Checkpoints Class News
7715 Carrleigh Parkway
Springfield, VA 22152
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Greetings from Washington, D.C. Chris and Pat are on vacation in Michigan and Canada; so, I am filling in for this issue. Tony B.
Nulli Secundus! Remember when that meant, "Second to Nothing." Well we don't have '59 to kick around any more; we are now the senior class on active duty. Just who is left on active duty? Three names come to mind: Mike LOH, Dale THOMPSON, and Ron YATES. They are our superstars (pun intended). I thought this would be a good time to look back on three brilliant careers. I found it very interesting how similar their careers have been.
For starters it is nice to be able to say that they are still married to the same lovely ladies who shared many memories of cadet days and early lieutenant trials and tribulations. These ladies deserve a special thanks for not only putting tip with our illustrious classmates but for doing so much for our Air Force. Each in your own way made contributions that can't be measured or rewarded. You are the wind beneath the wings of our heroes! For that we thank you.
All three were fighter pilots. Mike and Ron in fighter interceptors while Dale flew the heavies: Thuds and F-111s. Mike and Ron graduated from test pilot school while Dale validated the program with all of his instructing and teaching at squadron level. They all went through the chairs at wing level. Dale and Ron ended up as wing commanders and Mike as the England AFB vice commander. Mike and Dale aced the Air War College program while Ron was cum laude at ICAF. Mike and Ron then went on to spend a lot of time with the Air Force Systems Command.
Mike was the program manager for the YF-16/YF-17 and worked the F-16 SPO. He later commanded the Aeronautical Systems Division. Ron also worked the F-16 as the PEM and later program director. Mike and Ron both held high-powered jobs at the Pentagon, Mike as the Vice Chief and Ron as principal deputy assistant SECAF for Acquisition.
Meanwhile Dale was trying to avoid the Pentagon! He did not make it and had to serve a tour in the NMCC J-3 of the OJCS. But he found himself paying club dues in Ramstein and Upper Heyford. There he did it all: fighter operations, chasing Quadaffi, and learning a lot about logistics.
But all three still had even bigger things waiting for them. Mike would command his first love, TAC, and later Air Combat Command, made up of everything that flies, fights, and wins. Ron took command of AFSC; however, the Air Force thought he had too much free time so they also gave him the old AF Logistics Command to run. They then changed the name of the new organization to Air Force Material Command so it would not appear to be too difficult a task. Dale meantime commanded the Ogden Air Logistics Center and then came to Wright-Pat to give Ron a hand as the AFMC vice commander.
With less than a year to go and counting, our fellow classmates will find very little free time to plan their retirement years. Mike is in the middle of the great debate: Can we fight two medium-range conflicts? What should the bomber force look like? When do we get the F-22? How much, how fast, and where do we draw down the force? Ron and Dale are no less busy. Will we keep all our depots? Can they be competitive? How much money for R&D and how much for new procurement? R&D in-house or privatized? Can we maintain all our test facilities?
So suffice it to say our fellow grads sit at the highest echelons of our Air Force (many predicted that 35 years ago). No question you have done well. The rest of us in '60 salute you and say thanks for keeping our banner raised so high.
Now for a quick trip around the Beltway. Jerry and Betty DE LA CRUZ threw a great Mexican potluck back in April. The food was fantastic, and Jerry's formula for sangria loosened up the tongues. Ralph and Darlene LALIME have son Chris out of college and Jay with one year to go at Virginia Tech. Darlene stays active with the Virginia Dental Hygiene Assoc. while Ralph struggles at Rekenthaller Inc. Dick SEXTON is still in the realty business but is free-lancing as a paralegal. Daughter Helen is married and Ann, a recent grad, is employed at the American Enterprise Inst. Dick, it is time for you and Sally to really retire. Chris will find you a place in Colorado. Bill and Fran HODSON checked into the D.C. '60 Club. They have three of the brightest grandchildren in America and can't wait for you to visit and to show you the videos of them. Joe and Sue HIGGENS are taking all those savings and enjoying the good life--Grenada this past March and Ireland this summer. Kitty and Bill TAYLOR are still working, and saving, and hoping to travel. Kitty is with Lenox and Bill with RAND. (They are saving for the reunion.) Nothing new with John MACARTNEY and Lorna (not enough sangria). If you tune to a D.C. radio station after any military action you will hear JD in his military consultant role. He is better than any four-star.

