Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"I have been editing my bi-monthly 64-page magazine, and 1,500-page book in three volumes. 2012 has seen a lot of travel, but more is scheduled. Our daughter, Liesl, will be starring in the opera that will kick off the Save Venice (Italy) gala in August (also puts the entire show together)," wrote BobOdenweller. "Jane and I will be in Europe for that, after which we tour the Croatian Coast from Dubrovnik to Split. I'll be in Scotland for a week in October, Mainz in November, San Diego in February (2013), Berlin mid-February, March to London again, UK in the summer, and New Zealand in September."
Still Flying? "I no longer have access to the Beechcraft A-36 I used for five years. I've flown with George Luck a few times, when he was keeping me current in small airplanes using his Bonanza. I am still current and teaching on the B-737 for Boeing, but only in simulators (they have the ridiculous idea that I am too old to fly their actual airplanes, and have rules that cut off airplane flying at age 63)," writes Jim O'Rourke."I am also checked out as Captain on the new 787. I intend to fly as long as the eyes and body hold out against the ravages of age-related deterioration. I don't wear glasses, my energy level is sufficient to allow flying when the opportunity arises, and my interest level is high. I'd guess that my byline is: 'Still Teaching Flying'."
"The Class of 1960 50th Reunion Award Committee has agreed that, with 63 votes having been received, all supporting Colonel (Ret) Andrew William Biancur, there being no further votes received over the last several days, it is announced at this time that he has been chosen unanimously to receive the Class of 1960 50th Reunion Award. Documents supporting his selection as recipient of the award are being prepared by his nominators, to be submitted to the committee NLT 1 June 2012. Those documents will form a major part of the material submitted by the committee to Association of Graduates 01 August 2012. The award will be presented at the class mini-reunion dinner on Friday evening prior to the 6 October Air Force/Navy game" (Bob Badger--Award Committee Chairman).
Tony Burshnick: "We enjoyed another great luncheon and got 11 stalwarts to celebrate the arrival of 317 DOOLIES at Lowry to meet the ATOs; absent were Jerry de la Cruz, Leon Goodson, Al Johnson, Bill Carnegie, and Joe Higgins. Former classmate Jim Brown passed away recently in Indianapolis, and Pete Burton was buried at USAFA 22 June 2012. Mike Loh told us his grandson was sworn in at USAFA last week--6/28/2012: "Our grandson, Michael John Loh, enters today in the Class of 2016. He is third generation, all blue tags. I have already suggested a motto for his class: '2016--On Fire!'."
"Mike and Norm Haller now have grandchildren at both AFA and Annapolis. Norm has the first of fifteen grandchildren getting married this Saturday. Mike talked about the problems getting into the Academy because of downsizing and concentration on diversity, while also leading the discussion on recent honor problems and a need for the new Leadership Program. Norm told us there are now two Falcon Scholars at Randolph Macon Academy; he and Mike Loh worked on that project. Ralph Lalime just returned from a vacation on the Boston shore and some extended work at his son's new/old house in Western New York; Ralph is also staying proficient fixing up his RV! Les Querry is looking at the 13th of October for his Fall Get-Together. Bob and Lutzi Fischer enjoy working at the James Michener Museum in Doylestown, PA, and Bob stays active with the Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Museum. Bill Hockenberry is working hard, hard, hard! GJC Fries heads to Colorado for the Navy/AF game in October, then drives to West Point to watch USAFA beat Army. Ken Alnwick and Jerry de la Cruz are now in the stained/fused glass-making business, and Ken also helps with junior lacrosse. Bob Badger regaled us with a great rendition of 'America' on his cornet. He was good! Bob's working on another book that will be on the internet at Amazon.com and Kindle. Tom Burke is cutting back on work with the Air Force, but still has another job. I'm not getting any better with the back; but, I am going to try to make it to Georgia this week by auto to see the kids and their families." (Photo, Front Row: Les Querry, Tom Burke, Tony Burshnick, George Fries; Back Row: Ralph Lalime, Mike Loh, Bob Fischer, Ken Alnwick, Norm Haller, Bill Hockenberry, Bob Badger).

"We in Colorado Springs had a great 9 July Anniversary Lunch. 14 classmates attended; Photo, Back Row: JimBujalski, Duck Waddle, Andi Biancur, Pete Roe, Ron Yates, Bruce Mosier, Gordy Savage; Front Row: Tony Bilello, Bill Hodson, Killer Kendall, George Pupich, John McCullough, Jack Brush, Fred Porter showed after the photo; absent were Jim Glaza, Jock Schwank, Dick Schehr, Dick Sexton & Denis Walsh. There were stories about the first days in 1956 and some other nonsense passed around, and the lunch went 2-1/2 hours. We'll meet in August and try to get new Commandant, Brig Gen Gregory J. Lengyel, to join us in September," wrote Andi Biancur.
Brenda Fern Douglass (May 19, 1953 - May 7, 2012), wife of Clemeunt T. Douglass III, was buried at the USAFA Cemetery at 1400 hours, 19 June 2012. In attendance were George and Diana Pupich; Ron and Connie Yates; CT with sons CT IV and Dax; Bruce and Caryl Mosier; Jack and Elaine Brush; Jim and Jeannette Glaza; Jim Bujalski; Denis Walsh; various friends from Stillwater, MN; and, Bob Browning, '59, who presided over the ceremony in the Pavilion (photo below). Afterwards, the group adjourned to Jim and Jenny Glaza's home near Monument.

The photo (above) shows George Luck receiving the "FAA Master Pilot Award for 50 Consecutive Years of Safe Flying." To his right is the 1957 Beechcraft H35 Bonanza, which he hangars at Paine Field in Everett, WA. George has 12,000 hours, 5300 as civil pilot, holds commercial and instructor certifications, and works six weekends a year for the Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program, Inc.
"Barb and I are in Panama City for the week visiting Pete and Linda King in Valparaiso, FL," wrote Bill Hales (from Greer, SC--next to Greenville, home of Shoeless Joe Jackson). "They were excellent hosts and treated us to a great Sunday brunch! Attached is a photo of four happy folks."

Bill and Barb then drove to Panama City to visit the Gillis and Gorham couples: "Here is a picture from last night. 51 years since seeing the Gillises at Spence Air Base, Moultrie, GA in 1960!" (Photo: Barb and Bill Hales, Faye and Frank Gorham, Bill and Kath Gillis). "Discussions ranged from work histories to hangar flying to family--I think we closed the place!"
Final Roll Call. Peter Jacquette Burton died 2 Mar 2011 in Overland Park, KS. Funeral services were held 22 June 2012 in the Cadet Chapel, with graveside service at the USAFA Cemetery (There are 52 deceased classmates, 175 living).