Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave.
Building Two, Suite 208
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
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From Charles Andrew (Ace) HOLMAN, Jr.: "In conversations with BRISTOW, PUPICH, LOH, and BIANCUR, e-mail came up. I was evangelizing others who had little computer background, and encouraged them to sign up for a service like AOL or CompuServe. Mike LOH, Al JOHNSON, Jerry CASKEY were already pushing the envelopes with full InterNet capabilities. After I got an e-mail from Dean (one of his first--he took my advice and signed on to AOL), it occurred to me that it would be nice to have a directory of classmate's e-mail addresses. Accordingly, if you need a volunteer to put a directory together, have those with e-mail capability send me their address, and I'll send back a directory." Charlie's address: 6609 Heritage Woods Court, Mobile, AL 36695, Fax (205) 661-9181.
Generals occasionally dismount from Delphi and write to we lesser mortals, as did our Monument (CO) Oracle: "Retired by Chief of Staff Ron FOGELMAN 30 June 1995--the last day anyone in our class who was on continuous active duty could stay in the AF. The highlight was Connie receiving the Air Force Exceptional Service Award. Always thought they kept me around to reap the benefits of Connie's energy and good sense. Now I know it! My retirement speeches were without highlights, commenting that if I hadn't said it in 35 years I wouldn't say it that night. We loved every minute in the Air Force, got a chance to lead two major commands (AFSC and AFMC), enjoyed flying, and will miss it. Before retirement, I flew the F-15, F-16, B-1, B-2, and C-17--not a bad swan song. Was on flying status for 35 years and flew 5,000 hours in over 50 aircraft. My retirement ceremony was attended by both of my parents, who are moving to Colorado Springs next month; and our three children were also there. I am consulting, like it, and it's rewarding and provides freedom--play golf, mountain bike, go skiing a lot and next week with Dale and Cherie THOMPSON and George and Diana PUPICH. And, Rosie, I want that drink you owe me for this long tome!" That missive from Ron YATES (Fishing Club 3), and native of Nashville, TN (state motto: "We give good bourbon").

General Ron, and Ken Alnwick at Ron's Retriement Party
(not shown: Dale and Cherie Thompson, Bob and Diane Badger)
Two notes from Pete (nickname: Harrison Edward, Jr.) KING: "Tomorrow night Jon MCCLURE and his wife, Jean, and Bill GOODYEAR come for dinner. Big ceremony at Robins AFB naming the eighth operational B-2 'The Spirit of Georgia' with Senator Nunn and Governor Miller in attendance. Bill, through his office at Northrup, got Jon and me VIP invites to the ceremony and a couple of receptions. Will send you a picture for Checkpoints." In his subsequent letter, Pete noted that "Paul TACKABURY ,'67 (GOODYEAR's boss), also joined us. I would send the picture we took, but we forgot to put film in the camera!" (Scribe: I am NOT making this up. This from a member of the Contrails staff 4,3,2.)
CT III (nickname: Tranumn) DOUGLASS sent several letters, and should you be interested about our current commandant's position on "cadets who become parents while at the Academy," just ask Clem. CT wrote: "Brenda and I are going to retire from Delta Airlines in Vancouver, WA so we won't have to pay state income taxes, and shop in Portland, where there's no sales tax. Our adopted son Sandi just completed his first accident investigation after graduating from Flying Safety School in Albuquerque, NM last year--he's flying F-16s in the composite wing at Mountain Home after one year in Korea and three months watching over Saddam".
This is why you pay me the big bucks, guys. I've located two classmates who've never attended a reunion, don't belong to the AOG, remained virtually anonymous for 36 years, and have no addresses listed in the Register. Former roommate and good friend, Phil (Francis) ROBERTS, is living at 279 Charming Way, San Rafael, CA 94903-2643. "I retired from Navy as captain and JAG/Treasure Island in September, 1992. After that, I just hung out a lot, which really wasn't much different than before I retired. My son-in-law, Mike (our oldest daughter Laura's husband), decided that California seemed to be short of lawyers, so he became one. Earlier this year, I yanked myself from retirement stupor and joined him in a small legal venture, and now have a two-man operation providing financial relief to those beneficiaries of today's burgeoning economy, doing bankruptcies; pleasant work, but a bit slow yet--unfortunately, it seems to be picking up! Wife, Sue's working for the state as a statistician."
And from the best man at our wedding in Pensacola, FL back in October of 1960: "We left the service in 1966-4,000 hours navigating C-130s out of Albany, GA. Took a job with GE in Pittsfield, there for 11 years, had a new job every 18 months through engineering and manufacturing, then moved to Ormond Beach, FL in 1977--program manager jobs; had biggest program ever--$700M--for GE Aerospace. Moved to Charlottesville, VA in 1985 as program manager, now as business manager for Europe in a joint venture with Fanuc of Japan. Will probably retire in two years although I don't know where we'll live; but it's a good bet it'll be this house or area--two of our daughters are only 1 1/2 hours away. Can't believe we had seven granddaughters before we finally got our grandson last year. All of our four children are quiet and intelligent, just like their mother, Nancy. (Scribe: Nancy held the shot put record at Smith College for many years.) Nancy loves her arts-stuff, antiques, and I walk, garden, read, and we travel a lot: frequently to Europe, Seattle, Florida, D.C., and Paris. Since I love to eat, I especially like the UK and their carveries." This from the "Whale" (John Peter) GONSKY. John manages GE-Fanuc programs in France, England, Sweden, Italy, and the Czech Republic. Write him at 3250 Waverly Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901-9579.

