Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Another deadline and lots of news from several of our classmates coast to coast. There is still some snow here in Woodmoor, but by the time you read this it will be summer, and another class will have been commissioned, and the lineage gets longer. Let's dive into the news.
Jim O'ROURKE sent me a letter to tell me he had a letter of interest to not only our class but others who knew Mike LOVE. I'll include exerpts only: "Our names are Robin and Tom Love. We are writing to you with the hope that you can share with us your recollections of our father. He flew missions in Vietnam with the Bien Hoa Buzzards. March '76 he perished at Edwards in a crash on Rogers Dry Lake. At the time we were 11 and seven years old. Now we are 28 and 24 and would like to learn more about who our father was, what he was like, who his friends were, etc.
"Toward that end, we hope you will share with us the experiences and memories that you have of Mike. Examples of information you could share might include colorful stories about him, run-ins you had with him, mistakes he made ... anything that might add to the image we have of him as a hard-working, dedicated pilot. We want to know him as you knew him! Please respond to either of these addresses; Tom Love, 7816 Hendrix N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87110 or Robin Love, 2012 W. Cedar St., Unit B, Alhambra, CA 91801." Please share your memories with these young people. Jim also wrote that Nels DELISANTI has returned from Russia and is back at the U of Puget Sound teaching business administration.
Tony BURSHNICK reports that a group of Beltway Bandits assembled master's Jan. 30 to celebrate what was believed to be George ELSEA's 54th birthday. George had the flu and couldn't make it, but they partied anyway ... they celebrated Tom BURKE's birthday instead. Tony is heading a group called the Defense Readiness Council which is planning to lobby congress concerning keeping the gays out of the military. He needs help from "heavy hitters only"--as TROA etc.--will get the grass-root support out. The hearings will have started March 24; contact Tony if you need materials or have financial assistance. Other happenings: he and Karen will travel to Israel at the end of March as guests of the Jewish Institute Springs for National Affairs hosted by the Israeli government. While Tony is involved in seminars and serious stuff, Karen will be a tourist and visit the sites of biblical significance and other historic sites.
Bob and Liliane BADGER said one of the party's fundamental goals was to harass Derry ADAMSON who was a Buffalo Bills fan. Bob continues to ply his legal skills with the Dept of Justice. Liliane is with a private law firm. They invite you to call if you're in the area and need a place to stay.
Ralph and Darlene LALIME are both employed. Ralph still works for REKENTAHALER as a Beltway Bandit. He says Doug was in Moscow and then off to Budapest. They are excited about all the happenings in Eastern Europe. Darlene works for the legislative arm of the Virginia Dental Hygiene Association. One son, Chris, is captain of the crew team at George Mason U and son Jay is a freshman at Virginia Tech. Lalimes and Rekenthalers are planning to join the '59ers on the cruise to Alaska in May.
Tom and Mary Ellen BURKE wanted us to know that they have three out of college, two in, and one to go. Jennifer is at Bill and Mary, Katie is at Mary Washington College(?). He wanted to know the whereabouts of Ken BIEHLE and Dave LUCE. Ken is in the Register, and the data is believed accurate. Dave's data is dated but could be right. Those of you in their backyard; please call them and ask them to write me so we can all be brought up to date!
From our traveling correspondent, Jim O'ROURKE: "The 1993 annual mini-reunion took place in Salt Lake City, as always, during the first week of March. It was blessed with a plentiful supply of beautiful snow for skiing, and the weather was perfect all week long. Our classmates who were present for the festivities all agreed that the rest of you were missing a great chance to see old friends and renew old memories. As time goes by they both become more precious, and also seem to change for the better.
"Not to forget, of course, that the snow was better this year than it has been for eons. Andy and Joan BIANCUR hosted the reunion and held a great party on Saturday night in their new digs on the side of the mountain above the city. Andy works for a major corporation in Salt Lake and is always ready to show any of you the sights of the area. Andy's son Christian, an airman and medic, home from Wilford Hall at the time agreed to help bash the mountains and try to flatten them out. Jim and Bev O'ROURKE drove in from Tacoma, WA to try some of the Utah snow. He reports that the snow in Washington was quite

good this year, but still not as good as Utah's. He is working for Boeing in the flight training department, since his flying job with Eastern vaporized a few years ago. He happily reports that his daughter, Leslie, has presented them with a granddaughter while still finding the time to complete her master's degree in environmental engineering and working full-time for Stanford in that same field. An extraordinary lady!
"Greg BOYINGTON and his son, Greg, flew into town to slip the slopes fantastic. In the Bay area, Greg and Tom CHASE are partners in and managing apartments. Greg also is in a joint venture with son Greg restoring an old Victorian house for fun and profit. Brian KALEY arrived on Wednesday for the western snow. He is used to the Connecticut type, although at this time of the year he commutes from a place in Florida for his airline job. Jim GLAZA drove over from Colorado Springs to take part in the festivities and try to lead where others should not try to follow (straight down the mountain). Ralph and Darlene LALIME flew in for several days of great skiing.
"While at Brighton Ski Area, they followed where Jim led, and Darlene had a mishap. This did not dampen their enthusiasm, and the gang helped carry her into Andy's house for the party where a good time was had by all. There was so much food that Joan was begging people to take some home with them. (Reminds me of visiting with Jim ALEXANDER in Piqua, OH when his mom fixed a washtub of spaghetti, because, you know, cadets eat a lot! Andy had several weeks of leftovers in sight when we left the party.
"On a less happy note, Dick SHEPARD was missed at this year's gathering. He is in Florida undergoing heavy chemotherapy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and Marsha during this battle. Those of you who did not come this year, but who could have, please keep the first week of March blocked for next year. Even if you don't ski, there are many good times to be had while 'reuning' in the hotel hot tub or over dinner; and there is always good shopping and sightseeing available." Thanks Jim!
Andi sent a supplement to Jim's report: "Of course, there were those charter members of the 10 Percent Club who showed up one week late! Bill and Kathleen GILLIS and their sons Mont and Glen arrived on March 12 to ski for four days. Initially, Ken ALNWICK and son Keith were due to arrive on March 13 to join in, but Mother Nature met them on the East Coast during the snowstorm of the century and delayed their arrival by two days. We did manage one evening meal together before the Gillis' had to leave. Avoiding spring break is one of the reasons to schedule the event the first week of March. This minimizes the length of the lift lines so that we can cram in more runs per day. Plan to be here in '94."
Had a long letter from Frank and Eve MAYBERRY. They returned to Alice Springs in February. They had returned to the states when TRW lost their contract in Woomera, Australia; but ever optimistic they left their campervan in storage down under, and it looks as though they'll have two and-a-half years more of work and travel. They had a busy year before leaving though. Daughter Kari graduated from Colo State U in May and took the plunge on Sept. 12. She married Donald Szynskie in the gardens of the Phipps mansion in Denver. The newlyweds honeymooned in New Zealand for five weeks and then returned to set up housekeeping in Denver. Frank reported that he and Eve were able to spend some time with Charlie and Mercy THOMPSON while in Redondo Beach. Charlie is still with McDonnell-Douglas and in his spare time participates in a barbershop singing group. The Mayberrys also stopped in on Reb and Sue GUILLOT who live in Tucson. Reb is still with Hughes, and his wife, Sue, is busy in real estate. Frank and Eve extend a welcome to weary travelers down under to come and stay a spell when in the neighborhood.
Change of addresses: Frank MAYBERRY, Box R146, APO AP 96548; Norm CONGDON, 1055 Red Oaks Loop NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122.
Thanks for the info. Keep the letters and phone calls coming and a picture of gatherings would be appreciated. Thanks.