Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Our 50th Reunion started Wednesday, September 29th, 2010, with HQ at the Embassy Suites; after filling 100 rooms, overflow went to the nearby Hampton Inn. The theme was "Reconnect with the Academy," and the weather was simply grand throughout this important milestone.
Wednesday midday, the Mayberrys hosted a luncheon at Colorado Mountain Brewery across from the Academy as a "celebration of marriage," with special recognition for those having their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year. Thirty-eight classmates and wives attended. Registration followed later that day at the hotel.
On Thursday, wives gathered for lunch in the Margaritas at Pine Creek Restaurant. "Barb Kendall thanked everyone, and mentioned that we are all sisters over the 50-year period, or those others who found our darlings later in life. Forty-five ladies attended and the food was great; this was a well-organized luncheon planned by Diana Pupich, Hope Schwank and Deanne McCullough," wrote Carole Biancur.
Events on Friday and Saturday included Cadet-led lectures on the Academy's academic program, Lunch at Mitchell Hall, Academy Windshield Tour on busses (guided by Ron Yates and Andi Biancur), Memorial Service at the Chapel, Class Photo, Class Meeting, Senior Staff Briefings by the Superintendent Lt Gen Mike Gould, Dean of Faculty Brig Gen Dana Born and Commandant Brig Gen Richard Clark, Heritage Trail Dedication, Friday night Banquet, Tailgate and AFA-Navy football game Saturday. Our 50th Reunion Yearbook was distributed, an accomplishment solely the concept of George Luck, and its successful completion a tribute to his leadership.We salute you, George!
Friday evening's Banquet opened with a rousing speech by Falcons' Coach Troy Calhoun (AFA '89)--it was so motivational that aging gridiron stalwarts "Moorhead MudCat" Johnson, "Triple Threat" Pupich, "Bear" Bronson and "Herb" Kuenzel had to be restrained from sucking-in their stomachs, donning football unies and racing to Falcon Field for warm-ups. Emcee David Sweigart gracefully modulated the evening's "light program," introducing Walt Sweeney for the Invocation (who handled this same task last year for the '59er's 50th). We respectfully mentioned those classmates who were physically unable to attend our 50th: Tony Burshnick, Tony Jones, Gary Karschnick, and Charlie (Ace) Holman. The program ended with Gary Sheets providing an inspiring Benediction over the evening's enjoyments.
Saturday's activities began at GlazaGate near the FalconMobile, then lunch at the Academy-Tailgate. We played Navy tough, and the final score was 14-6--the singular distractions were periodic cellophane-wrapped Kraft singles tossed into the air--cadets have dubbed this "Spirit Cheese," and although the derivation of this "tradition" was explained to us, the meaning eluded our elderly minds. We were not amused. But, we had beaten Navy.
Later, at Saturday night's buffet, we had a surprise visit by Superintendent Lt Gen Mike Gould and his lovely wife Paula.
125 classmate-graduates attended our Reunion: Jim and Martha Alexander; Norm and Debbie Alexander; Ken and Judy Alnwick; Fuller and Judy Atkinson; Andi and Carole Biancur; Ken and Carol Biehle; Tony and Carol Bilello; Steve Bishop; Greg Boyington with June Colgan; Dean Bristow; Howie and Judy Bronson; JP and Carole Browning; Jack and Elaine Brush; Jim Bujalski and Judy Rodriguez; Tom and Mary Ellen Burke; Bill and Anne Carnegie; Jim Clark and Jean Walbridge; Mike J and Emma Clarke; Rosie and Karen Cler; Jerry and Betty de la Cruz; Ron and Carolyn Deep; Nels Delisanti; Billy Delony; Chuck and Edie Diver; George and Evelyn Elsea; Jerry and Dotty Farquhar; Bob and Lutzi Fischer; Gordy Flygare; George and Becky Fries; Ben Furuta; Walt and Elaine Futch; John Giffen; Bill Gillis; Jim and Jenny Glaza; Leon and Maryn Goodson; Bill Goodyear and Norwood Gay, George Van Houten, Jim Gifford; Frank and Faye Gorham; Gary and Susan Gulbransen; Sid and Ann Gurley; Ed and Nancy Haerter; Bill and Barbara Hales; Norm and Liz Haller and Liz' sister Kathy Tocher; Denis and Liz Haney; Charlie and Linda Hart, son Bret with sons James and Madison, Grandson Aaron Wheeler, Daughter Lisa Mortenson and husband Jeff; RG Head and Carole Hoover Head; Joe and Sue Higgins; Rich and Midge Hillman; Les Hobgood and Cindy Clements; Bill and Fran Hodson; Nick Holly; Ted and Dawn Hopkins; Al and Gale Johnson; Deke and Sally Johnson; Roy Jolly and Pearl; Brian and Carol Kaley and Sue Woodward; Miles and Charlotte Kaspar; Wayne and Barbara Kendall; Pete and Linda King; Bill and Linda Kornitzer; John and Mimi Kuenzel; Ralph and Darlene Lalime; Roger Lent; Ed and Suzanne Leonard (Ed on Segway); Art and Pat Lewis; Charlie and Kathy Liggett; Mike Loh; Tony Long (titanium knees and hip); George and Carolyn Luck; Russ Macdonald; Frank and Eve Mayberry; Dale Mayo; Mike McCall and Deborah Streiber; Jon McClure; John and Deanne McCullough and Elaine Eklund (Jim Mills' sister); Phil and Veronica