Checkpoints Class News
11181 West 17th Ave. (208)
Lakewood, CO 80215-2759
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
If you have access to any of the orginal images, please contact the webmaster
Our aging but steely-eyed and surprisingly svelte Dapper Dan'l opened his Tucumcari (NM) Quay County Sun and the headline screamed: PESTILENCE PERVADES PLANET! Energized, he dropped his spoon--heavily laden with sugarcoated Fruit-Loops--and shrieked: "Zounds! They be hurtin'. Needy people all lame, and hungry too. Ain't no time to diddle. This is a job for ... Super-Volunteer-Guy!" Helping Others: Four.
Theodore Joseph Stumm's in his 56th consecutive year of Boy Scouting where he's served in most unit and district positions, is an officer in the Falcon Chapter of the Air Force Association, Study & Implementation member in the Jacksonville (FL) Community Council (non-profit community policy analysis and advocacy group) three years, and "involved since 9/11 with an increasing number of public appearances and presentations on the subject of the politics, ideology, capabilities and countermeasures of international and domestic terrorism."
Working for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Howard Franklin Bronson, III has organized "Bear's Bears" which walks every year in support of MS; Howie's also active with Shepherd in the Pines Lutheran Church as president of the congregation and Chief Elder. Wife, Judy, donates her crafts to auctions at the Rainbow Kids Club (after school care where parents can't afford it), and the Bear Valley Arts Council raising money for scholarships for kids in the arts.
James Anthony Bilello's wife, Carol--breast cancer survivor--volunteers each year as Coordinator of "Race for the Cure" and walks as Team Leader of Friends Forever, is Wedding Director and Chairman of Deacons at their church, and works the annual plant and book sales for the Denver Botanic Gardens ... Neil Phillip Delisanti's wife, Sue Ann, volunteers with the Lakewood (WA) Municipal Court ... Harrison Edward King, Jr. has been volunteer Scoutmaster for 20 years in Alabama, North Carolina, Spain and Florida ... Richard Allyn Kingman made substantial donations to the Red Cross and gave out $50 and $100 food certificates for his Chelsea (NYC) restaurant to various organizations trying to raise $$ for victims of 9/11.
Serving others through public office has been Edward Watson Leonard, Jr's volunteer- method-of-pro-bono-choice, and he took office in January 2002 as mayor of Ilwaco (WA)--City Motto: By Land or by Sea. "I spent a thousand dollars as well as several hundred hours in my campaign. I find I'm working about 40 random hours each week, and then there are evening meetings and weekend functions. Mayor's duties are similar to commanding an air base group--the difference is the number of entities who believe I work exclusively for them--City Council, Washington State Department of Health, and County Commissioners. I work for the voters, which is like working for a boss who only contacts you every four years. Next to being ranking officer in a prison camp, this is the most fulfilling job I've ever had. At least until our sewer plant gets red-tagged by EPA or National Marine Fisheries shuts down bottom fishing on the Pacific shelf." Ed implores: "Come visit Ilwaco--a place so beautiful Lewis and Clark looked no further!"

Still full-time professor at the University of Dayton in Statistics, Ronald (nmn) Deep is also volunteer Science Fair Judge in Montgomery County's Carroll High School and other local schools each year. Wife, Carolyn, volunteers at Beavercreek Heartland Nursing Home four hours every month talking with the people and bringing them communion, sings in St. Luke Catholic Church's Choir for funeral masses and prepares and serves lunches after funerals, and takes food to St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Shelter monthly.
Helping make "Life a Beautiful Thing" is George Joseph Charles Fries, who chairs the Beautification and Safety Committee for York High School (VA) PTSA pulling weeds, planting and watering their high school grounds; George's also Master Gardener for York County Extension Service spending two-three hours a week taking care of a Learning Garden and teaching people the proper way to prune trees and shrubs.
Class President Andrew William Biancur works tirelessly--24/7-365--for our class, and recently established a $150,000 Charitable Trust to benefit the AOG and Academy. He was a volunteer supervising security volunteers at the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 2002. Starting with work at the Team Processing Center, he went on to his real volunteer activities in charge of accreditation at the Olympic Village, greeting, badging and vetting athletes, coaches, and NOC members. "I met a couple of torch carriers and got the opportunity to hold a torch. Security was tight (R: 6,000 soldiers guarded the complex, while Andi reportedly took the precaution of packing his silver-plated pearl-handled Derringer). I worked 25 shifts in the village." Following that, Andi worked 25 more shifts at the Main Accreditation Center in downtown Salt Lake City for the Para-Olympics.

Ronald Wilburn Yates has been an extremely effective and innovative force on the AOG Board of Directors and is personally responsible for conceiving and developing the Heritage Trail, saying, "We should create this Heritage Trail to serve as a place to remember our distinguished graduates who embody the ideals of the Academy." Ron hopes the trail--which begins at Pegasus Circle near Doolittle Hall--will eventually lead to a heritage park paying tribute to wartime achievements of Academy graduates. In addition, Ron was instrumental in developing a fundraising campaign for AOG projects. (It's important to recall those of our classmates who have voluntarily served on the AOG Board: Richard Thomas Matthews,'65-6; George Hamilton Hines,'66-9; Richard Glenn Head, '66-74; John Stanley Brush, '67-9, '73-7; Anthony Joseph Burshnick, '68, '71-5, '93-7; Dale Willard Thompson, Jr., '68-71; William Reno Ouellette, '68; Kenneth John Alnwick, '70-3; Neil Phillip Delisanti, '70-3; Ronald Deep, '73-7; Jock Charles Henry Schwank, '78-87; Andrew William Biancur, '83-91, '95-9; James Frederick Glaza,'85-93; and Wayne Franklin Kendall, Jr., '88-95.
Thomas Frederick Seebode, still tenured Associate Professor of Public Administration at Troy State University, is Sunday School Teacher at Lebanon United Methodist Church in Eastover, SC. Wife, Carole, is in Economic-and Community Development qualifying low income citizens for low interest and down-payment assistance from Columbia (SC) for home purchases and working with neighborhood associations for community development. Carole is a member of Columbia Woman's Club, president of United Methodist Women's Group in Eastover, and member of the Administrative Board and Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees.
(O.K. So it ain't feedin the hungry. But, it takes a VOLUNTEER to climb 200+ steps and ensconce themselves 440' above the water!)

Gerald de la Cruz has been hospice volunteer for 12 years in ACU at Hospice of Northern Virginia, spending an evening each week helping with patient care and talking with families; Jerry's still Docent at the National Gallery of Art. Betty works with SOME (So Others May Eat) through Ft. Meyer's chapel and sings in their choir.
Four-Star volunteers all, whose people credo is: All Geese Are Swans. If Diogenes had lived in our time, he'd have an easy time finding a few good and honest men--hitting pay dirt with our guys (and gals)--they hone in on volunteer pursuits like JDAMs guided by GPS!
Sad Note: Richard Conrad Ames died of pancreatic cancer 1 October 2002 in Brunswick, ME.