Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave. (208)
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
"Are we there yet, Daddy?" "Yes, Jr. We're now into 2001." That means it's time for our annual -tu-ta-tah-TAH-tu-TAH (trumpets)-YEAR IN REVIEW! We must have expected too much from the Y2K millennial year of 2000, which from the get-go was somewhat anomalous and just a dumbed-down crazy quilt version of 1999 and then got curiouser and curiouser.
Jan 2000: The year started at the PUPICH's sleep-over New Year's Party with the YATESes, WADDLES, CLERs, Jim GLAZA and Jeannette Howes, Dale THOMPSONs, and Andi BIANCUR. Food and drink, bobbing for apples, and a hotly-contested parlor game called "Should Nude Dogs Be Outlawed?" The next morning Duck & Ron (not their real names) were found lying outside on a grassy knoll with smiles on their faces and motorcycle tracks across their chests.
Feb: Serb Crowd Attacks GIs in Mitlovica, Yugoslavia. Sid NEWCOMB declared dead by the AF Times, stops receiving monthly checks.
Mar: Vladimir Putin Succeeds Yeltsin as President of Russia.
Apr: Microsoft Found In Violation of Sherman Antitrust Act.
May: 'Love Bug' Virus Cripples Computers Worldwide.
June: Elian Gonzalez Visits Disney World, Returns to Cuba.
July: Jim GLAZA marries Jeannette Howes.
Aug: Russian Submarine Kursk Sinks In The Balkans.
Sept: AFA football team loses to two teams Garfield could have beaten. Palestinians throw rocks at the Israelis.
Oct: Gore (reads hardbacks) throws rocks at Bush (reads billboards)--one threatened that a vote for his opponent's Social Security plan would cause all seniors to wander in the wilderness foraging for wild berries, fighting pigs for swill and eating their own flesh. Class of 1960 holds 40th Reunion.
Nov: Gore and Bush tie, Electoral College goes into double overtime. AFA beats Army (no overtime).
Dec: Woman Claims Fried Chicken Head Was In Her McDonald's Order! Summation: This was "The Year of the Chad."

Social highlight of the year was the wedding of Jim GLAZA to Jeannette Howes on the 29th of July at the Academy Chapel on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The Grand Reception and Dinner followed at the Wyndham Hotel, with two bands--Mariachis & Gentle Rain, and the Band From the Rockies. Incredible dinner, and more than ample booze (R: The next morning, one distraught wife reported that her champagne-filled husband tried unsuccessfully to take his trousers off the, previous night before going to bed--over his head.
Part of the 293 attending the wedding were many from our class: Bill & Kath GILLIS, Jock & Hope SCHWANK, Andi BIANCUR & Carole Kramer, George & Diana PUPICH, Ron & Connie YATES, Bruce & Caryl MOSIER, Dick & Donna Doyle, Bob & Jane ODENWELLER, Jim & Mary WADDLE, Clem & Brenda DOUGLASS, Rosie & Karen CLER, Dick & Sharon SCHEHR, Jim O'ROURKE, Barbara & Jeff CREW; and, from other classes: '59--Max MILLER & friend Trixie, Jim & Rose BROWN, Brian & Fran PARKER, Brock & Claire STROM, John MILTNER, Ed & Lucia MONTGOMERY, Reverend Bob BROWNING (he conducted the wedding ceremony); '61 Jim & Nancy WILHELM, Dick & Trelma COPPOCK, Dean & Jo JONES; Everett & Suzie VAUGHN('63); '66 Larry & Bonnie BAGLEY, Marty & Gloria DAACK, Bernie & CarolynAMELS, Rick & Nancy PARSONS; '67 Fred BUDINGER, Jim & Cindy SHAW; Cas ('71) & Sandy CASADA ; '74 Don & Judy HALEY, Kris & Gail BUDINGER; Mark & Lorrie NOVAK ('84); John & Georgetta OLSON ('92); '95 -Andy & Vicky STONE, Jim & Ladon COLLINS; David CASSON ('98).
Jim's four-day event started Thursday and ended Sunday morning with brunch and a band for 175 people. Other events included golf at the Academy on Thursday and Pine Creek Friday, Pikes Peak COG railway Friday morning, Flying W Western Town Tour Friday night with a barbecue dinner for 190 people, and a Saturday morning tour of Jim's new offices for Falcon Financial Services and the nearby land for that new home they'll be building. (R: I can't say that the event surpassed the Roarin' 20's Blast of April 1960, but it was easily more magnificent than the Sultan of Brunei's wedding of 1965, perhaps even the $3 million Dec 23rd 2000 wedding by Madonna to Guy Ritchie at Skibo Castle in Dornoch, Scotland.) The exhausted couple left Sunday for a 16-day honeymoon cruise and train excursion through Germany, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Poland and Latvia.
