Checkpoints Class News
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Our 35th reunion September 13-17 was above-average, and those 109 who did not attend were missed. (Those who attended are listed in this column).
Dazzling moments included the election of class officers. Re-elected to thunderous silence was president Andi BIANCUR, who did a fine job getting us to "gaggle" on the parade field to review the Cadet Wing; vice president Jack BRUSH, who performed with the usual noblesse oblige while wife, Jeanne, confided that Jack is secretly North America's largest manufacturer of whoopee-cushions; treasurer Wayne KENDALL, supplier of wonder-drugs to those of us in need, and as one nervous wife informed him: "I'm out of estrogen, and I've got a gun!" My nomination as Scribe can only be described as the sound of one hand clapping in a forest (Chris WARACK's now got time for a real job!), and I volunteered to earn big bucks, then discovered it was pro bono, and publico.
It was important to count attendees; ergo, being non compos math mentis, I sat near Alex ZIMMERMAN and Bill CARNEGIE at the football game to calculate the stats: 88 classmates (45 percent of those 197 1iving), 72 wives, five ATOs: Bache, Bowser, Cole, Emmons, Till. "Frenchy" OUELLETTE got three former faculty members to attend: Mike Fatiuk, Al Miele, and Bill Roche.

(Attending but not shown were '59ers Bobby Blake, Charlie May and Robin Kozelka')
Mike LOH retired with four stars in June at Langley AFB as head of Air Combat Command, and was previously Vice Air Force Chief of Staff (pictorial encomium included, thanks to Bill TAYLOR). He and wife, Barbara, met son Michael Anthony of USAFA '84 and wife, Diane, at the game. Ron YATES retired, but his 35-year marriage to lovely Connie is on shaky ground since Ron saw her mongering (sic) at the pre-game tailgate party with wanton churls Al JOHNSON, Bill GILLIS, and yours truly (Such Men Are Dangerous). Dale THOMPSON looks as young as he did when he came to the Academy from Lawton, OK. Lies.
First-timers at a reunion were Bill LENINGER, who is not a spy but "came in from out of the cold" after 35 years, has lived in Albuquerque, NM 28 years with wife, Ellen, and is a systems programmer for BDM Technologies. Also George FRIES, who'd never been back and marveled at the Field House, Chapel, Doolittle Hall, etc. al. "It's nicer than Lowry II!"
Al JOHNSON and Gale recently returned from Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, and other South Pacific sites. Son Mike graduated from Yale (NEVER heard of it) and got a medical degree from the U. of Virginia; is now interning as an eye surgeon at Johns Hopkins (NEVER heard of it). Al offered Mike for a complimentary removal of the bags under my eyes, an observation much appreciated. Also attending were SHEETS, STUMM, Charlie THOMPSON, VALLERIE, SCHEHR, SEEBODE, SEXTON, GOODSON, HEAD, GURLEY, HIGGINS, CASKEY, ALNWICK, Jim ALEXANDER, VAN INWEGEN, O'ROURKE, CARTER (who was that masked lady, Rich?), Clemeunt Tranumn DOUGLASS III, GOODYEAR, PORTER, SHIELDS, Doug MILLER, and THOMAS.
Good to see former "roomies" George ELSEA (during 1st class year the Comm decided this match would provide corrective action to my wayward ways, which only resulted in more demerits for George); George LUCK, who'd go off and shoot guns while I had to run his squadron that last summer; Gordy FLYGARE, my nominee for the Phil Donahue lookalike contest; John MACARTNEY, retired bird and professor at American University.
Memorable activities were the dedication of Val BOURQUE's alcove at Doolittle Hall attended by wife, Linda Sheppard; Memorial Ceremony at the Chapel paying respects to our six classmates who passed away since our last reunion (BUCHEN, ECKWEILER, Larry JOHNSON, MACFARLANE, SHEPARD, SHIER--that now makes 30, total); and the ceremony on Saturday morning to award Lt Gen Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., the Thomas D. White National Defense Award. Shaking the hand of Gen Davis--head of the Tuskegee Airmen--was a personal thrill.

