Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave. (208)
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
We can each recall where we were when FDR died, what we were doing the day JFK was shot, and the exact time hip-hop punk rapper Eminem first OD'd on crack. But, do we ALL know where we're going to be October 4th? The planets and most of the stars will be perfectly aligned for us to have a great time at the 40th reunion, which, as you know-- unless you've been hiding under a dirty mattress--will be next month!
I've been absolutely deluged with queries about the reunion, and I wish to respond right now to both questions: (Q) Will Andi BIANCUR be making lots of long and dreary speeches? (A) No, his speeches won't be long. (Q) Will I be able to get medical attention in the event that one of my physical ailments rears its ugly head at some inopportune moment during the reunion? (A) Yes. And, this sounds like a job for--SOOPer KENDALL!
Volunteering to handle any medical eventuality for you older guys will be Wayne (Killer) KENDALL, who's an actual doctor, but doesn't play one on TV. This mild mannered medicine man from Monument stated to this column: "My staff and I will be on full-double-medical-alert throughout the reunion, and in the blink of an eye we'll leap into action. Our capabilities include open-heart surgery, curing arthritis, removing tumors, correcting irritable bowel syndrome, and lotsa other things. I'll also make room calls right there at the Radisson. With my assistants standing by, you guys can count your luckies, and scoff into the face of death." (R: Don't be disturbed by his nickname "Killer." This sobriquet has nothing to do with the high mortality rate of his patients).
Bill HALES RON'd with Liz and Norm HALLER in March at their home, and they threw him a surprise party. Somewhere in the photo, with Bill at the front left, is Les QUERRY and his new bride, Marty Hiatt, Leon and Marlyn GOODSON, Jerry and Betty DE LA CRUZ, Liz and Norm, Tony and Karen BURSHNICK, RG HEAD and Carole Hoover, Ralph and Darlene LALIME, Mike and Nancy CLARKE, Bob WEINAUG, Ken ALNWICK, Bill and Fran HODSON, and Mary Ellen (Tom took the photo).
Many are no strangers to the grape, 'tho some have quit the demon rum entirely; I did notice, however, some of the guys darting off to the restroom occasionally and later observed an awesome stack of Twinkies' wrappers on the floor. There were also some "Senior Moments," like the one mate who walked into the room and forgot why he was there (gingko deprivation?). And some were wearing much larger belts. Thankfully, the accommodations at the Radisson recharged each of us with a restful night of bliss... allowing us to approach each day with our eyes wide open and our senses sharpened, each on our very best behavior.

Top Photo: Party at the Haller house. Bottom: D.C. celebration of our 40th anniversary.
The D.C. '60 Beltway Boys gathered at Gampy's gourmet restaurant in Rosslyn, VA June 8th to celebrate the 40th anniversary of our graduation. Guest Speaker was Al JOHNSON, who waxed financial about AFBA Five Star funds. Bill HALES was in from Rochester, NY, where he does pro bono work for the Alzheimer's Foundation. GJC FRIES still helps Busch Gardens and Water World keep their flora pruned. Later this summer, the National Guard will be closing all west-east highways, since Leon GOODSON is making the return trip from Seattle back to D.C. on his Harley. Bill GOODYEAR bought a home in Annapolis for his Fall retirement. Norm HALLER moved to Front Royal, VA, where he'll teach at Randolph Macon Academy. Bob BADGER retires from Justice this Fall. Tom BURKE treated HALES, CLARKE, and RG HEAD to golf at his club. Others in the group were Les QUERRY, Bob WEINAUG, John MACARTNEY, Ralph LALIME, and Tony BURSHNICK, who is recovering from his April lamanectomy for spinal stenosis.
Les QUERRY later e-mailed that he's "deeply entrenched into building a custom home on the Blue Ridge Mountains overlooking the Shenandoah Valley. Hopefully, it will become a nice 'Falcon's Roost' for '60 visitors." Les worked on the Gemini Launch Vehicle, NASA designing Mars Lander experiments, formed a consulting firm for telecom products, and designed the first home computer modem for Atari back in 1982.
Edie and Chuck DIVER (Slovak Committee 3) celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in Sedro-Wooley, WA. Children Brian and Brenda compiled a nice memento album, which included all the places, they'd been over the years. (R: How many other anniversaries will we celebrate this year?)

