Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"I was selected for the Smithsonian Lifetime Achievement Award by Smithsonian's National Postal Museum. It is given every other year to one or two people, this year it was awarded to me and to a Canadian gentleman," wrote Bob Odenweller. "One of the earlier awardees was Prince Rainier. This award is called 'Smithsonian Philatelic Achievement Award' instead of 'Lifetime,'' but it's the same as the one given at the other Smithsonian museums. The ceremony was at a gala reception in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 16, 2010. This will be my last activity of the year, although Jane and I went to Venice in November."

Quick Hits: Fred Porter still teaches full time in the Aeronautics' Department at the Academy, and "we think that he's the oldest grad teaching full time," writes Mary Lou Porter. "And, he teaches evenings at Colorado Tech and UCCS. The Secretary of the Aero Department just retired at the age of 83--after 50 years; so, Fred has a ways to go yet. He loves to teach!" Mary Lou went on to say that "Some of Fred's classmates sat in on some of his classes, and the next day one of his cadet-students raised her hand and said: 'Sir, I was really surprised how sharp they all were.' Fred's still trying to figure out what that says about him!". . . Karen and I lunched at the Tony Crab 'n Fin on glitzy St. Armand's Circle this New Year's Day with Nancy and Bill Siebecker, who live in Wausau, WI and have a lovely vacation villa looking out on the Gulf waters off Longboat Key across from Sarasota (more in 'March 2011 Web Column') ... You'll be excited to devour Lew Price's recipe for 'Roast Possum' which accompanied his 2010 Christmas Newsletter! ... "I'll arrive in DC on 4 February to give the Maynard Sundman Lecture at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum on the 5th," said Bob Odenweller.
"Linda and I got back Saturday morning (30 October 2010) from that cruise around Italy," wrote Dennis O'Keefe. "The cruise was great, but airport transits were a nightmare. Here's the wedding photo you asked me to send, we were married 17 September 2010." Shortly after that, RG Head said: "Here's a good photo from our wedding in July 2010. We had the ceremony at a small church in Coronado (CA) and the reception at Coronado Cays Yacht Club. All seven grandchildren were at the wedding. This was taken after we disembarked from our electric boat, coming up the ramp to the Yacht Club patio." RG also mentioned that "Some classmates asked (at our 50th) where they could get F-4 ties and WW II fighter belts--ties are at DoppleDecker on their web: www.2decker.com, and Sporty's Wright Brothers at 1-800-776-7897 sells the belts."

"Neither the chilly weather here in Northwest Florida's Panhandle nor the snow and ice in the Carolinas and Georgia could stop the Class of 1960's Mini-Reunion in Fort Walton Beach/Destin (FL) on January 11-12, 2011," wrote Aaron Thrush, Host and Chronicler of this party. "This event was planned around the visit of Ed Leonard to Pensacola NAS for his annual POW follow-up physical, and 12 Class of 1960 classmates enjoyed a relaxed two days at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel on Okaloosa Island on the Gulf of Mexico. Attendees included Michael J. and Emma Clarke, Walt and Elaine Futch, Bill Goodyear, Frank and Faye Gorham, Bill and Barbara Hales, Ace and Louise Holman, Karl and Mary Ann Jones, Pete and Linda King, Ed and Suzanne Leonard, Jon McClure, Don and Joannie Stevens and, me--Aaron Thrush (Tom and Carole Seebode and Jim Thomasson had planned to attend, but icy roads and snow made their attendance impossible: Keep in mind that this event took place during that period when every one of our 50 United States was covered by snow, with the exception of the Sunshine State, although it was still pretty darned cold down here at night. The roads were not a problem in this part of Florida).
"Guests at the Tuesday, January 11th dinner included Linda Horne--Elaine Futch's sister; Don and Joannie Stevens' daughter Erin; Aaron Thrush's daughter Teresa and her friend John O'Day; and, Aaron's friend, Mike MacCarroll, Class of '67."We also had the good fortune to be joined by three ATOs from our doolie year at USAFA who now live in NW Florida: Earl Caudell (Gulf Breeze, FL), Bill Hatley (Panama City, FL), and Al Roberts, Jr. (Tallahassee, FL). Another ATO, Harry Gornto (Ft. Walton Beach, FL), had planned on attending, but was unable to attend due to a change in his plans. A female ATO from the 1975-77 eras who lives in the local area, Kathryn Newton, also attended with her husband, Richard Newton, a Class of '77 graduate.
"After a delicious Tuesday dinner, Ed Leonard shared some of his experiences that resulted in four Silver Stars during the Vietnam War to include five years as a POW. Don Stevens, our Air Force Cross and Jabara Award winning classmate, also spoke about his career. We enjoyed a Gulf Front hospitality suite in the Sheraton, with a wonderful view on both Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday. There were stories told, excellent food devoured, liquid refreshment imbibed and perhaps a few embellishments occasionally indulged, as the relatively small group was able to spend a leisurely time visiting and reminiscing. There appeared to be general agreement as Wednesday drew to a close, and as we went our separate ways, that we may choose to try this type of event once again in the future at some 'to-be-determined time and place.' Next time, we'll need to order less snow and ice for the Southeastern Region." (Photo, left to right: Front Row--Ace Holman Jr., ATO Kathryn Newton, Bill Goodyear, ATO Earl Caudell; Second Row--Pete King, Bill Hales, ATO Al Roberts Jr., Don Stevens; Third Row--Ed Leonard, Frank Gorham, ATO Bill Hatley, Aaron Thrush, Walt Futch, Karl Jones, Jon McClure, Michael J. Clarke).

Two classmates made excellent commentaries on this gathering: "Although Elaine and I left home driving on slushy ice and the weather in Ft. Walton Beach was cold, the atmosphere for the mini-reunion was warm and comfortable," offered Walt Futch. "While we enjoyed the 50th Reunion immensely, this smaller group really gave Elaine time to get to know classmates and their wives. The stories related by Ed Leonard about his captivity were thought-provoking and caused me (and I hope everyone else) to consider how I would have acted. My hat is off to Aaron Thrush, Frank Gorham, and Pete King for their efforts in planning and producing this outstanding event." And, Bill Hales wrote: "Since Barb is still 'new to the class,' I was very pleased that this wonderful venue gave her an opportunity to get more insight about my background through longer interactions with classmates and spouses. The event was shorter, time-wise, and a much smaller group than at the 50th, but we never ran out of things to discuss, remember, and, maybe enlarge upon. The 'hangar flying' was superb, and the 'back stories' were very enlightening. After 50 years, there was a store of adventures and experiences that made this 'gathering' an enriching opportunity. Neither Barb nor I ever tired of the reconnections."
Andi and Carole Biancur have planned another River Trip with Grand Circle Travel. "The Romance of the Rhine and Mosel" departs August 10, 2011 from Antwerp (Group Number G123163). Register at 1-800-597-2452, Option #2. Beginning prices are $125/person/day, double occupancy (includes three fabulous meals, with wine), and some tours along the way. Go to www.GrandCircleTravel.com to view the ship, optional day tours, and air fares.