Checkpoints Class News
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Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
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Holiday Greetings from Colorful Colorado! During this joyous season it's a shame to start off with a sad note. I received a letter from Roger LENT with an obituary enclosed. It was announcing the death of Leon F. MOLINELLI! You should find further info regarding this loss to family, friends, and our class in the Gone But Not Forgotten section.
This leads me into the next and most important part of this issue. Andi BIANCUR, Jock SCHWANK, Jim GLAZA, Jack BRUSH, and I sat down one afternoon in Sept to discuss "Reunion '95," and the planning is underway. However, it seems that we are reaching the time in our lives when many of us are becoming more likely not to survive another five years to await attending our 40-year reunion, so ... start to make plans to come to this one!
Here's a letter from our Class Pres: "Chris, begin to tell the folks about the upcoming (35th year) reunion. The tentative dates are, in priority order: 9 Sep '95--Wyoming game; 16 Sep '95--CSU; and 7 Oct--UTEP. Jock will check on any restrictions to those dates. The reunion format will be a bit less structured than previous years with a variety of optional events scheduled from Thursday through Saturday evening. Thursday is planned to hold several possible tours and/or golf and the possibility of an open house for those who have not seen enough of the plant. In the afternoon, State of the Wing briefing, a memorial service, and 'short' class meeting which will precede a sit-down dinner. Saturday will be centered around a tailgate and the football game. We will probably schedule an informal buffet dinner that evening to close out the planned activities. Sunday is set aside for good-bys, chapel, and return travel. We will begin to form small committees to oversee various aspects of the get together. At present, the only efforts are to establish the probable dates and kick-off the thought processes. It would be appropriate to dedicate the Val BOURQUE Memorial, but we are far short of the funds needed. Six thousand dollars is the sum we need, and we need more of you to reach into your pockets and come up with something besides empty." Thanks Andi; please mark your calendars and give us you input if you have any special thoughts on our 35th.
Just after the summer issue deadline I received a letter from Frank and Eve MAYBERRY. They were on their way to Australia again with household goods packed, car sold and reservations in hand, but they got caught up in Clinton economics. So, they were forced to live in the lap of luxury at the Portofino Inn at King's Harbor in Redondo Beach while "Uncle" decided to cancel their move ... all expenses paid! So with nothing but time on their hands, they spent Memorial weekend with Lew and Sherry PRICE in Garden Valley near Sacramento. They reported that Lew and Sherry live in a hillside wooded retreat among the deer and raccoons. Lew is marketing his handmade Indian flutes. During the summer the Mayberrys looked for a retirement spot in Oregon and Nevada. They also planned a Sept trip to Australia to retrieve their camper van left from their previous tour. Plans included two months of van travel across the Australian continent and hopefully visiting with Jim and Erika KERR who live in Queensland. Frank is still employed by TRW, but should anyone have or know of a need for an expert in satellite systems engineering or satellite operations, call Frank.
Roger and Carol LENT are still living in Spokane, WA where Roger teaches chemistry at Spokane Falls Community College. Roger retired in '80 and stays active playing squash and keeping up with four grandchildren. Darin, their oldest, is a system analyst with Boeing Aerospace in Seattle. A bio from Ed WHITMAN indicates he retired from the reserves on 1 May '93 in the grade of Colonel. He and Mary have a 17-year-old son Brad who will be a high school senior this fall. Brad spent the summer at Harvard in a summer-school program. Mary finished a master's at City University of New York in Feb '93 and is a junior-high math teacher. Received the photo of Bruce MOSIER and Clem DOUGLAS from the AOG. Bruce, C.T., you are supposed to send these to me with a volume or two explaining how family and work have been progressing. Bruce was visiting the Douglas' home in Kentucky. He is a TWA DC-9 captain and USAFR Colonel (retired); while Clem is a Delta 727 captain and USAR warrant officer (retired). Both look so young!