The Divers
Return with me now to those days of yesteryear. The former Lowry AFB has undergone redevelopment since the base closed. Their Wings Over The Rockies Museum contains exhibits chronicling the beginnings of Lowry, with a special wing devoted to the Academy. They're now looking for good photos of those first few weeks when we arrived, and of our first Christmas (we didn't go home, remember?) If you've got any photos/stories you'd like to donate, send them to me, and I'll forward to the museum's curator. Your chance to be famous.
Deke JOHNSON told me that "My grandson Dylan will be five the day before the reunion (Oct 3). His brother Collin was one in March, and both belong to our son Derry and his wife, Tammy. Our daughter Megan has been married a couple of years, and doesn't have children yet. Sally retired after 44 years as a nurse, the past 20 as director at the Boise Veterans Nursing Home. Looking forward to seeing you guys at the reunion." [superfluous magazine edit removed]

Dylan and Friend
Thomas Wolfe wrote the great American Novel "You Can't Go Home Again." Wanna bet? Gary Lynn VAN SINGEL (Skeet Club 4, 3, 2, 1) grew up in Grant, MI, and has gone home. He left the AF in 1964 because of wife Marilyn's brain tumor which destroyed her pituitary gland. She had a three-year horizon when they got married in 1960, and they now have an adopted boy and girl and four grandchildren, 'We live on a 10-acre wooded lot three miles from where I was born, and 1-1/2 miles from Marilyn's home. My mother lives with my sister on the back part of our 10 acres." Gary's worked for Rapistan Corp (Mannesmann Dematic) 36 years, moved thru 14 positions, is now International Engineering manager and rides his Gold Wing 6-cylinder 1500cc to work. (R: Match that, GOODSON.)
Potpourri. Jon Roby DAY says that "I sort of retired from full-time ophthalmology last year, now work some for an optical company and find this a nice way to slip into full retirement. Just renegotiated my contract to include that I would have October off for the reunion" ... Is Jerry STACK, who by last report from Jon DAY was still flying for Northwest, our "Last (commercial) Pilot Standing?" ... Dean BRISTOW's AF retirement ceremony is slated for sometime during our reunion--he's our only classmate still on active duty. Frank MAYBERRY's selling web sites for $2,500 plus $1950/year deluxe garage door openers for his daughter in Morrison, CO. (Frank's wife, Eve, was born in Malta, and she's a fan of Falcon football. Does that make her a Maltese Falcon?) ... The AF Times in February reported: "Sidney H. Newcomb, Colonel-retired, died February 15th, 2000." Wrong. Sid's retirement checks stopped, he called the financial center, and they told him he was deceased. After proving he was not dead, the checks started once again ... Miles KASPAR sent a note from Fullerton, CA: "I plan on attending the reunion--should retire (from flying) just prior to that date" ... Jerry DE LA CRUZ says "If I had tried to be an artist at 25 and a fighter pilot at 60,it wouldn't have worked. So, I'm trying it the other way around." John MACARTNEY and wife, Lorna, joined Betty and Jerry at a gallery reception which was showing a piece of Jerry's work. "Since this show, I've been in several local galleries, and had a nice critical review in the Washington Post."

If you stare at it long enough, maybe some nut will buy it!
Presidential Campaign. Two months 'til the election. The Cocktail Party candidates--Ron YATES for President and Tony BURSHNICK for Veep--have endured the full phalanx of opposition: The Bushmen, McCainiacs, Buchananites, Gorellas, Perotistas, and the Trumpets. Then it hit the fan! Ron was discovered trying to filch Russian nuclear codes from outgoing President Boris Yeltsin. Then Tony publicly called Ross Perot a "pond scum weenie from Annapolis." The public erupted in an outrage, and the press pummeled them. Late last week, in a press conference at his Monument home with the beautiful mountains and our Academy in the background, Ron announced they were quitting the campaign: "But, the dream lives on. Tony and I ask our devoted followers to support Hunter Thompson's Freak Power Party in Aspen." A sad day for all of us. (R: This could signal the end of the civilized world as we know it).
Let's make a final visit to the R-word. When you come to the reunion, you can also celebrate some classmate birthdays: 7 Oct-Jon MCCLURE (63); 8 Oct-Sid NEWCOMB (63), Bill HODSON (62); 9 Oct-A1 JOHNSON (64). Still got some cockamamie excuse for not coming? The mother of a Loretto Heights coed has a bench warrant in your name for that breach of promise thing? You fear indictment from that class action suit being brought by CWC's 1957 graduating class? (You're assured legal protection throughout the entire reunion period-–Maybe.)
If you haven't signed up yet, call Andi BIANCUR at (801) 278-4866. Collect. Operators are standing by. See you October 4th. Bye from the Rose. Until then.
PS Late arriving news (olds). The intrepid skiers of the Class of 1960 met in Salt Lake City for MiniSki X Feb 26 thru March 6. Jerry DE LA CRUZ, Ralph LALIME, Al JOHNSON, Charlie HOLMAN, Greg BOYINGTON, the Chief Instructor, and Bill OUELLETTE joined Andi BIANCUR in cruising the hallowed slopes soon to become Olympic venues. Bill has converted to snowboarding, or "Grays on Trays:' The Marginally Magnificent Performance Award was locked-up by Ralph LALIME, who will receive his trophy at our 40th reunion. Next year's MiniSki will start Feb 24, 2001.