We locked-up the Commander-in-Chiefs Trophy with the win over Army 41-27 on Nov. 4th. Travelling to the game at West Point were Hardy & Libby LEBEL, Frenchy & Marilyn OUELLETTE, Brian & Carol KALEY, Jim GLAZA, Bob ODENWELLER, Dick KINGMAN & his two daughters, Ned & Mary WHITMAN, Bob & Lutzi FISCHER, Andi BIANCUR & Carole Kramer, and George FRIES. Also, '59ers DESANTIS, LIVINGSTON, MILTNER, JEFFERSON, HT & Linda JOHNSON, Flak WILLIAMS, and others; '61 CUBEROs, NEELs, BRICKEYs, Charlie MOORE, and Brice JONES.
Just a little nostalgia from Hardly Able LEBEL: "The last time I was at Michie Stadium was in 1969 when Brice JONES and I buzzed it in an AT-33. Brice was instructing at Myrtle Beach in the mini-tiger program, and I was on my way to Eglin to check out in the A-37." (After returning from the game, George FRIES went into the hospital for temporary paralysis of his left arm, hand, leg and foot, brought on by a blood clot. He's now on three blood thinners, and recovering well).
Anyone who hasn't been living in a cave knows that BMI--the "skinny index"--is of greater import the older we get (just in case you are in that cave, Body Mass Index = pounds x 703 divided by height in inches squared--keep it below 25). Lotsa guys I saw at our 40th looked like they were skinnier than as cadets: Tony BILELLO, Buck CONGDON, Bill DELONY, Goose GULBRANSEN, Mike MCCALL, Jim ALEXANDER, Jon DAY, Dick HILLMAN, and Russ MACDONALD, to name a few. Then there were those who had lost weight merely through hair loss (see photo), and were runners-up to Charlie DIVER, winner of the Yul Brynner Award for that hairdo "in full follicle regression."

Cres SHIELDS (Geography Club 4,3,2) writes that "We decided to move to Tucson (from Carmel, CA) and love it here. It is warm for two months, but having a pool is a lifesaver. When I left for California, I enjoyed never having to wear a tie. Now if I have to wear long pants and shoes I am uncomfortable. I entered graduate school last fall in Santa Barbara to study counseling psychology--doing my research in golf psychology; then I can become a golf therapist, and have clients bill their insurance companies for their golf lessons (R: there's got to be something illegal about this). Paul SONES and his wife, Sheila, came through last June; also had lunch with Reb GUILLOT and Johnnie TOWNSEND, who live here in Tucson."
Gary VAN SINGEL sent the photo with his six-year-old grandson on their bikes--Gary's is a 1500cc Honda, Derek Scott Rogers' is a 50cc Yamaha.

One of the many things which was neat about the reunion was seeing some of the guys we hadn't seen in over 40 years, like Bruce Edwards (385K), who left in July '59 after busting Mechanics and Thermodynamics. Bruce retired from TWA last September, he and second wife Karen and their children, Kevin, 12, and Kelly, 9 are living in New Jersey. "I put in eight years active duty and retired from AFRES as a colonel--Bob FISCHER was in my Reserve outfit, FOLKART for a while, MOSIER, HAERTER, ODENWELLER, and CROFT. '59ers Don MILLER and Ed LANKENAU were also with me at TWA." Bruce graduated from the Citadel in 1961, has a law degree and is admitted to the bars of California and New Jersey (doesn't practice), and lost his first wife to cancer in 1982.
And then Harry Swainston, who left in March 1959: "After I left the Academy, I earned a degree in Engineering Science from the U. of Nevada. The degree was at the B.S. level in the school's nuclear engineering program. Spent 10 years after graduation at the Nevada Test Site working in the nuclear weapons testing program. When it appeared that an international moratorium might be in the offing, I got nervous, because I had a wife and two small children. Who would hire a former bomb tester? I packed up the family and went to law school at Hastings in San Francisco, getting my license to practice law in 1974. Since then I have worked for the Nevada Attorney General's Office, specializing in natural resource, water and public land issues. Since 1984, until my recent retirement, I represented the State of Nevada in the Department of Energy's project to site a high level nuclear waste and spent fuel repository at Yucca Mountain in southern Nevada. My wife, Annette, and I have a roomy house, and would love to have classmates for guests: 4040 Hobart Road, Carson City, NV, (775) 883-2494."
If any of you are looking for something to sooth the nerves, listen up. Lew PRICE sent me some absolutely great Native American flute CDs (you'll recall that he designs flutes) by recording artist Mary Youngblood, which will put your knuckles to rest (they slow me down so much--the other night I was playing them while watching TV's "60 Minutes" (Muted), and it took me TWO AND A HALF HOURS to see the whole program--makes me want to go out and plant some maize, or do a rain dance. But the truly interesting thing he's got going is the publication of a new Unified Field Theory for the universe, which I intend to help him with in my spare time, after I drag myself away from my thesis on quarks and gluons. (R: and you thought I didn't have any fun.)