Bob ODENWELLER writes he is still flying international flights for TWA. He was one of a group of CRAF crews who received the Civilian Desert Shield/Storm Medal and the Air Medal for participating in 20 missions, 11 of them during the period of hostilities. During the second mission, on take-off from the naval facility at Jubail in a 747 near max gross weight, he had the misfortune of having #1 engine fail. Later, it was discovered to have had the turbine section "corncobbed", but it made it safely to Cairo. In his other life, Bob was presented the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award for "Distinguished Service to Philately." That is the highest award given in the U.S. for stamp collecting, and is presented annually to one person by the Collectors Club of New York, an international club that is considered one of the top two in the world. Congratulations from all of us! Bob is hoping to have another book out this year if he can liberate it from the printers in Taiwan, and is working on three others. Not to be outdone, wife, Jane, is working on a novel-length book in poetry form.
Tony BURNSHNICK and the other Beltway Bandits met for lunch and beverages recently, and he sent me sheet of notes from those who attended. I don't really have any handwriting expertise but will attempt to decipher what each wrote! John MACARTNEY retired in '90 and has been teaching foreign policy and national security courses at American U. ever since. He and Lorna live in downtown D.C. and have a spare bedroom ready for '60 visitors. They spent part of the summer in Seattle and got together with Paul VALLERIE and Phil MEINHARDT. Norm and Liz HALLER have eight grandchildren (seven boys and one girl). Son Richard, AFA '88, is flying C-5s at Dover. His wife, Julie, AFA '88, is expecting grandchild #9. Bob BADGER is enjoying the get-togethers and more frequent trips into nostalgia. His five youngsters are lagging the Hallers, only seven grandchildren. Ken and Judy ALNWICK were preparing for their second wedding in two years. Leslie, who is a NASA support engineer at the Cape, took the leap. Ken claims to be on the road every week so he should be bumping into some of you.
Dick SEXTON writes he and Sally have lots more money on hand; they graduated their two daughters Helen and Ann from college. They would like to retire but are too busy to get around to it. Dick is selling real estate, I understand! Bill and Kitty TAYLOR are both at their old jobs. Son Jim, AFA '85, is flying full time for the Idaho Air Guard in the same Wild Weasel airframes Bill flew in the Philippines. Daughter Leslie is married to a lawyer and lives in Dallas. They are the parents of the neatest grandchildren in whole wide world sez Bill. Al JOHNSON is still knocking around Alexandria, VA. Richard HEAD is still with SRS Technologies and living in Oakton. He spent a week in Martha's Vineyard this summer and is taking up biking as a hobby.
Bill GOODYEAR moved out of town to Williamsburg to be closer to Langley AFB. Jerry DE LA CRUZ reports his life is dull but at least he was present. Tom BURKE is undergoing the stress of planning first daughter's wedding on Oct 16; only five more to go. He is still working at the same old job and is likely to be for many more years to educate and marry off the remainder of them. Ralph LALIME and Bob WEINAUG were also in attendance. Tony BURSHNICK not only keeps this group together but has served as president of the Defense Readiness Council, which was instrumental in lobbying for the recent victory on the homosexuals-in-the-military issue. Thanks to Tony and Ralph for all the news.
Football season is in full swing and brings many of us together on not always-happy Saturday afternoons, but I'd like to report the turnout is super and everyone is in good health. George and Diana PUPICH are in the Springs looking to build a retirement home. Jim GLAZA is always a part of the tailgate scene. Andi BIANCUR stopped in for the opening game. Dick and Sharon SCHEHR are ever present and share adjacent seating. Fred and Mary Lou PORTER are still at their old jobs. Gary and Barbara CREW make the trip down from Denver for all the games. Roy and Barbara JOLLY sit next to me and Roy, and I bemoan the sometimes lackluster play of the Falcons. Wayne and Barb KENDALL are also staunch supporters. Did see Earl and Pat VAN INWEGEN visiting from California but didn't get to talk to them. The Cotton Bowl team got together in October so will have more on the group next time.
ADDRESS CHANGE: Derry ADAMSON: 2218 Major Loring Way, Marietta, GA 30064; Frank MAYBERRY: 6542 Ocean Crest Dr, D503, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274.
Write, you who haven't, and you regulars please keep up the good work.