Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave.
Building Two, Suite 208
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
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Already thinking about our 40th reunion in 2000 C.E., Paul VALLERIE has a great idea: "I kept thinking we need to record our class' adventures someplace/somehow. During the reunion, I talked to several people about things we did and had lots of good laughs remembering antics back at Lowry, during pep rallies and around the Denver and Colorado Springs campus. I'm sure there are lots of stories that we as a class should capture someplace and have available in future years, which would bring a chuckle and surface fond memories. (I'll volunteer to put together a booklet of anecdotes if people will send them to me.) One will be the OC's pants up the flagpole that I related at the reunion. I also talked to Dick HEAD about the cadet who was "killed" during our weapons training on the .45 pistol. Remember that gunshot as we were told to clear our weapons? The Matador picture reminded me of the F-100 whose tail number we used to use on determining answers on tests." Send to: 12512 SE 6th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006-3913.
More on the Reunion from Grafton, VA by George Joseph Charles (GJC) FRIES, formerly of Brooklyn, NY: "Jim GLAZA had some people over Sunday for a steak cookout/football afternoon--Charlie and Mercedes THOMPSON, Vic and Pat YOAKUM, Jon and Jean MCCLURE, and me. Jim went into his selling routine--not unlike the demonstration we saw Saturday night, and did sell some coasters and playing cards. We all had a toast to those classmates choosing not to attend our reunion! During lunch with the wing, Les QUERRY didn't mind telling cadets about his 'most fun' time saying: 'SCREW YOUR HEAD IN, FOGELMAN'. (Amazing that somewhere in the wing was a future Chief of Staff and MAJCOM commanders)."
Formerly of San Jose, Costa Rica, multi-linguistic Sidney Howard (Sid) NEWCOMB, soccer-player nonpareil, recapped his last five years: "Retired June 1990 at Bergstrom serving on the Hq. 12th Air Force staff with responsibilities concerning USAF education and training programs in Latin America. Worked at my church for a year, overseeing home fellowship groups and Sunday school. An AF Junior ROTC slot opened at Lake Worth High School, south of West Palm Beach--a dynamic program with 500 of its 2,200 student body wearing Air Force blue once a week. Taught airplanes and how to fly them (using four flight simulators), weather and navigation from '91-95. Then moved to Texas this past July and bought a small home in Elgin (population 4,846!): three of our four grandchildren, both grandsons and my sister, live within 45 minutes of Elgin and wife, Marvann's parents and sister live in Fort Worth and Houston, respectively. Perhaps I'll get certified to teach Spanish or English at Elgin High. We hoped to attend the 35th, but couldn't because we moved and bought a home, etc. I'll be there in 2000 a.d.! The welcome mat is out for any Nulli Secundus near central Texas. Stay with us and try some famous Elgin Hot Sausage. Twenty miles east of Austin, call (512) 285-9559." (Scribe: Sid sent sausage for the Notre Dame-AFA tailgate-Great!)

at Kelly AFB, Inter-Aerican Air Forces Academy
From a resident of Roseville, CA came this missive by Pre-Academy resident of Biehle (any familial connection?), Missouri: "After 10 years flying C-130s for Southern Air Transport, I'm hanging up the headset. Took log books on my last trip--35 years, 15,000 hours, 4,000 flights to 265 airfields in 42 countries. That equates to 3,250 nights away from home and 2,000 post-flight beers. I have no retirement plans except: golf, fishing, biking in the Sierras. I may do some consulting, an occupation I hadn't considered before talking to classmates at the reunion." (Kenneth Hubert BIEHLE).

