Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"In October 2005 I went to a reunion and met my high school sweetheart," wrote Walt Futch. "Elaine Hiers was retired and living in Columbus, GA, where she moved to care for her mother. We were both available; so, after a number of trips to Georgia, we got married in California May 1st, 2006. We still travel between California and Georgia." (Walt's wife, Marti, died 30 March 2003).

Brassies. Mashies. Niblicks. That's what (really) "old-guys" Dave Sweigart and Gary Sheets (probably) used for the Service Academy Golf Classic October 21-24, 2006, an NCAA-sanctioned tournament held at Trophy Club CC near Fort Worth for graduates and Academy teams from USAFA, USNA and USMA. Their "pro" during the pro-am round was Robert Whitney (AFA 2008)--Robert's brother, Thomas, is a fourth classman and the USAFA golf team's super star, winning the overall individual competition shooting a record 66. USAFA won 11 over USMA and 17 over USNA. The annual tourney started in 1993 by Bill Reetsma (deceased, AFA '63), and is moving to Washington, DC this Fall.

Gary, Dave, Robert Whitney ('08) & Friends
Now back to The Dakota Kids--James Edward Bujalski (Catholic Choir 4,3,2, Gun Club 3,2,1, Lacrosse Club 2, Radio Club 4,3, Ski Club 4,3,2,1, Ski Control 1, Wrestling 4,3,2): "Born June 23, 1938, the fifth of six children, my father was a Polish immigrant with a 4th grade education, and the railroad agent in Rogers, North Dakota (State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose). My mother was a school teacher. Moving from Rogers to Crosby,
ND in 1948, we arrived amid severe thunderstorms, hail and a nearby tornado. I spent most of my teens here and call it home, although my senior year we moved and I graduated high school in Carrington, ND, my 'home of record.' "In February, 1956, I received a Nomination to USAFA, tested at Ellsworth AFB, and received my 'Doolie telegram' May 14th. Although I knew a couple of ND guys taking the tests with me, I knew no one upon arrival at Lowry July 9th. Assigned to 1st Squadron, my first roommate was George Collier from Galveston TX, who introduced me to pecan pie (still my favorite). My Squadron Commander was Lt. Gerald O'Malley. After summer training I was assigned to 5th Squadron, Capt. Raymond Barton, AOC. I believe my roommate was Charlie Hart. I stayed in 5th Squadron all four years and my last roommate was Gary Van Singel. After pilot training at Marianna, FL and Selma, AL, it was RC-121s at Otis AFB, and during the Bay of Pigs we flew AEWC between Florida and Cuba.
"From Massachusetts it was to Pope AFB for C-123 training and then Viet Nam, arriving in Saigon October 1, 1963. I left Viet Nam September 30, 1964 with 490 combat support hours, 409 CS sorties and five Air Medals. Next was C-130s at Topeka, KS. Resigning my commission, I entered the University of Washington Graduate School in September 1965, graduating in '67 with a MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics and immediately went with AeroJet-General in Sacramento designing rocket engines, lasting 27 years (with side careers in dairy farming, teaching, property management).
"In 1995 I became a consultant to CSD, an aerospace company in San Jose, CA, attended Cal-Davis as an Environmental Management student, and in 1998 I became General Manager of a small manufacturing company in Carson City, NV. In 1999 my wife and I started a business buying and selling Native American Indian Jewelry and I got promoted from General Manager to Chief Gofer. I still have that position.
"I first saw Judy Sims in the spring of 1957. She was dancing with Charlie Hart. Judy and I started dating a couple weeks later. When I proposed New Years Eve, 1958, she said 'You know I will marry you some day, just not now.' The following summer I met Cleone and we married, raised a son and a daughter, and we had two grandchildren before she died in 2003 of breast cancer. Our son, Christopher, age 40, and daughter, Christina, 38, both live in Sacramento, CA; Christopher is a hydrologist with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Christina is a professional photographer with two sons, Cody and Corbin, and one daughter, Alexis.
"In 2003, I returned to USAFA for the Army football game/Mini-Reunion. Knowing Judy (Sims) Rodrigue was widowed, I invited her to the event, and on New Years Eve she accepted my 45-year old proposal. We married May 31, 2004, with flags at half-mast and lots of ladies crying. Between us we now have five children and seven grandchildren. We are healthy, happy retirees who spend our time between homes in Littleton, CO, Reno, NV, and on-the-road in a Prowler travel trailer, and my hobbies are selling jewelry at craft shows and reading. My only health issues have been a knee replacement in 1997, and a pulmonary embolism while I was still in the hospital." (R: I asked Jim: "What dead dude would you like to invite to dinner?" His response: "Although it might be unpleasant visually and aromatically, I'd invite Mohammed, asking him what he thinks of the current interpretation of the Koran by today's Muslim clerics."). "Bojo," a.k.a. Jim: "Size does matter!"
Bill Zersen went to his 50th high school reunion in Elmhurst, Illinois, chronicling his driving trip from home in California to Bellingham, WA, then Canada and back to California. Neither joke nor jest, the gist of Bill's gest is "a return to my roots," and at 3,052 words is simply too long for this column--contact Bill for a "good read."
Friendly Fire. Phil Meinhardt and companion, Veronica, living in San Diego, went last fall to Maui, Oahu, and the Big Island. This dynamic duo is currently marketing a line of "Colonel Phil" salad dressings.
The Van Inwegens spent two-and-a-half weeks in Russia during June-July '06--11-days on a St. Petersburg-to-Moscow cruise with three days in each city before and after the cruise; then a week on Hawaii and two weeks on Maui.

