Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
(Note: This column was written by D.L. Walsh
--Rosie will be back next quarter.)
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Gordy and Ann Flygare spent July in Ireland. Photos: (A) "How bright and sunny Ireland is! Our glasses went full dark and short sleeves were in vogue;"(B) "Couple of guys I met at a pub. Dandy on my right is Oscar Wilde and the other is 'Natalie Attired';"(C) "Pint and bowl of chowder, prime pub fare--spoon standing tall! Lotsa seafood in the chowder;"(D) "If elected to office in Northern Ireland you wear this neat robe. Cecil B. DeMille advised on this, I do believe."
"It is quiet and peaceful in Thomasville, GA," says Jon McClure. "Working in the Southern Circuit of Georgia Public Defender's Office defending poor and "not guilty," haven't tried a case in a year. Thomas County, GA desires to resolve everything without trial. Linda and I drove to Retired Eastern Pilots Association convention in Charleston, SC last month. Spoke with Weesa Holman last Sunday--Ace was in the hospital all week. In addition to Parkinson's, his kidneys are not functioning properly. Ace can hear and respond, but not talk."
"We had a busy year," wrote Bill Kornitzer. "The exciting news was that Linda's oldest son Jared (42) and his wife had their first child--Julia Mae. That makes ten grandchildren, five months to 23 years. Son Stephen is an AF Colonel in charge of PacAF exercises. Grandson Nick is a 2nd LT going through Intel School at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. My nephew Michael John Loh (Mike Loh's Grandson) is in his first year at USAFA. We will be with Mike at the Notre Dame game 26 October."
"We've continued to take European river cruises. Perhaps the best was down the Seine to the North Sea," wrote Walt Futch. "Stopped at Monet's Garden and a number of other historical places; however, most awe-inspiring was touring the Normandy Beach area and seeing the American cemetery for those who died in the Normandy invasion. In August 2012 I was diagnosed with colon cancer, Stage 2A. I am now a semi-colon, but tests have been negative for any spreading. We took an Alaskan cruise in June, since Elaine and her daughter, Diane, had never been to Alaska. Stayed a couple of extra days in Anchorage, saw Denali, and spent several days in Vancouver before coming home."
"Deb & I are doing pretty well, but don't do a lot of traveling due to her health issues--just short trips. No great grandkids yet, since none of the grandkids are married. One granddaughter has applied for Marine JAG out of the SMU law school," writes Jerry Caskey.
"Our activities revolve around three daughters and six grand children in/around Austin, TX, plus our son and family in Redwood City, CA, with five more grandchildren," writes Sid Newcomb. "We are blessed to see our TX children and grandchildren every week, and the 'California Newcombs' twice a year. Son Sid is a tennis teaching pro in Northern CA. Our other involvement is church, hosting a group of 12-16 each Wednesday evening. Our Martinez Taco Business needs attention several days a week. As Admissions Liaison Officer, I have responsibilities at local high schools, and contact students, parents, and counselors interested in USAFA or AFROTC. My PSA=0!"
"Alex has been involved with an archeological dig in Jordan for seven years," wrote Pam Zimmerman. "They are looking for Sodom and have found strong evidence that this is the site! I have gone along on a few digs, and go again February '14 for two weeks. All are well and prospering in our family. Our newest addition is an English bulldog named Gus. We send Merry Christmas to Leon and Maryn Goodson."
Interesting travelogue from Charlie and Kathy Liggett about "twelve days in June along the Rhone River in southern France with five couples and two French guides--all members of Chaine des Rotisseurs, while visiting 18 wineries," wrote Charlie. Frank and Eve Mayberry's 2013 travels are on CWS (Liggett and Mayberry stories--See "Travelogues").
"My physics and cosmological theories were recently requested by two editors of The General Science Journal (www.gsjournal.net)," wrote Lew Price. "Four essays of mine, and one of my wife Sherry's cartoons, are currently posted there. Several very helpful people have been promoting my work this year and we are grateful. It looks like the tide is turning toward dynamic ether theories, rather than empty space."
"Really busy finishing up work involving the Air Force, and tutoring math," writes Norm Haller. "We have two grandchildren currently at Annapolis (Jeff Haller, 2014 and Lauren Haller, 2016--children of Richard and Julie Northgraves Haller, both Class of 1988)."
"We escaped Boulder's floods with two inches of water in the crawlspace," wrote DaveReed. "We sold the house in New Zealand, so Pat & I will be living on the 40' sailboat I've owned for 35 years when I return November 5th. It's time to 'pull-the-plug' on NZ, as it's been 40 years 'Down Under.' I had a 'not-so-fun-time" with a large kidney stone. Suddenly gushing 2000ccs of blood from a tube in the kidney--the urology docs had little idea how to treat massive blood loss. I still soar in Boulder's FBO, and dined several times with Bujalskis and Bilellos."
The Northwest Falcons (NWF) gathered in August at Hector's Restaurant in Kirkland, WA. All eight "West of the Cascade Mountains Members" attended. George Luck flew his Bonanza to Astoria, OR, picked up Ed and Suzanne Leonard, flew them to Paine Field in Everett, WA, and was met by Chuck Diver and Bill Zersen. The next day was Ed and Suzanne Leonard's 20th wedding anniversary. "NWF then gathered at Ivar's Mukilteo (WA) Landing August 13th. That rare gem--DekeJohnson (up from Idaho)--joined us! (Photo, below, top: Johnson, Yoakum, Diver, O'Keefe, Bristow, Zersen, Diver, Luck). September 5th, the group gathered at O'Rourke's house for a superb barbeque dinner," wrote George. "Attending were Nels Delisanti, George and Carolyn Luck, Jim and Bev O'Rourke, Vic Yoakum, Chuck and Edie Diver, and Bill Zersen."
Les and Marty Querry's Falcon Roosting was Saturday, October 26, 2013, with 29 attending: Out-of-towners included JT and Diane Smith (Tennessee), Brian and Carol Kaley (Connecticut), George and Becke Fries (Williamsburg, VA), Al and Gale Johnson (Maine); locals included Ken and Judy Alnwick, Bob and Liliane Badger, Tom and Mary Ellen Burke, Tony and Karen Burshnick, Bill Carnegie, Jerry and Betty de la Cruz, Leon and Maryn Goodson, Bill and Cathe Hockenberry, Ralph and Darlene Lalime, Pat Warack, and Norm Haller. After drinks, snacks,and a mountain-trail hike by some, it was "Feeding Time," followed by the AFA-Notre Dame game on T.V.
DECEMBER 2013 BIRTHDAYS: Charlie Folkart--4 Dec 1935(78); Tony Long--2 Dec 1937(76); Dick Mrosla--Bob Weinaug--20 Dec 1937(76); Brian Kaley--21 Dec 1937(76); Charlie Hart--27 Dec 1937(76); Charlie Sands--04 Dec 1938(75); Norm Haller--05 Dec 1938(75); Howie Bronson--08 Dec 1938(75); JP Browning--14 Dec 1938(75); George Lester--15 Dec 1938(75); Lew Price--19 Dec 1938(75); Dick Kingman--31 Dec 1938(75).
FINAL ROLL CALL: Linda King, wife of Harrison Edward King, Jr., died 19 October 2013 of cancer.
53 classmates are featured in this column submitted by Rosie Cler. March 2014's issue will be written by Charlie Hart.