Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Les Querry encountered Tony Bilello at the Mini-Reunion in Colorado Springs over the Navy-AFA weekend, suggesting a get-together when Tony visited Lorton, VA to see his daughter, Susan. Tom Burke booked the Springfield Country Club for the 5th of November (Photo, back: Querry, Bilello, Hockenberry, Alnwick; front: Carnegie, Burshnick, de la Cruz). Tony (Bilello) and Bill Hockenberry were Fourth Class roommates and had not been in touch for 52 years, so they swapped war stories. As cadets, Jerry de la Cruz tried to convince Tony to join the ski team, and the will was there but not the talent. Tony now plays tennis, and had heart surgery in '97. (Tony's wife Carol did not go to the DC meeting since "she and daughter Sue had pressing plans with an Army General's 80th birthday at Ft Belvoir." Tony later wrote that "My Ercoupe is flying about three times a week now--a lot more fun putting money into gasoline than parts.")

From "Washington Whispers" in US News & World Report dated 10/03/08, in an article entitled "White House Flower Power": "Never underestimate how one tiny diplomatic detail can spoil even the grandest events. Take flowers at state dinners," wrote White House florist Nancy CLARKE (wife of Michael A. Clarke). "Picking the wrong color or type (of flowers) can send the wrong signal. Don't pick white for a Muslim dinner--that's the color of death; ditto, yellow for Latin American guests" (originally in "White House History," the journal of the White House Historical Association). Later, in the December 4, 2008 Washington Post, Nancy appeared in an article entitled "First Lady's Holiday: Red, White, and Just a Touch of Blue." The caption under one of the five photos reads: "Chief White House florist Nancy Clarke joins first lady Laura Bush, a longtime friend, during a preview of Christmas decorations that include two of the 27 trees in the residence." (Mike: "Nancy plans to retire sometime in 2009, but she is already working with the new Obama administration, so we'll see.")
Four-Star Generals Ron Yates and Mike Loh, our highest-ranking classmates, served 34 years. But, Gary Van Singel gets my vote for longevity and "stick-to-itiveness," saying that "I officially retired 12/4/2008 after 44 years, 10 months, and 12 days with the same company. Today it's called Dematic, while the company was originally named Rapistan ('Rapid-Standard') when I started in 1964 in Grand Rapids, MI. I have the same phone number from when I started my employment as Purchasing Manager January 21, 1964 as I did when I left in 2009 as Financial Analyst. The photo shows Company President John Baysore presenting me with a picture of the Schoolhouse (education and entertainment center on the company's campus, over a hundred years old and remodeled in the '60s the same time I joined the company, and dedicated to then Congressman Gerald R. Ford of Michigan--I conducted many classes there over the years) and a certificate acknowledging 44 years of service. I shook hands for one and a half hours, and now know that I don't want a career in politics. I plan to stay at home and enjoy my Grandkids." (Gary's photo gallery: http://gallery.me.com/garyvansingel#100086).

Tony Burshnick hosted another luncheon for the DC-60 group on January 13, 2009--"free lunch" with "half-price burgers!" The "H" Brothers were "no shows:" Higgins, Hales, Head, Hodson, Holman, and Haller; also missing was Bill Goodyear, whose wife, Linda, is having back problems, and he had to take her to the Tampa Spine Center for treatment. Bill Taylor had to attend a rated-requirements meeting with the AF/A30 group headed by Maj Gen Hoot Gibson, and, Bill recently went to Arizona to welcome his son back from a tour in Iraq where he was flying the F-16 ATARS with the National Guard. For those in attendance, Ken Alnwick explained the new AF library he and Norm Haller are working on for the Randolph-Macon Academy; Ken works with the Navy on some "undersea surveillance stuff," and still works with the lacrosse crowd. (Next: Academy Founders' Day Anniversary the first of April).
This medical report just in from Gary (Krash) Karschnick: "I was diagnosed 10 years ago with colon cancer, which was corrected by surgery; a year later, the cancer spread to my right lung, and I had surgery to remove that tumor. I then found my prostate was enlarged, and that I had bladder cancer--every three months I undergo a painful cyctoscopy to inspect my bladder; the cancer has not returned, but there is evidence of transitional cell carcinoma in my left ureter (tube between the kidney and bladder.) My doctor suggests an operation to remove the whole ureter and my good left kidney to insure that the cancer hasn't spread. I have a 'second opinion' scheduled with Florida's leading expert. Last year I had an angioplasty: (1) two coronary arteries were completely blocked, (2) my heart had developed its own bypass called 'corollary profusion,' (3) sometime in the past few years I had experienced a heart attack, and (4) my heart is at about 65% efficiency." Gary underwent another cystoscopy of his bladder and ureter, and said "there was so much pain I would have given up the 'nuclear codes' if I had them. It makes me want to consider going to a cancer clinic in Mexico; yet, I am still positive, and await the final outcome of more tests."
"The 2008 Colorado Springs Class Christmas Party was held Saturday, December 13th in the Community Club House near the Waddles' home, where Jim and Mary graciously reserve it and ensure it's 'ship-shape' after the carnage. Jeannette Glaza chose the menu, while Carole Biancur decorated the tables. Ron & Connie Yates' festive Christmas punch is always a big hit, and Jim Glaza supplied the bountiful bar. The meal was catered with food appropriate for this year's theme--An Old Fashioned Tuscan Christmas. The wine contest consisted of the caterer's chef selecting a wine from bottles supplied by each couple which best complemented the meal, and the winning couple received a gourmet meal for four prepared by the caterer--the winner was Barbara Crew and friend Bob Dunn. The gift exchange is 'Combat White Elephant' and results in everyone getting some nearly-worthless gift whose only real value is 're-gifting' next year (two years running, George and Diana Pupich have gone home with the very gift they brought--it must be a Serbian thing!). The party included 28: Caryl & Bruce Mosier, Barbara & Wayne Kendall, Jock & Hope Schwank, Ron & Connie Yates, Jack & Elaine Brush, John & Deanne McCullough, Carole & Andi Biancur, Jim & Jeannette Glaza, Jim & Mary Waddle, Barbara Crew & Bob Dunn, George & Diana Pupich, Dick & Sharon Schehr, Ed & Lucia Montgomery '59, and Max & Trix Miller '59. (The photo congratulates our winner of the "Most Enchanting Couple Award," John and Deanne McCullough)."