Many classmates live near the Springs, and Monument-resident Christian Adam (Chris) WARACK wrote of recent events: Took time off the end of Oct. to visit family in North Carolina. Pat and I went to Fayetteville to be with a son (AFA'87) and family, and our newlywed daughter who is a nurse in the Fayetteville VA Hospital. Also visited a sister and husband who live near Ashville. An enjoyable time spoiling three grandsons and seeing our youngest two. While there, Pat and I lunched with Dean BRISTOW who is Medical Group commander at Pope AFB. Dean is a class B bachelor out for a few years and settled in Payson, UT where several of the Bristow offspring are holed-up, so his wife's friends and youngsters are close by and not about to move. Dean does have one of the girls going to college nearby."
Florida resident Gary KARSCHNICK has moved from Marietta, GA to 905 North Harbor City Boulevard, #204, Melbourne, FL 32935, and opines: "I guess it's time I provided an update for classmates. Last November, I took early retirement from Delta (liked the vacations so much, I decided they were better than working)! We live in a condo on the Intercoastal Waterway, and since I retired from the travel business, what better than more travel? My wife, Diane, is working part time as a flight attendant, so we keep our benefit priority. Dividing time between international touring and traveling the U.S in a motor home; last year we traveled Germany two weeks, Great Britain and Ireland three and one half weeks; and [we] just returned from a month to New Zealand and Australia. Next spring we plan to visit Austria and Switzerland. On our third motor home and may have to challenge old buddy, Jim BROWN ('59), on miles spent tracking down classmates."
Bill (Nickname: "Bill") GILLIS, Classes of 1959, 1960, and (almost) 1961 writes from Phoenix: "I am grandfather/guardian/parent for three-year-old Sebastian! Presently looking at work for Del Webb retirement as sales manager, or Cadillac salesman--I could afford a Seville STS for Kath! I want a big sail boat and an airplane for Christmas. I can go to work as psychological counselor/clinical psychotherapist. Inclination is moving to our house in Panama City, FL, building small boats and carving little animals and birds while dabbling in watercolor paintings. Usually take a trip once a month to California, Utah, Florida, working on another European trip. Reading the Great Books which began at AFA in 1955--may never finish, though I have my own copies. Education Doctorate (EdD) from Northern Arizona University was mostly B.S. in my way of thinking about the education hierarchy."
Pete KING elaborated on his life: "Wife Linda and I were married in 1987--second marriage for both--, live at Warner-Robins, GA. Employed by Modern Technologies under contact to the 60K Loader SPO, and as manufacturing engineer I monitor prime contractors' manufacturing, material, quality. This device interfaces with anything from the C-130 at 38" to the KC-10 at 18 ft. and [is] entering initial contract phase. My house is 101 miles from Olympic Stadium, we have three extra bedrooms, and all classmates are invited."
POTPOURRI. Connie YATES attended high school with John (Mac) MCCULLOUGH in Nashville ... Dick KINGMAN has shifted business interests from renovating NYC apartments to food. Owned three restaurants; recently opened "Alley's End" in Manhattan. Dick's home is on Fire Island outside the Big Apple, sons four and six ... In the oxymoronic lexicon of "old news," Al and Gale JOHNSON deserve "guts of the decade" award for razing their older home in Arlington, VA and building a new house on the same site; son Michael recently married a young lady from Philadelphia ... Clifton Cameron (Tony) LOVELL went to high school with Howard Franklin BRONSON III in California; Howie (Bridge Club 3, 2, 1,) teaches skiing at Big Bear Mountain ... Mike LOH's Air Combat Command video is amongst my favorite movies ... James Alexander KERR is in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, building lawnmowers (Dolphin returned to his father's business--Yazoo Lawn Mower in Jackson, MS upon leaving the Marines in 1965 as Captain). Deja-mower all over again ... Tony BURSHNICK's assembled a video of our early cadet years ... wife Karen and I spent some delightful R&R and sun time at Puerto Vallarta in December ... Gerry GAMMILL's been spotted at 1462 Woodland Trail, Abilene, TX 79605-4720 by Johnnie KUENZEL ... Jim GLAZA deserves some award or kudos for conducting pre-football tailgates since 1982.

Op.Ed. Since Colin Powell decided against "throwing his braided cap in the presidential ring", there has been a groundswell (make that: ground-level-zero) outpouring of support for our own mega-general four-star-classmates--Ron YATES and Mike LOH. Comments?