Meinhardt with Libby and Jonathan Evans; Dick and Marilynn Meyer; Ralph and Loretta Miller; Bruce and Caryl Mosier; Sid and Marvann Newcomb; Ed Nogar; Dennis and Linda O'Keefe; Jim O'Rourke; Bob Odenweller; Ron and Elaine Patchett; John and Barbara Peebles; Fred and Mary Lou Porter with Ed Osborne; George and Diana Pupich; Neal and Niki Reavely; Dave Reed; Charlie Sands; Gordy and Carol Savage; Dick and Sharon Schehr; Jack Schira with daughter Christine; Jock and Hope Schwank; Tom and Carole Seebode; Dick and Sally Sexton; Gary and Sylvia Sheets; Cres Shields and daughter; JT and Diane Smith; Jerry and Hildburg Stack; Don and Joan Stevens; Paul Sullivan; Walt and Mary Sweeney; Dave and Camille Sweigart with Don and Marjorie Richard; Bill and Kitty Taylor; Vic and Sandra Thomas; Jim Thomasson; Charlie and Mercedes Thompson; Dale and Ina Thompson; Aaron Thrush, daughter Lara and husband Brian Long, daughter Melissa Thrush and husband Chris Reid and children Hannah, Emily, Marie, Richard; Johnnie Townsend; Paul and Kay Vallerie; Earl and Pat Van Inwegen; Gary Van Singel; Dean Vikan with son-in-law Jeff Sheets; Jim and Mary Waddle; Denis Walsh; Bob Weinaug; Howie Whitfield; Ed and Mary Whitman; Don and Ronnie Wolfswinkel; Ron and Connie Yates; Vic Yoakum and Suzanne Foselius-Yoakum; Bill Zersen with son Todd; Alex and Pam Zimmerman (125 of 179 living graduates=70 %!)
Three classmates were recently married: Vic Yoakum married Suzanne Forselius, 12 September 2010; RG Head married Carole Hoover in July; Dennis O'Keefe married Linda Jameson on September 17, 2010.
Four classmates-not-graduating also attended: Dick Doyle (left 31 May '60), Bill Hockenberry (17 Oct '56), Les Querry (23 Sep '59) and wife Marty Hiatt, and Dean (5 Feb '57) and Denise Phelps. Other guests included Rich Carter's son Rock; Barbara Crew and Bob Dunn; Bert Croft's widow Jacque Croft with John Croft, Suzanne Hagen, Dave Hagen, and Lauren; Charlie Georgi's widow Sandra Juarez and husband Fernando Juarez; Eddie Morton's family, including Eddie's brother Fred, Eddie's wife Elaine Morton, son James Edward III Morton, daughter Ann Morton; Mary Ann Powers, widow of Sam Waters, with nine family members; Linda Glaza with son Doug and wife (In all, we had a total of 279--125 classmates, 89 wives, 35 family, four classmates-not-graduating, 26 widows and family).
Pete King's wife, Linda, a sculptor, donated one of her marvelous one-third life size limited edition bronze sculptures of an AFA Falconer and Gyrfalcon to the AOG, and that transfer was made Saturday night when Linda presented her statue to "T" Thompson and Gary Howe of the AOG--this statue will be displayed at Doolittle Hall.

Our 50th Reunion ended Sunday morning, but Jack and Elaine Brush had invited everyone to an Open House starting at 10AM October 3rd. Jack related that "Bill Gillis was first to arrive, not quite last to leave. Maybe 100 people showed up, nicely spaced from 1000 to 1700 hours. Momma deer and two Bambis posed near the driveway all day. Ed Leonard swooped up the driveway and bounded into the elevator on his Segway two-wheeled self-balancing electric vehicle. All the food was consumed (except for fruit). We had to roust out a few couples who wanted to move in." The Brush's lovely hillside home is twenty minutes from COS airport, making departures easy and Jack and Elaine very happy.
Comments on our 50th: "A splendid weekend," wrote John Giffen. "It was amazing how so many of us scattered all over the country gathered in one place after so many years; and, for a brief few wonderful days, we seemed as young as our original gathering at Lowry. ... Camille and I rate this reunion as the best ever," wrote Dave Sweigart. ... .Jerry de la Cruz: "There will be larger reunions at the Academy in the future, but never a better one than 1960's 50th." ... "Great reunion. Best to date," wrote Mike Loh. ... "Great blast!" said RG Head. ... Charlie Hart wrote: "I was proud of the Academy, my classmates and Cadets. They treated my family as honored guests. We plan to attend a football game each fall as a family trip. I recommend it to all the Class." ... Chuck & Edie Diver: "We continually think about the wonderful time of fellowship, fun and festivities. Thanks for making the Reunion happen!" ... Gale and Al Johnson: "Thanks for the enormous work updating Class of 1960's web, and the 50th Reunion Yearbook!" ... "Thanks for the fabulous reunion! Vic had the time of his life--he thought he was still a schoolboy or cadet!" (Suzanne Foselius-Yoakum) ... "Thanks to our emeritus class officers for a great 50th!" (Dean Bristow).
During these moments, we truly were--"We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers." (Bill Shakespeare, Henry V).
Final Roll Call: This sad message was received in the midst of our 50th Reunion. "Derry Allan Adamson died of Lewy Body Dementia at 1:30AM on October 2, 2010, at Brittany House Assisted Living in Marietta, GA." Condolences may be sent to Faith Adamson, 1109 Cockrell Drive, Kennesaw Ga. 30152.