Tom and Mary BURKE have good news and bad news. Good news: The last child, son John, is finally in college. Bad news: That makes three in college at the same time. It is only money, Tom. Bob and Liliane BADGER lay claim to the most grandchildren (seven). Son Bob Jr. joins the law connection this spring after graduating from Notre Dame. One still in college. Bob is still with the Justice Department flying top legal cover for the FAA. Judy and Ken ALNWICK get daughter Leslie married off this fall. Melanie and Keith are both gainfully employed. Ken is still working the simulation and gaming business while Judy, despite the bureaucracy, continues to educate the next generation. Leon and Maryn GOODSON have all the kids married off, one granddaughter and one on the way. Ops research business is going well enough to pay for yearly ski trips. Evelyn and George ELSIE got both kids married this year. Merran is in Seattle and Roy is in Austin. George still flies the Tiger Moth but will hanger it this summer to enjoy a Scottish vacation with Evie in Inverness. Richard HEAD is enjoying life to the fullest in D.C. Daughter Laura is a D.C. lawyer while son Tim explores Boulder. Like father like son. Al and Gale JOHNSON still run the AFBA Bank in Old Town. Al will make you a deal for all your financial needs. Call collect. No news on HALLER, CLARKE, GOODYEAR, REKENTHALLER, WEINAUG, or QUERRY who were noticeable by their absence.
One of the last phone calls Chris received was from Frank MAYBERRY. Frank and Eve were visiting their daughter in Denver during the last week of April. They had just returned from a visit to Eve's family in England. During the preceding months they had the opportunity to visit several classmates. In Lubbock they saw Ted and Donna STUMM. Ted is finishing his master's in economics and hopes to land a job in city government. Frank said he reviewed Ted's thesis and it was very good; well beyond what one would expect for a degree seeker.
They spent time in February with Lew and Sherry PRICE at their home in Northern California. Frank has taken up playing the flute which he got from Lew. Lew is still turning out hand-made flutes but can't make them fast enough to keep up with the demand. The Prices plan on being at the reunion. Get your flute orders in early.
Frank talked to Jack SCHIRA who told him he was giving up on politics. Jack tried to run as a Democrat in a Republican (Dayton, OH) district. Jack is going to concentrate on making money. When you make it Jack don't forget the AOG building fund. Frank also heard that Vic YOAKUM is teaching ROTC in Louisiana. Check in Vic.
The MAYBERRYs were to leave for Australia the first week of May. If you remember Chris reported about a year ago that Frank had retired from TRW in Feb '93 after his project had been cancelled. Well TRW has made an offer Frank and Eve could not turn down so Alice Springs here they come. They look forward to seeing Jim and Erika KERR who are still engaged in providing mowers to the Aussies and live in Queensland. Frank says he looks forward to having visitors, but to be sure to call or write ahead. He will stay home to greet you. Change of address and phone number in the next issue.
Those of you who really keep track of our classmates know that my earlier comment about who is left on active duty was not quite correct. Dean BRISTOW will probably be the last member of '60 to put the blue suit away. Dean resigned in 1967, went to medical school to be a urologist and by the late '80s was the chief flight surgeon for the Utah National Guard. During the Gulf War Dean was called to active duty and sent to Offutt AFB. After the war, he had the opportunity to return full-time to active duty which he did with a DOR of Jan '92. Dean is now the chief of Hospital Services at Davis-Monthan and will pin on full colonel in January. He could serve 10 more years with an age waiver. Dean and Sandra have three lovely daughters and a son who is on a church mission in Germany. Hang in there, Dean, we in '60 are equally proud of you.
Hope you all enjoyed the update. Remember Wayne KENDALL and I represent you on the AOG Board. Let us hear from you if you have any suggestions or complaints. Keep the cards and letters coming to Chris. He still has deadlines to meet.