When the Academy decided to resume Introductory Flight Training, there were a lot of gripes about the possible noise in the surrounding areas. This letter to the Editor recently appeared in the Colorado Springs Gazette. "This is in response to the report--'Plane Noise Concerns Academy's Neighbors.' I fully support the Academy Flight Training Program. I live in Gleneagle, directly under the north departure pattern and enjoy seeing and hearing the flight activity. It is the sound of freedom. It is the sound of America. I take pride in the fact that the Academy provides the best all-around education in the country. I take pride in the fact that the flying training program is part of that education. The proposed increase in flying activity will mean some increase in noise, but that is a small price to pay for the knowledge that our cadets are receiving the best training there is."/ S/ Richard D. SEXTON.
John and Nancy GONSKY moved into their dream home at 1319 Jefferson Drive West, Forest, VA 24551, (804) 534-6130, on Nov. 1, 2000, which is also where their daughter Dr. Linda Fields--anesthesiologist at Lynchburg (VA) General Hospital--and her husband, Jim (sales associate with Lightspan's educational software), live with their two children. John and Nancy have four children, 10 grandchildren. Daughter Karen and husband, Geoff Weiss, live in Oklahoma City with their three kids, and he's an AF captain stationed at Tinker AFB as an AWACS instructor. Son John, Jr., is a health physicist running a program for Foster Wheeler and lives in Richland, WA with his wife, Sue, and their three girls. Oldest daughter, Susan, and her husband, Jim McDaniel (marketing director with Grayson Wireless), are in Ashburn, VA and have two daughters--"Ashburn's about three hours from us (five miles north of Dulles International Airport), so we see them often." The Whale (Engineering Society 3, 2, 1) had his prostate removed in 1997 and retired from General Electric after 32 years: "The operation caused a lot of problems for G.E. since this was the time I was to go to Shanghai to put in the new Buick plant. I think all my illnesses are now under control (diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol), and I'm currently walking four miles a day at 4mph."

Potpourri. RG HEAD's son Tim is Current Operations Officer at the Academy, handles the fly-bys. RG's brother Colonel Jim Head is Permanent Professor of Physics ... CT DOUGLASS' grandson is a doolie at the Academy Although he'd never tell you this (he's so modest, but ‘ve hav our vays"), Ron YATES flew the B-1 for 500 miles at an altitude of 200 feet (or was it 500 miles up for 200 feet?) ... According to a report from U.P, the Spanish Army has lowered its I.Q. requirement for basic recruits from 90 to 70--if they'd just get it a little lower, they could all get into West Point! ... I'm really not making this up--it actually appeared in a Denver paper in Sept. '00: "Bombing pod from U.S. Air Force KC-97. $2,000 firm. Serious inquiries only." ... John MCCULLOUGH was born April Fools' Day, 1938. Can anyone else say that? ... Fran HODSON just got her B.S. in Education from George Mason University ... TRIVIA '60: Who was our first classmate to fly a mission in the Vietnam War, and what was the date? (answer in next issue) ...
Did you know that Bob FISCHER was the first--and we believe the only--cadet officer to read his own Class III punishment from the staff tower? ... Jerry DE LA CRUZ has been named a docent at the National Gallery of Arts ... Tom BURKE bypassed the British Open this year to take part in the Farnborough Air Show. Tom and Mary Ellen moved out of their house and into a condo three miles west of their former home (Tom had an arthritic toe joint, the docs sliced it open and cleaned out the excess bone and tissue--figures he can shave at least two strokes off his golf score with the new toe).
Bruce and Caryl MOSIER moved from Kansas to 20155 Doewood Drive, Monument, CO 80132, (719) 481-5813.
There are many reasons for living in beautiful Colorado. Although we no longer have the Monument Potato Festival in July, Karen and I threw in the Great Fruitcake Toss at Manitou Springs Jan. 61 Bill GOODYEAR is not retiring, as previously reported, but has sold his house in Annapolis and moved: 2100 North Stafford Street, Arlington, VA 22207, (703) 516-9710. Ken ALNWICK's daughter is a reporter for the Washington (DC) FOX channel. Bill CARNEGIE's daughter works in TV on "Teacher's Pet," a Saturday morning adult cartoon series. Bob BADGER's contemplating a move from Fairfax, VA back to his boyhood home in South Bend, IN. Take out your #2 pencils and mark somebody's calendar: Our 45th reunion is slated for 15-19 June, 2005. Guest hotel: Radisson Inn-North, Colorado Springs.
The DC-60 Chapter (Beltway Boys) met the week before Christmas at Gampy's in Rosslyn, VA--attending were Tony BURSHNICK, Charlie LIGGETT (he must have been really hungry--he came all the way from California), Bill CARNEGIE, Mike CLARKE, Tom BURKE, JD MACARTNEY, Bill GOODYEAR, Ken ALNWICK, Jerry DE LA CRUZ, Leon GOODSON, Bob WEINAUG, and Al JOHNSON--retiring this Summer; ALNWICK, GOODSON, WEINAUG, and LIGGETT.
This is the start of the real millennium, according to the Russian Board of Standards (ODENWELLER maintains that the second millennium actually began in 1995, since Herod died in 4 B.C., so "how could he have deep-sixed the one-year olds if it were later?" Ask him to explain that). Have a healthy century and a great 2001 space odyssey as we start our journey towards Y3K. Bye from the Rose.