeload off of "Killer." (Wayne, hope you knew that before you read it here!)
Mike and Nancy CLARKE retired in '84, and Mike has been in the consulting business there ever since. Nancy has labored for the past 12 years--as the staff floral director in the White House. She and her staff do all of the floral work for President and Mrs Bush. Mike sez it hasn't done him a bit of good.
George and Evelyn ELSEA are settled in Burke, VA, and have son Ray home from Texas, the University, for the summer. He is expected to graduate in Dec. Daughter Megan is working for Christies, the art auction house in New York City. George flies a Tiger Moth as often as time and weather permit. Joe BURSHNICK ('91), Tony and Karen's son, as well as Bob BADGER, have braved the elements to fly with George. George works for EDS.
Bill and Kitty TAYLOR live in Derwood, MD. Bill does consulting for RAND and for MCC, while Kitty works for Lenox China. Bill, I appreciate your empathy having written this column in the past, but your conclusion that there is enough material here to fill these pages for a year is faulty. Only someone like you who could sow words so adeptly would be able to do that. I'll have to continue to make the best out of the marvelous support shown me these past two issues.
Bob and Liliane BADGER are living in Warrenton, VA. Bob commutes to the Justice Dept where he slaves as a staff lawyer. Liliane works for a private law firm. They are proud to report that they are blessed with seven grandchildren! Maybe second only to the Hallers.
Darlene and Ralph LALIME are both working for Doug REKENTHALER in Virginia. Ralph and Ed MONTGOMERY ('59) were to have gone to Moscow on the 4th of July to fly with Russian aircrews. They planned to fly a TU-134 and an AN-12 to Wallops Island for an oceanographic experiment. The mission: find submarines while submerged; something the Russian Space Research Institute claims they can do. Good Luck.
Norm and Liz HALLER spend most of their spare time with their eight granchildren, seven in the D.C. area. They are planning a summer visit to Colo Spgs for Liz's high school reunion.
Richard HEAD is still toiling away at SRS Technologies as the director of Environmental Programs. They do air quality analysis, compliance strategies and pollution prevention for the feds and commercial firms. When not caught up in his work, he sails, travels and enjoys the fellowship of the D.C. group.
Derry and Faith ADAMSON live in Binghamton, NY. They obviously won the prize for the greatest distance traveled. Their children, some who I remember from base housing at McChord AFB, are out and about. Kris is a lawyer, married and living in Tallahassee with a son; Amy is married and living in Boston and has a daughter; third daughter (apparently still unnamed?) is married and living in Atlanta; and David, a sophomore, goes to the U of NY-Buffalo, as does a good bit of Derry's income.
Al and Gale JOHNSON were present. Al works for AFBA and recommends the company credit card. Wants job security! He commented on some video that Tony brought. "Just finished watching tape of ROS-AL Productions of the Roaring '20s Blast. The film should be destroyed to protect the innocent." Oh to stir up memories and spouses!
Les QUERRY hadn't seen most of those gathered for 32 years. He lives in Reston, VA, and has all three of his fledglings out of the nest and in possession of college sheepskins. He operates a consulting business. Wife, Renee, works in Frankfurt; so, Les is shuttling between Washington and Europe or vice-versa. I don't envy you that kind of travel!
Thanks Twan for making this news available. He and Karen made up the remainder of the Washington contingent of '60 attending this gathering.
Joe DESANTIS ('59) asked me to tell you that he has planned a repeat alumni cruise. This one will be a seven-day Alaska Cruise. The departure date is 22 May '93. For more details call Joe at (404) 977 -5029 or Rowena Stephens at (4O4\ 924-4189. I attended a breakfast here in the local area with Charles (ATO) and Sylvia Emmons who attended the last one and said they wouldn't miss it for anything.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS; Dennis WALSH, 40ll S Magnolia Way, Denver, CO 80237.
I look forward to seeing many of you during the football season. Please call if coming to the game. You can find many of us sitting on the east side, just south of the cadet wing about 22 rows up. Please keep me in material.