Checkpoints Class News
690 Winding Hills Road
Monument, CO 80132
Home: (719) 488-2504
Spring will be in the air when you read this but I am writing in the cold of winter. So much for deadlines which are three months before publishing. I've been lucky this time to have a number of events and several letters and phone calls to give me a lot to write about. Appreciate it!
Some business up front, especially for those of you in the Rocky Mtn. States, there will be a Founders Day dinner at Lowry O'Club. The dinner is scheduled for 2 April 94 and will be the last AFA function at Lowry AFB before it closes. The dinner is being sponsored by the Rampart Chapter of the AOG. Its purpose is to honor the original (first) four classes. Pete TODD, '59, is heading up the effort, and any of you who will be in the area please plan to come. Further info about prices, time, billeting, etc. should have been mailed out already. If you have been missed, call Capt Livingston at (719) 575-3221. I look forward to seeing many of you there with an update of your recent accomplishments typed and in hand (always need material for Checkpoints).
The football season always brings many of you to town. I make my best effort to be at the games and get something fresh for the column. I had a very special opportunity when the '59 Cotton Bowl team gathered to cheer on the Falcons in their battle with the Wyoming Cowboys. I have unedited comments from most everyone who attended and a photo to prove they were there ... John KUENZEL is retired a second time. He is making a career change from defense contractor to securities broker. John has the welcome mat out in downtown Ft Worth. After convincing the SEC that he means well, John is a full fledged investments broker for A.G. Edwards.

Howie BRONSON can't wait for the snow to fall in the San Bernardino Mtns. of California. He finally passed the associate level ski exam; so, he is making the big bucks now as a ski instructor. It's amazing how those young ski bunnies love that silver hair! His wife, Judy, is pressing on with her ceramic art and is even getting Howie to go with her to her art shows. The boys, David, Stuart and Curtis, are all well and producing grandchildren, except Curtis. They have the welcome mat out in Big Bear now that there is hot running water in the house that Howie built.
Deke and Sally JOHNSON were back. Deke was back from Kuwait for his son Derry's wedding and expects to be stateside for awhile. He is well and living in Boise. Deke worked in Kuwait representing a German firm during the reconstruction. Prior to that he was the assistant project manager for Arabian Helicopter which had the medical evacuation contract for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is looking for work in the USA so he can enjoy Monday Night Football live. George and Diana PUPICH have moved to Colo Spgs to be near the AFA and son Alex, a 4-degree and football player. Alex is bigger and tougher-looking than his father.

George and Diana are searching for a suitable parcel of land in the Pikes Peak region on which to build their retirement home. Jim GLAZA hosted all of us to steaks at his pad where we all recovered from the disappointing showing on the gridiron.
A number of others showed up to see Army go down to defeat again! Andi and Joan BIANCUR were in from Salt Lake, Brian and Carol KALEY flew in from Naples, FL; Rich and Kathryn CARTER came down from Denver to join in for the festivities. Several of us drove down from Monument, but that's local isn't it? From Tony and Karen BURSHNICK came a report about the Navy game played at Annapolis. Despite the score everyone had a good time at the pre- and post-game parties. Ralph and Darlene LALIME arrived in a luxury motor home and hosted a '60 mini-reunion. Darlene, Karen, and Liliane BADGER set a table of gourmet food that was the envy of the tailgate crowd. So there would be no doubt that this was food being served to proper ladies and gentleman enjoying a culinary delight, Ralph provided wine from a decanter and crystal glasses.
Our traveling correspondent, Jim GLAZA, flew in from Colorado, Andi BIANCUR from Salt Lake, Joe Higgins and Jerry DELACRUZ locals, Bill and Ann CARNEGIE came down from New Jersey, Ken and Judy ALNWICK zipped in from Virginia, Bob and Liliane BADGER cadre, and Tom and Mary BURKE who helped keep Coors in business. Reb GUILLOT's son-in-law upon seeing the artfully-prepared '60 sign which Ralph worked diligently to display (at least 10 minutes), stopped by to pass on Reb's best wishes. Kerry MILLER and Richard HEAD missed the tailgate but more than made up for it by leading the composite cheering section of '59, '60 and '61 during the game. Either their magic wore off at half time or a different team came out for the second half and blew a substantial lead. Thanks Roomy
Got an interesting letter from David REED, M.D., J.D. presently in Denver. Dave did a long internship and residency in anesthesiology in New Zealand and Australia. He returned to Denver to spend a year on the teaching staff at the U of Colo Medical Center followed by private practice for seven years. During that time he was sued once and realized that attorneys had little knowledge of what a physician does. If you can't beat them, join them! He went to DU law school, and upon graduating practiced medical malpractice law part time and returned to the teaching staff part time. In the process of getting involved in the "real world" he realized that there are so many vested interests involved in the legal system that regardless of all the interest and good will of the honest people, it will take a major upheaval to change what is essentially a very corrupt system. Dave is now doing part-time anesthesia work and part-time running a business which evaluates medical negligence for law firms nationwide. He still finds time to head back to New Zealand to do some sailing several times a year. He issued an open invite to the brave to join him on his 40-foot ocean-capable hand-designed-and-built Kiwi vessel. Dave has sailed Auckland to Fiji to New Caledonia 10 times, three solo! He is likely to do something similar April 94 ... "I will guarantee that marine celestial is a different ball game from what we learned on the T-29!"

