Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"Colorado Classmates made our monthly pilgrimage to Champs Brew Pub to discuss matters of national import and prostate problems. We had a first--Bill Hodson was our featured speaker, and he didn't show," wrote Wayne Kendall. "He had a root canal during the meeting time. He's our first speaker to prefer a root canal versus talking to his classmates! The highlight was our 'volunteer' war story by Fred Porter. IT WAS ACTUALLY A WAR STORY--a real hair-raiser about punching out of an F4 after being hit shortly after takeoff from Danang. None of us were aware of the exploits of our quiet professor friend. Next meeting is November 9th." Photo, seated: Jock Schwank, Wayne Kendall, Andi Biancur, Duck Waddle, Denis Walsh; Standing: Jim Bujalski, Ron Yates, Bruce Mosier, Dick Schehr, Fred Porter, Dick Sexton.

"Rosie, I had a number of relatives this past week (9/15/2011) for my son's wedding. Bringing out all my blankets, my Academy blanket caught my eye. I wonder how many still have our (original issue) blanket?" Bill Zersen.
Ina Thompson, Boerne, TX says that "Dale is doing fine. The 'wheelchair thing' (which Dale rode at our 50th) was an almost severed hamstring from the fall he took before our trip. It took time to heal, but he didn't need a wheelchair after getting home. We just returned from Nashville and our reunion of the 18th TFW. The 44th Squadron went together to Viet Nam in F-105s. A number ended up as POWs and many didn't come back, so the squadron has stayed very close. Some of the guys were even in WWII.
"Next week, the 20th TFW every-other-year reunion is in San Antonio on the River Walk. Dale was with that wing at Upper Heyford, UK in various positions for many years and ended up as Wing Commander. John Peebles is president of that organization. We'll stay on the River Walk during the reunion."
This picture was taken at the Northwest '60 Falcons luncheon during our sailing outing with Nels Delisanti on September 6th," wrote George Luck. Top photo: Dennis and Linda O'Keefe, Vic and Suzanne Yoakum, Bev and Jim O'Rourke, Carolyn and George Luck, Nels Delisanti. Bottom photo: Jim, Linda and Nels on the briny sea.

If you're lucky enough to live in New Mexico, particularly a city as lovely as Albuquerque (Hey! they've got Isotopes Stadium, easily the nicest stadium in AAA baseball!), here's how you'd 'Check-In' with a Blast to your old roommates: "Monsoon is over: A complete lack of rain. Less than 2" at the airport. Less than normal 7+. " State fair is over. Balloon Fiesta is coming up. Check out 'Koat.com' for coverage--starts at 7:00 MST for coverage of the mass (balloon) ascension. Life goes on." (Bill Leninger lives in Rio Rancho, north ABQ).
"Daughter Christine is in the Class of 2015 and survived summer training. At our 50th, I brought Chrissie, and she was able to spend a day with a fourth class female cadet, which greatly encouraged Chrissie to pursue an appointment," wrote Jack Schira. "I also talked to our Classmates who had grandchildren applying for this Class. Chrissie is my youngest, and I think that I may be the OLDEST graduate to have a son or daughter in the new Class. When we saw her on Parents Weekend, she showed me her biceps--WOW is she solid! She was in darn good shape before she showed up at the Academy, and could do more pushups and sit ups than most boys in her high school class, the result of working to get ready for Academy physical fitness tests.
"My wife Susan and I just moved from Ohio to Hanover, Maryland, so that Susan could keep her job in SAIC. She is eighteen years younger than me and her job is an important part of our income, and this move brings me closer to my daughter Robin (Yorktown, VA) and son Jay (Ashburn, VA). Robin retired from teaching in the Public School System of Virginia, and Sam is working on the US Space Defense System as a Software Engineer/Program Manager. Robin has a little girl and Jay has a son and a daughter."
"What a great weekend," wrote Tony Burshnick. "The AF Falcons went to Navy-Marine Stadium in Annapolis and trounced the Middies (1 October). This would not have happened were it not for the Class of '60 and their families being there to cheer them to victory. This was followed by the grand tailgate social at Ralph Lalime's giant RV! An even better part of the weekend occurred on Sunday when Marty and Les Querry hosted another victory party at Falcon Roost in Bluemont, VA. Counting all 'partygoers,' the total was 33. Jim Glaza and Jenny came from C-Springs, Tony and Carol Bilello from Denver were joined by their lovely daughter Susan, who lives in VA. BG Kaley and Carol stopped by before heading to Naples, FL for the winter. Bob and Lutzi Fischer drove from PA, and GJC Fries from southern VA. George's new grandson is doing well in Ohio. The rest of us were DC '60 locals. Now, you grads in the Springs can help the Falcons beat Army in November. We will send GJC Fries to help with the game victory!"

The top photo shows the group assembled in front of Ralph Lalime's motor home:
Left to right: Ken Alnwick, Bob Fischer, Tom Burke, Bill Hockenberry, Jim Glaza, Jerry de la Cruz, Ralph Lalime, George Fries, Tony Bilello.
The bottom photo shows the Victory Party at Les and Marty Querry's house on Sunday, October 2nd, and in the photo are: Standing Left to Right--Jim Glaza, Brian Kaley, Norm Haller, Bob Badger, Carol Kaley, Anne Carnegie, Cathe Hockenberry, Bill Carnegie, Ken Alnwick, Susan and Carol Bilello, Ralph Lalime, George Fries, Leon Goodson, Bill Hockenberry, Al Johnson; Upper (seated) Left to Right--Jerry de la Cruz, Tom Burke, Betty de la Cruz, Tony Bilello, Tony Burshnick; Sitting Left to Right: Marty Hiatt (Querry), Jenny Glaza, Liliane Badger, Maryn Goodson, Mary Ellen Burke, Judy Alnwick, Liz Haller, Karen Burshnick, Darlene Lalime, Bob Fischer; Seated on floor: Les Querry and Lutzi Fischer. "We recently moved to Palm Desert, CA. Please update my Class record," wrote Phil Meinhardt. "I do miss the lunches with Goose, and the get-togethers with Boyingtons and Gulbransens. However, I do NOT miss the year-around cold and incessant drizzle-rain of the winters in the Bay Area. Mark Twain once said that "San Francisco one summer was the coldest winter I ever spent!" In Tiburon (CA), we never turned the heat off except two or three days. Palm Desert is a more central and closer location to kids and grandchildren. Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert and Indian Wells are each about 50,000 in population, clean and have no homeless. During the winter, the population grows with Canadians and the Snowbirds."
Make Yourself Happy--Go To www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html, and enjoy an hour!