Van & Russian Friend at the Museum of Vodka (2,651 Types) in Mandroga
September/October '06--J.T. and Diane Smith visited Lima, Cuzco, Macchu Picchu and the Geoglyphs. "Cuzco at 11K+ reminded me of my first few days in the Springs," wrote JT ... The Mosiers cruised from Venice October 21-28 '06, stopping in Bari, Italy, Mykonos, Santorini, Athens and Corfu, Greece, and Dubrovnik, Croatia, for their 44th anniversary, with #3 daughter, Debbe ... Ron and Connie Yates were skiing in Austria at Zell am Ziller near Innsbruck with son Wade January 19-28, 2007--"The Alps were beautiful, and the resort massive, with over 200 lifts," said Ron ... John and Nancy Gonsky saw Italy from Pompeii, Isle of Capri, Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples to the Amalfi Coast ... the Mayberrys came through ABQ, and we lunched at Sadie's--they were back from Sicily, Malta, Gozo and Xlendi islands, then Century's ship to Nice, Malaga, Madeira, Miami ... The Haneys do a Greek Isles cruise May '07 ... Gordon Flygare completed 42 sessions of proton therapy for prostate cancer in December/January at the MD Anderson Cancer Clinic in Houston ... Fred Porter teaches at USAFA's Aero Department, Computers at Colorado Tech, ME & Aero at CU-CSprings. The Colorado Clan gathered December 9th for their Christmas Party at the Waddles' clubhouse: Steve & Kathy Bishop, Dick & Sharon Schehr, Elaine & Jack Brush, John & Deanne McCullough, Bruce & Caryl Mosier, Hope & Jock Schwank, Ron & Connie Yates, Carole & Andi Biancur, Wayne & Barbara Kendall, Jeannette & Jim Glaza, Mary & Jim Waddle, bachelors Tony Bilello and Dick Sexton (Carol and Sally were shopping in Germany)--Dick expatiated that "The GQ Award went to Wayne Kendall for his red plaid vest and gorgeous tie. Decorations were beautiful, the dress festive, the drink bracing, the food scrumptious, and the company energetic." (R: It was just swell, everyone was above-average, all joined hands while crooning Kumbaya and lived happily ever after).
IN JUNE: Lalime-Burshnick-de la Cruz dedicate AF Memorial ... Roman Blast Redux ... Navy's "Mr. Roberts" ... MiniSki XVII ... Gary Karshnick cheats death in helicopter crash"
O'Rourke-Luck-Delisanti-Kaspar-O'Keefe "Sleepless in Seattle" ... DS' "Ghost of Christmas Past" ... Mike Loh flunks AFA entrance exam in '56?
Bye from the Rose.