Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Gary and Susan Gulbransen toured Africa for 22 days in March 2013. "We chose a safari for nine days, three in each camp with the charter's small aircraft between camps," wrote Goose. "We flew to Johannesburg for two days, then an absolutely fantastic Rovos Rail train ride to Cape Town, Kruger National Park for a three day safari, and jet to Johannesburg for an overnight, then small aircraft for six nights in two different tented camps in Botswana. Finishing up, it was a small aircraft to Victoria Falls for two days and then home to Santa Barbara, CA" (The wooden figure in the photo--my new best friend--is in the rotunda of an over-the-top casino/hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe)."

RED BARON FLIES AGAIN! Baron Manfred von Richtofen was history's "Ace of Aces" in WWI with 80 aerial victories, and more recent fame as nemesis of Snoopy in Peanuts' comic strips. RG Head built a one-of-a-kind model of the Red Baron's airplane with 7-foot wingspan for the Commodore's Ball at the Coronado (CA) Cays Yacht Club dinner dance, and it now hangs in the Children's Hall of the Library. (Photo, L-R: Christian Esauevin, Director-Coronado Public Library; RG; "Snoopy's Plane." The model is a one-third replica of the original Fokker DR-1, manufactured in Germany in 1917).
Jim and Jenny Glaza plan a "Trip to Africa" in 2014 for '60 classmates and spouses--contact Jim @ 719-481-9222, 719-660-2060 (C), or, E-mail jimglaza@yahoo.com. Globetrotter and Afrikaner-traveler Goose Gulbransen's commentary: "The Glaza trip looks absolutely fine. It's one heck-of-a-lot of travel for the money." The basic trip includes three countries, twelve nights in safari lodges/tents at four parks, and Victoria Falls--costs as low as $5623 each! Jim's update 4/12/2013: "We currently have 12 committed: Don and Jin Hee Brooks '59, Vic and Sandy Thomas, Dick and Donna Doyle, plus two local couples, for a total of 12."
MiniSki XXIII-2013 enjoyed President's Weekend at four Utah areas: Brighton, Deer Valley, Alta, and Solitude. The group included Greg Boyington, son-in-law Jeff Lippa, grandson Reef; Andi Biancur; Howie Bronson; Al Johnson; Ralph Lalime, Gene & Jane Vosika '59; Ron & Connie Yates. The 2013 MMPA went to the 2012 winner, Gene Vosika (Photo, L-R: Biancur, Al Johnson, Bronson, Boyington, Vosika, Lalime, Yates, at Northside Ski Lift/Deer Valley).

The Colorado Group met March 20th at Champps Restaurant, with Steve Lorenz ('73, LtGen) as guest speaker. General Lorenz is President and CEO of the USAFA Endowment Fund, and volunteered lunch and a tour of the new departments at the Academy for April's get-together--new areas include Space Operations, unmanned air vehicles, and Flight Preparatory sections in Fairchild Hall. Photo, L-R: Front: Waddle, Glaza, Porter, Lorenz, Walsh, Savage; Back: Schwank, Pupich, Biancur, Kendall, Hodson, Mosier, Schehr, Bilello (Dick Sexton arrived after photo was taken).
DC-'60 Founder's Day Luncheon April 1, 2013: "This meeting was extra special, since our ladies joined us. Pat Warack honored us with her attendance," wrote Tony Burshnick. "Those missing: Lalimes are in Florida enjoying the sun; Doug Rekenthaler is south on a vacation; Mike Loh is in Colorado with his son at the AOG Founders Day Dinner; Bill Hales stayed south; Mike A. Clarke has a virus and stayed in Richmond; Bob Odenweller is working on books, stamps and traveling. Attending: Ken Alnwick is getting ready for the Nationals' race to the World Series, and also coaches a local lacrosse team; Bob Badger regaled us with his knowledge of protecting freedoms and Fourth Amendment rights. Liz and Norm Haller enjoyed an Easter visit with their Naval Academy granddaughter, and Liz is recovering from a broken arm. Jack and Susan Schira made their first luncheon, and live in Pasadena, MD near Annapolis, their daughter's a cadet at USAFA; Jack is writing books, and he led a discussion on the future of military forces. Al Johnson couldn't stop talking about the Johnson Ski School and his visit to the lodge of a pro skier; Al and Gale are putting their local house on the market and will move permanently to Maine. Bob and Lutzi Fischer are in PA, and Lutzi had eye surgery; they'd been to Florida, and ran into Don Livingston '59. Bill Hockenberry is working on house improvements. GJC Fries decided to go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls; he still has back problems. Goodsons have been enjoying a visit from the grandkids. Tom Burke bought a new car; Tom now has 13 grandkids; Tom once again offered to set up a golf match, and he'll be the contact for the AFA/Navy game 5 October. ME? I'm just glad they make canes." In the photo, standing L-R: Tom Burke, Leon Goodson, Bob Badger, Liliane Badger, George Fries, Cathe Hockenberry, Bill Hockenberry, Maryn Goodson, Norm Haller, Liz Haller, Gale Johnson, Al Johnson, Betty Alnwick, Ken Alnwick, Bob Fischer, Jack Schira; Sitting L-R: Mary Ellen Burke, Lutzi Fischer, Pat Warack, Tony Burshnick, Karen Burshnick, and Susan Schira.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013, The Northwest Falcons gathered at Stanley and Seafort's Restaurant overlooking beautiful Tacoma, WA; attending were Nels Delisanti, George Luck, Jim O'Rourke, Vic Yoakum and Chuck Diver. Dennis O'Keefe had a doctor's appointment and was unable to attend. After lunch, they toured the superb America's Car Museum near the Tacoma Dome. The museum is built around the automobile collection of Harold E. LeMay. On display were about 300 cars--30% were in running condition (Photo: Nels, Vic, Jim, Chuck, George).
"Son Jay's wife Aimee in Massachusetts gave birth to our first grandson March 20th, and on March 26th, son Chris's wife on Okinawa gave birth to our second grandson," wrote RalphLalime. "We now have three granddaughters and two new grandsons." Ralph added: "Chris' wife Robyn works for the Center for Naval Analysis at White Beach, Okinawa, and Chris is a part-time teacher. Chris's son is named Remington Sage Lalime; Jay's son is Charlemagne W. Lalime. Darlene and I left for Okinawa in June to help with the baby, when Robyn went on a Navy cruise for 30 days. Lastly, Darlene & I have been coming to Sanibel (FL) for twelve years, spending a month. I've made reservations for March 2014, and we'll use it for Spring Training--jogging, biking, and swimming!"
"Lutzi and I visited Les and Marty Querry on the way to Florida late January, arriving March 1st. We rented a 3-BR unit in Naples called Tarpon Cove, attending concerts, art shows, Farmers' Markets, the zoo, and managed four rounds of golf. We highly recommend the three-hour boat trip off Marco Island. We met with Brian and Carol Kaley often, and enjoyed some wonderful meals together.Leaving the beautiful weather behind on February 26th, we returned home in PA February 28th to cold wet weather."
"My son CTIV married a girl two days before Brenda passed," wrote CT Douglass III. "She, Amy, has an uncle, John Anderson, who is coach of the U of Minnesota's baseball team. Amy and CT work for a law firm downtown, and she takes her CPA exam later this spring."
This column contains tantalizing tales involving 44 classmates. Our "September 2013 Class News" will be written by Denis Walsh--send your stories to denis.walsh@comcast.net .