Native of Lansing, IL (motto: "Corn is Us"), Retired Brigadier Van (nickname: Summer) VAN INWEGEN writes: "I'm Business Unit Director (This BUD's for you) for Air Force and Civil (read that: NASA/Inter national) Satellite Ground Station C3, software systems, System Engineering/Integration. et al. for TRW Systems International Group (Scribe: was that in Yiddish?). Been with TRW since retirement in June '88. Our unit has about 600 folks in Redondo Beach, Mountain View, Omaha, Colorado Springs, Montgomery and Fairview Heights, IL doing about $100M in business/year. TRW is a great company and doing well in spite of DoD budgets. Aspirations are to work as long as I'm enjoying the job and then move to La Jolla where we bought a house in 1970 while in grad school at San Diego State, lived there 3 1/2 years and have since rented it--time for major work, so we tore it down and completed our 'dream house' 1 1/2 years ago. When I 'retire-retire,' we'll move to La Jolla and spend time there and Palm Desert at our little condo on a golf course."
From Andi BIANCUR comes this: "The annual MiniSki (VI) began, March with the early arrival of John Allen and Gale JOHNSON, along with Bill, Kathleen and grandson Sebastian GILLIS, and Jim GLAZA, They were joined shortly by Greg BOYINGTON, Bear and Judy BRONSON, and Andi BIANCUR, his son Christian, and brother, Lee. The group was completed by former classmate Jim BROWN and wife, Fran, We were presented with some of Utah's finest skiing featuring much powder snow and lots of sunshine punctuated by one day of sleet, thunder, high winds, and low visibility at Sundance. All of which added to a great week of fun. Utah with its easy access to the slopes and abundant ski areas has to be one of the best-kept secrets around--something for everyone. (With the Winter Olympics slated for Utah in 2002, the secret may be out.) After some long and excellent days attempting to push the white stuff off the hills, we found time for some good food, fun evenings, and adequate adult libations to round out one of the best mini reunions we have had to date. We only hope more of the classmates could have joined us. We did get a letter from Geri DE LA CRUZ and an early morning call from Ace and Louise HOLMAN expressing regret that they weren't able to make the 'show'. Wait 'til next year."

Howie Bronson, Andi Biancur, Greg Boyington, and [Al] Johnson
Potpourri. Does anyone have "sightings" of Derry ADAMSON, Jim BILELLO, Al CANTERBURY, George COLLIER, Bill CURRIER, Jerry GIRARD, Frank GORMAN? Gordy FLYGARE noted in his Christmas card that "our kids aren't married yet; but since they don't have any kids either, its o.k." Duke a.k.a. Rich (nickname: James Richard) CARTER has moved to 6901 South McClintock, Apartment 0253(?), Tempe, AZ 85283. Still a captain for Continental Airlines, he's building houses on the rim of the Grand Canyon for national park employees, and joined the local sheriff's posse ("they call me Sheriff Joe"), and Rich's also working on the development of a stucco-manufacturing plant in California. Alert column-reader George FRIES wrote that Walt SWEENEY was last seen working at a Baptist Church in Virginia Beach (305-261-8239). Soft lead. Bill (Frenchy) OUELLETTE and wife, Marilyn, visited George over Christmas--who but those two have more initials? Dean BRISTOW's son Michael got married on the 17th of Nov '95. Dean went back to Utah for the wedding, and brought wife, Sandy, back to North Carolina (state motto: "Tobacco").
Sad Notes: Lou CROPP died 12/95--Lou resigned as a sophomore to get married. And from BURSHNICK: Tony called to tell us that Les QUERRY's wife, Renee (Renetta), died in an auto accident in February.