Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave. (208)
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
Jock SCHWANK retired as Vice President, Services, for our Association of Graduates on Friday, 26 Peb2001. In a retirement dinner held at Doolittle Hall and attended by 80 AOG staff and board members, dignitaries, Jock's parents and family, and classmates, he was recognized for his 26 years of service to the AOG. Nice ceremony, presided over by AOG President Jim SHAW ('67), with some eloquent comments by Class President Andi BIANCUR, dinner, and entertainment from "The Academy Singers." (See photos and story on pages 20 and 21. ). From our class were Jim and Mary WADDLE, Andi BIANCUR, Rosie and Karen CLER, Ron and Connie YATES, Bill HALES and friend Sue Woodward, Barbara and Wayne KENDALL, Jim and Jeannette GLAZA, and George PUPICH. We salute you, Jock.

The MiniSki XI was held the first week of March on the powdery slopes of Utah--Park City and Deer Valley--with the following in attendance: Jim and Jeannette GLAZA, Chuck and Weezee HOLMAN, Greg BOYINGTON and June Colgan, Andi BIANCUR and Carole Kramer, Jerry DE LA CRUZ and his son Greg, Ed NOGAR, Jim O'ROURKE, Earl VAN INWEGEN, GJC FRIES, George and Diana PUPICH, Al JOHNSON, Greg's daughter Armand and her husband, Jeff, and June Colgan's daughter Michelle.
After learning that John Stanley BRUSH recently had a heart attack, D.L. WALSH and I raced to the Springs January 12th for a visit to the recuperating JSB. Jack and Jeanne were back in Gaithersburg, MD visiting son Jeff when Jack suffered his attack the day after Christmas 2000. The docs performed angioplasty by inserting a tube into one blocked artery and inflating a balloon to reopen the blockage, then placed a stent into the other artery to keep both tubes open. He returned to work January 6th--Jack is President/CEO of Columbine Capital, which he formed in 1980 to provide economic forecasts and quantitative decision-making tools to market magicians, money managers, and financial advisers--looks great and is probably back flying his 1975 Aerostar by the time you're reading this. (As an interesting side note, Jack just spent a quarter mil to give himself a better view of Pikes Peak--he bought the lot next door and tore down the house setting on it, he and Jeanne are now replicating a Mayan ruin on that site. Don't ask why!)
After returning from our reunion last October, Mike A. CLARKE had his doctor do a finger wave on him during a routine medical check and found something suspect, despite the fact that Mike's PSA tests had always been normal. His prostate was removed, placed in a jar, and he's been recovering nicely: "I've lost track of my prostate. I was hoping to have it bronzed for my mantle, but, alas, some idiot sectioned it to determine some arcane things for medical science, and thereby dashed my hopes. I'm back on the golf course, and the doctor says I'm cured." And then Charlie LIGGETT had an angiogram the 23rd of February which showed one coronary artery about 95 percent clogged, so they did an angioplasty and inserted two small stents. He's doing fine.
Class Autobiographies. You received President Andi BIANCUR's letter of 26 Oct 2000, which included a recap of the 40th Reunion, as well as a request for the preparation of our individual biographies; also, George Thrower LESTER's Nov 2000 letter asking each of us to prepare an autobiography, starting with the Academy. This is just a reminder to type 'em out and mail 'em in to George at 1083 North Collier Boulevard, PMB 324, Marco Island, FL 34145, (941) 393-0581.
This was just another routine travel year for Frank and Eve MAYBERRY. I'll list only their stops, briefly, and in order: Nevada, California, Arizona, back to Australia, Cape York in northern Queensland, Cook-town (where Captain Cook repaired the Endeavour in 1770), Weipa, Iron Range National Park and Chili Beach, Restoration Island, Fruit Bat Falls, Horn Islands in the Torres Strait, Lord Howe Island (north of New South Wales), Mount Lidgebird, Ball's Pyramid, back to CONUS on to Colorado, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida's Everglades and Key West--that's for 2000. Then back to Australia in early 2001.
AFA FOOTBALL 2001. A lot of fans have bemoaned our scheduling of weaker opponents for season openers, like Division I-AA's Cal State-Northridge last year, Division II's U. of Northern Colorado a decade ago, others like the Citadel and Villanova. We'd scheduled Southwest Texas State for this year, but who do we replace them with? OKLAHOMA! Last year's national champions! (The Associated Press recently reported that "Sugar," a peregrine Falcon, chases gulls and other pesky birds away from the runway at Fairchild AFB. Couldn't we get OUR falcons unleashed at Falcon Stadium on those big Okies at our Labor Day opener? Just when they get too close to the end zone?) Fast forward to Nov 3rd for a fun filled weekend--a get-together between reunions--and come out for the AFA Army game. We've arranged a $72/night rate at the Radisson that Thursday thru Sunday. The agenda includes a Friday evening "Personality Adjustment Time;" Jim GLAZA's tailgate with the Falcon Mobile Saturday starting at 9 a.m. (with your four basic food groups: kegs, cans, bottles, and BMs), rout of Army, dinner at the Radisson Saturday night for '60 grads and families, Sunday brunch at the hotel, and afternoon social. Questions? Contact me. Then there's the November 24th AFA game at Hawaii in Honolulu, which is an opportunity to take your wife or significant other for a vacation on any one of the beautiful
Talk about cloning. Dennis O'KEEFE's and wife, Sandy's, son Robin is a "dead ringer" for his old man (who resembles Sean Connery, or is it James Bond?) Robin (31) married Angie, who's technical director for a software firm, last year on Long Island-Robin has his Ph.D. from the U. of Chicago and is doing a two-year post-doctorate with the N.Y. College of Osteopathic Medicine teaching anatomy to medical students. [magazine layout edit removed]

POTPOURRI. Last issue's Trivia '60 Question: Who was our first classmate to fly a mission in the Vietnam War? The date? Answer: Andi BIANCUR, who reported to Bien Hoa on 30 April 1963, and flew his first missions 2-4 May 1963 ... Bill HALES is a board member and Chair of the Public Policy Committee for the National Alzheimer's Association ... Bill and Kath GILLIS' 37-year-old son Glen enlisted in the Air Force and reported to Basic Training in April ... Thanks to Carol and Brian KALEY for that CD of the "Naples Traditional Jazz Band!" ... Jim GLAZA's daughter Shari was instrumental in the capture of the "Texas Seven." As manager of the Hungry Farmer Restaurant in the Springs, Shari spotted them, reported it to the local police, and was on TV!
I get asked a LOT of questions. Examples: Who were the other guys in my 10th Squadron during our lst class year? Does old so-and-so have e-mail? Is "brou-haha" a member of the broccoli family, or a fruit? So, I did some serious mental knuckle-cracking and hired someone to handle these queries-Mr. Answer Guy! Send him your questions, c/o This Column, enclosing a Franklin (for the, uh, expenses). And now he's got one for YOU. Who's the classmate in the photo below? Hints--Cadet Activities: Baseball, 3; Previous Schooling: New Mexico Military Institute; Current Hobbies: Senior Moments. Bye from the Rose.