Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
(Note: this column was co-written by Tony Burshnick,
Bob Badger and Les Querry of DC '60
--Rosie will return next quarter.)
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
The annual Founders Day luncheon of the D.C. '60 group was held on 1 April 2014, arranged by Tom Burke at his club, the Springfield (VA) Golf and Country Club. Pursuant to an age-old custom, the ladies also were invited to attend on Founders Day and enjoyed their own get-together in the Club dining room.
From left standing; Bob Badger, Leon Goodson, Bill Hockenberry, George Fries, Ken Alnwick, Bob Fischer, Jerry de la Cruz, Mary Ellen Burke, Tom Burke, Les Querry. Sitting; Cathe Hockenberry, Becke Fries, Maryn Goodson, Judy Alnwick, Tony Burshnick, Gale and Al Johnson, Marty Hiatt (Querry).
The usual roundtable update of recent events by the guys took place. Ken Alnwick had just finished up a tough week of lacrosse instructing in the cold and rain. He seemed happy to be inside. His daughter Melanie is still a broadcaster on Channel Five on Sunday mornings and, of course, he is quite proud of her. The Goodsons are in good health. Leon gave us a good rundown on Bob Oaks, who is recovering from a coma. At Miniski, the Marginally Magnificent Performance Award for 2014 went to President and CEO, Mr. Al Johnson, who once again demonstrated his unmatched navigational skills in one of the most unique maneuvers performed over the 24 years of the event.
Bob Badger contends that he is pretty well recovered from his illness after an MRI brain scan revealed that he does indeed have one. Les Querry had a rough winter at his home in the mountains. He and Marty are working hard to care for her elderly mother. Bob and Lutzi Fischer will soon make a trip to London and Normandy. He will get to Omaha Beach, too. Bob encouraged us to take care of the elderly!!!! Bill Hockenberry is busy with his companies and is pretty well finished with his house upgrades. Jerry de la Cruz had a good ski trip and was glad to see all the kids and grandkids that show up at the annual event. Next year will be the 25th anniversary of the Johnson Ski School. Tom Burke gave a good rundown on the improvements to the golf course. If you want to play it, just give Tom a call.
Doug Rekenthaler was down in Hilton Head to escape the VA cold. Mike Loh was at the Founders Day luncheon at USAFA. He also got to visit with his son MGEN M. Loh and C3C Mike Loh. Bob Odenweller tried to make it, but Jane had just had cataract surgery, so he was taking care of her. Ralph Lalime was down in Sanabel, Fl. Bill Carnegie was recovering from cataract surgery.
Joe Higgins says that, like many, he and Sue are "following the grandkids with much interest. Our two high school seniors in the group--Peter (Arroyo Grande, CA) and Priya (Walnut Creek, CA)--have selected colleges, Peter to Colorado School of Mines and Priya to Cal Berkeley. Sophie and Megan here in Greenville SC still have a few years to go but their mom and dad as University of Virginia grads would be partial to UVA. Sue and I are enjoying our log cabin in the mountains of western South Carolina (about an hour from Greenville) and are in the process of downsizing from a city house to a city condo."
Bill Hales reported that he and Joe Higgins recently had a catch-up lunch at the Greenville, SC, Downtown Airport. It has been hard for them to remain in touch due to family, visitors and travel schedules. Bill and Barbara have been traveling quite a bit. They have some timeshares and spend time in Florida, the Carolinas and up into Virginia. They just returned from Williamsburg, where they were joined by a son and family. Barb has her own business of online retailing. She focuses mainly on beauty products not generally sold in stores. Bill is her 'staff.'
GJC Fries had cataracts removed from both eyes and is waiting to get new glasses. His back is healing fine now. He says that he finally "made the big move from a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house on a 1/2 acre lot to a 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1560 square foot apartment, with a 10' x 10' office area, and enclosed porch in a retirement community. Located 10 miles from Langley AFB, 5 miles from Fort Eustis, and a half mile from Newport News/Williamsburg Airport, couldn't really ask for a better location. Of course, having a swimming pool and a pretty decently equipped exercise room down the hall is pretty neat too! And let's not forget the dining room that serves from 8AM to 1900 (breakfast items available all the time). ... Why I waited so long to do this, I don't know. I still get to Substitute Teach at the three local Middle/High schools. Am I having fun? HELL, YES."
Jim Alexander says that "The most exciting thing in Martha's and my life is getting up each day! We are both enjoying decent health and Martha continues her daily walks of 3-4 miles at a brisk pace (she's too fast for me). That is followed by 30 minutes of riding a bike near our house where she wears out the tires on the bike on a regular basis. I stay involved with local schools raising funds for classroom programs the School District can't fund. I am also on the Tri-County Technical College Foundation Board and help do several fund raising golf outings each year. I have also become active in an effort to construct a 9/11 Memorial in Oconee County South Carolina to help the many folks in the Southeast to remember the impact 9/11 had on our lives. We have steel from the Twin Towers, blocks from the Pentagon and dirt from Shanksville PA, have the design completed and hope to move the dirt shortly for an opening planned September 11, 2015. All we need now is $450,000. Send in your donations soon."
Norm Haller reports that he and Liz "spent a week with son Richard et al.f in Atlanta. Richard and Julie, both USAFA-88, lead our only military family; Richard (reserve Lt Col) is a Delta pilot, and they have four children, two at Naval Academy (Jeff-2014, Lauren-2016). Norm consults, Liz spends, and our other three children and more grandchildren are fine. By mid-2014, of 15 total grandchildren, 6 will be employed college graduates, 3 will be in college, and 4 will be in pre-college schools. Many thanks to Tony for keeping DC-60 active."
Our next luncheon will be on the 9th of July, the 58th anniversary of our entry into USAFA at Lowry AFB. We have scheduled our annual everyone's welcome "Roosting" on the 25th of October.
Submitted by Tony Burshnick, Les Querry and Bob Badger of DC '60. The September column will be submitted by the "Colorado Springs Group.
FINAL ROLL CALL: Arthur Joseph Lewis died on April 10, 2014, from a heart attack; burial was April 16, 2014, at Dallas-Ft. Worth National Cemetery. (There are currently 61 deceased and 166 living graduate-classmates.)