Hal BROST and wife, Libby, took this opportunity to visit their daughter at the C.U. Medical School in Denver ... Ron DEEP teaches artificial intelligence and statistics at the University of Dayton's School of Engineering ... Duck WADDLE's in the Springs working for his son-in-law who has three plumbing and supply companies (2115 Paseo del Oro, C-Springs, 80904) ... Johnnie KUENZEL is financial adviser for A.G. Edwards in Ft. Worth, and we should have sent him in for the last quarter of the CSU-AFA game ... D.L. WALSH has a beard which can only be described as "a beard" ... Jock SCHWANK's still a jock with the AOG ... Thomas Edward BURKE's been adding fertility drugs to wife, Mary Ellen's, gruel: Kathleen (29) works for Kellogg's, Elizabeth (28) does design work in Hoboken, Aileen (26) is business manager for a veterinary hospital in Virginia, Jennifer (22) graduated from William & Mary and works for Norwest Bank, Katie (21) is a senior at Mary Washington College, John (20) is at Mt. St. Mary's College ... Dean VIKAN looks semi-great ... Phil MEINHARDT had to be reminded that he'd introduced me to my wife, Karen, on a blind date back in Grand Island, NE ... Deke JOHNSON won the award for most unique mode of transport, driving from Boise in a go-cart with wife, Sally, in an attached sidecar ... rumor has it that Pappy BOYINGTON came from California on a motorcycle .. . Ed NOGAR looks just like Ed NOGAR always did ... Tony BURSHNICK's grown taller or I've grown shorter ... Dave SWEIGART sings with the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra Chorus ... George PUPICH attends every AFA game ... son Alex is a great football player, unlike his "triple-threat" father ... Ace HOLMAN has three girls/two boys, two girls/three boys, or no boys/five girls, and owns a computer company in Mobile, AL. Others attending were GEORGI, GLAZA, JOLLY, KALEY, LALIME, BIEHLE, CONGDON, HOBGOOD, HODSON, KING, MOSIER and his lovely daughters (must be genes of Caryl, Bruce), ODENWELLER, SCHIRA, WATERMAN, LOVELL, BRONSON, and LIGGETT.
Jim BUJALSKI's owner of JC Enterprises in Orangevale, CA ... Frank and Eve MAYBERRY came from Alice Springs, Australia ... Hardy LEBEL instructs in seaplanes, flies for private airlines from his home in Westerly, RI and flew-in doctors for "Wings of Hope" in Belize several years ago ... Gary CREW operates a golf practice range and builds custom clubs in Littleton, CO.
Four attended who didn't graduate, and their presence was a pleasure. Dick DOYLE had some trouble with English our last semester, and elected not to accept optional extensions. Hank SREDL (Czech's his second language) left in Feb. '58 to get married, got a master's from N.Y.U. and a Ph.D. from Ohio state, teaches at Oregon State University. Hank said that "the Academy shaped my views toward education and life." Hank roomed with Paul SONES, who was injured in a Ryan PT-22 as a sophomore in the same accident which killed Dick DAVIS. Still partially paralyzed, Paul spent a year at the V.A. Hospital in Roxbury, MA, got a B.S. from the U. of Illinois and a master's in engineering from M.I.T (NEVER heard of it), performed at the 1960 Wheelchair Olympics in Rome, recently retired from Raytheon where he worked on the Patriot missile, and has four children with wife, Sheila. Les QUERRY brought many pictures, including a few of the Roman Blast.
Dean BRISTOW's our only classmate still on active duty. Following med school at UC-Irvine in 1967, Dean established practice in Utah and was in the Reserves, called back during Desert Storm for four months. He's now commander of the 23rd Medical Group at Pope AFB, NC (that makes five doctors in our class--Dean, Dave REED, who's in Denver, Wayne KENDALL, and the two doctors not attending were Dave LUCE and John DAY). Vic YOAKUM's at the Career Academy at Hollywood High School in L.A., a "school-within-a-school" which gets local community members such as Universal Studios to provide scholarships/jobs under DoD grants for immigrants. Works closely with '59ers Larry THOMPSON and Bob JENNINGS. Jon MCCLURE's a lawyer in Valdosta, Gawja, drinks branch water and bourbon under Spanish moss, and does a nice imitation of Gregory Peck in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Southern Comfort.
Thirty-five years proffer some change. Of those in attendance, my estimate is about a long ton in added weight (why can't we gain pounds on our ankles, or elbows?), less hard liquor and more wine (if those two unsavory party-types attempted to have another entirely-tasteless blast, they'd have to employ stunt doubles), only a few smokers, and some penchant for reflection. Kind of like: "The first part of our life is over; what are we going to do with the next 25 or 30?"

Change of Address: Sid NEWCOMB, 109 E. 11th St., Elgin, TX 78621. Jerry DAILY N 7733 Laura Lane, Elkhorn, WI 53121.