Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"Yesterday (October 11th), Jerry de la Cruz and I took time off from watching the terrible REDSKINS lose their Sunday game and drove up to see Mike (A) and Nancy Clarke." wrote Tony Burshnick. "I thought you'd appreciate the pictures Jerry took. In this photo, Mike and I were trading off our walking 'assisters.' Mike uses the walker, and I use the walking sticks or my cane (Incidentally, the walking sticks were recommended by Jock Schwank).
"Mike seems to be doing quite well. His right knee was replaced with a metal knee and it is working well: i.e., no pain. During and right after the knee operation, a blood clot formed and cut off blood and oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. There was a time during the first few days that the docs thought he might not make it. For a while the kidneys quit working, and he needed dialysis; now, his problem is vision. Mike told us that it seems he is walking in the dark and can only make out shapes; however, he says things are getting brighter, and he can make out more details. The doctors feel it may take up to six months to get the vision back to normal. Mike receives physical therapy at home, which revolves mostly around walking. The PT is for the effects of oxygen starvation, but, obviously, it has helped with the new knee. Mike has no idea when he might be able to return to work."

"In mid-June, Linda and I and our 15 year old granddaughter from nearby Pace, FL drove to the DC area where we visited my son for a few days, and Linda's son and family." wrote Pete King. "Then we caught a flight to Rome, spent a couple of days before catching a train to Florence, where Linda was enrolled in a four week sculpturing course. After a week in Florence, we were joined by our daughter-in-law and her two children. Florence is full of museums, sculptures, churches, historical sights, and we saw them all during our 30-day visit. From Florence, we flew to Athens, Greece for four great days before returning to DC for the drive home to Valparaiso, FL. It was a great trip, and Linda gained a lot from the school in Florence."
George Fries wrote on 9/8/09 that "My shoulder replacement surgery ten days ago went well. Found that I didn't have any of the rotor-cup left. So, I'm now in a sling for another five weeks, and then I start physical therapy. But, I still plan to go to the Navy Game with Dean Bristow in October '09 and will fly out to the Army Game with Becke in November. Worst part of this whole surgery thing is that there's 'no drinking' because of the meds!"
The Colorado Group met September 16, 2009 for lunch at Thunder and Buttons Sports Bar in old Colorado City west of Colorado Springs; in the photo, front row: Pete Roe, Andi Biancur, Bruce Mosier, Jim Bujalski, back row Tony Bilello, Wayne Kendall, George Pupich, John McCullough, Duck Waddle, Dick Sexton, Denis Walsh. (Those missing this event were Yates, Glaza, Schehr, Brush, Schwank, Rager, Savage, Hodson, Reed & Porter). Andi handed out a tentative schedule for our 50th Reunion, asking for inputs. He got a volunteer for the "Bars for Grads" program, which was a tradition started by the Class of 1959 in 2008 (they bought a set of brown bars for each new Lieutenant when they graduated from the Academy, with the engraving on the back saying 1959--2009)--Jim Bujalski and Tony Bilello volunteered for that project. This luncheon will be a regular quarterly event.

Wayne Albert Peterson wrote: "I left aerospace 22 years ago and moved from Southern California to the Dallas-Fort Worth, TX, area in 1989. Finished raising a second family here (Diane is my second wife, of 35 years--we have two daughters, and I have three daughters from my first wife, Shirley--whom I married the summer we graduated; and, I have seven grandchildren). Moved into financial planning in 1987, set up my own shop in 1992 and I have been at it ever since. Our website (http: www.familybusinessoffice.net) summarizes what we do. I have no plans to ever retire: It's just too much fun. Also (added to handball), it keeps me from going too far off the edge. I am really looking forward to seeing you guys next year at our 50th Reunion." Wayne and his family live in Colleyville, TX (Wayne was originally from Butte, Montana--"Big Sky Country").
We had six classmates who joined the Marines when we graduated: Jim Kerr, Jim Mills, Jabbo McCain, Bob Baker, Howie Whitfield, and Wayne Peterson. "After Pilot Training at Pensacola, FL and Beeville, TX, I went to Beaufort, SC, then to Atsugi, Japan for a one year tour." wrote Wayne. "I flew F-8s from '63 to '65 and then for a couple years in the reserves in Dallas, also flew A-4s out of El Toro for several years while with ITT. The squadron that replaced us in Japan went 'in-country'--I was very lucky, since my closest brush with combat was while flying out of Key West during the Cuban missile crisis."
The Outstanding Cadet in Military Performance Award is sponsored by the family and friends of General Walter C. Sweeney, Jr. in his memory, and this year's annual award was presented by family friend, Colonel Bruce Mosier, USAF-Retired, Class of 1960, to Gregory C. Oswald, Class of 2009, Squadron 7 (Bruce represented Walt Sweeney, son of General Sweeney). This award is the Academy's top award for Order of Merit.

Frank and Eve Mayberry recalled eight months of travel: "Early in the year we visited our son, Tristan, and grandson, Colin, in Long Beach. Then we joined daughter, Kari, and her family in Gunnison, CO, and later it was off to Hawaii before flying to Australia, where we visited several timeshare resorts, even did some tent camping. At the resort in Coloundra north of Brisbane we were able to observe an osprey nest at the very top of a Norfolk Pine. From Coloundra, we went to Port Macquarie for a week, then south to Tomakin near Batemans Bay, and finally Belle Brae west of Melbourne, where Jim and Erica Kerr joined us. When we got back to the States, we stopped in Long Beach to visit our son, Tristan, and his son, Colin. Returning to our home in Mesquite, NV, we had four days to prepare for guests from Australia, old friends we have known for 45 years. They emigrated from England to Oz about seven years ago. While with us, we took them to Zion National Park and a raft trip down the Colorado River, then Palm Springs for five days."
Charlie Folkart says that "Information about me is out-of-date. I'm not married. "Since Charlie was good enough to bare his soul, why not call or e-mail him--You'll be glad you did!"