From Bill HODSON, "...in Sept '92 I received an appointment to the faculty of the Information Resources Management College which is the newest of the three colleges which make up the National Defense University at Ft McNair. I am serving as the chair of the Information Technology Department. Fran works at the National Renewable Energy Lab's D.C. office. We are living in Alexandria, VA. Fran and I have five kids between us, Bill, my oldest, with his wife and two small boys have recently returned to Colo Spgs. Robin, my older daughter, is in Ft Collins, and Desiree, my youngest, is a student in Nanjing, China in a Johns Hopkins program. Lisa, Fran's oldest, is a senior at Arizona St majoring in music, and Tom, her youngest, is a freshman at Westmont in Santa Barbara. We'd love for friends to give us a call when they're in town." Thanks Bill, and continued good fortune.
C.T. DOUGLASS sent a Christmas card and explained his youthful appearance in the previous photo. "...is that I have to--I've got a 15-year-old and a two-year-old, and they're my children, not my grandchildren. It keeps me young too until I hurt myself; then I remember how old I really am. I have a 30-year-old who lives in L.A. and an adopted youngster now 28 flying F-16s." C.T. is still flying 727s with Delta and resides in Villa Hills, KY.
Doug and Leeanna MILLER sent Season's Greetings from their new home in Hyndman, PA. They have found that you can go back home again. They both grew up in this area of Pennsylvania. They are situated on three acres in a beautiful valley with a fishing stream and beautiful autumn leaves. Doug is a Falcon fan and sez his satellite dish brings in 100 channels, including five Denver channels, and 30 are sports channels. He was able to watch 10 AFA games this season. Guests are welcome. They have one guest room plus a camper and for guests with their own rigs, they have a pad with full hook-up. Just call (814) 842-6441 to ensure they're home.
A last bit of unpleasant news from Tony BURSHNICK who called this morning to pass on that Robert P Weinaug Jr, an Army Cpl, was killed in an OH-58 helicopter which crashed near Golden Pond, KY while flying on night maneuvers. He was a member of the 101st Airborne. Burial was Dec 23 at Arlington Nat'l Cemetery. He was promoted to the rank of Sgt and awarded the MSM posthumously. Robert is the son of Robert WEINAUG Sr. and our prayers go out to him and his family.
I recently was dining with friends who had served with Denis WALSH. They tell me that Denis is building an airplane in his basement. He wanted to use the family room but Liz wouldn't let him. It was also reported that he is in a support group of four or five other aircraft builders who have no flying experience and look to the old head for guidance? Wow! This is the same guy who would listen to those around the bar talking about Annapolis and West Point and say he went to Monument! Well, the other two describe their schools by the little towns nearby! Denis and Liz are retired in Denver.
CHANGE-OF-ADDRESS: George PUPICH, 411 Lakewood Cr, Colo Spgs 80910-2606. Thanks for all your input. Keep reunion planning on the front burner. It is only a year and a half away.