Checkpoints Class News
5423 Myrtle Wood
Sarasota, FL 34235-4824
Email: RCtherose@aol.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
"This has been a very happy but quiet year for us," wrote Dick Hillman. "One highlight was renting a house on Lake Tahoe for our four children, spouses, and grandchildren. Also, we flew back to the Academy for the Navy game with our oldest son--re-starting an annual tradition from years back. Thanks for what you've done with this column, George." (photo below).

"Hello, lovely people," wrote Phil Cooke (story sent by Gordy Flygare, photo above right). "After two years and a process of eleven months, Barbara and I are officially confirming our engagement. The ceremony will take place 11 Apr 2015, first Saturday after Easter."
Goose Gulbransen responds to this very important question: "What do I remember most about last year? Family and friends, births and deaths, but travel is (still) the most memorable undertaking at our stage. My conclusion for a happy life: Keep Traveling! Don't buy into the 'flying is so bad now we won't do it.' Thanks for asking, George."
"On December 7th, the funeral for Ed Leonard was held at the Peninsula Church Center in Seaview, WA," wrote George Luck. "Vic Yoakum, Chuck Diver, Nels Delisanti and George Luck attended. George Marrett, Ed's squadron mate from SEA and his wing man during Ed's last flight, was there and gave the eulogy. Afterwards, we formed up in front of Ed's portrait and rendered honors."
"We sold our house and moved into Emerald House, which is a CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Community). Big change," wrote Dennis O'Keefe, "and we spent 2014 cleaning up, adjusting and continuing the down-sizing. Linda and I took a trip by car to Taft, CA in the late spring to visit her old friend. It went well, and we're happy we went. Linda continues her walk with Alzheimer's and its' ramifications. The role of care-giver is not what one chooses, but it has to be done."
"On Nov 5, 2014, I logged pilot-in-command time as an 80-year old. Unless Phil Meinhardt is an active pilot, I may be the first in the class to join this aged group. I am a member of the UFOs. I also got my FAA medical extended for another year," wrote George Luck.
"My year started with inactivity, my chest healed from a triple by-pass, which was sprung on me by my cardiologist. All's well now," wrote Nels Delisanti. "I rented a lodge in the mountains and brought my entire herd in from the west coast and Hawaii so we could have some time together, while I still recognized them. I'm sailing and racing my sailboat; if anybody comes up in the summer, I don't need much coaxing to take you out. I'm still lecturing some of my old teaching associates."
The Northwest Falcons dined at Salty's in Seattle recently, and toured the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field (three airplanes flown by George are on display: B-52, B-747 and F-104). Attending were Dennis & Linda O'Keefe, Louisa Congdon, Bobbi Mason Starr, Edie & Chuck Diver, Vic & Suzanne Yoakum, and Carolyn & George. Another gathering of the Northwest Falcons was at Chuck and Edie Diver's home near Sedro Woolley, WA, attended by: Divers, Nels Delisanti, Bill Zersen, Yoakums, Valleries, O'Keefes, Lucks, Bobbi Mason Starr, Louisa Congdon and Bev O'Rourke. (In the photo of the gathering at the Diver's home, left to right, are: Chuck Diver, Vic Yoakum, Bill Zersen, Paul Vallerie, Dennis O'Keefe, Nels Delisanti, and George Luck).

"The Vallerie family is doing fine. Kay was thought to have ovarian cancer, but it turned out to be a 20-pound tumor which was successfully removed. She is recovering just fine. Our daughter got engaged in September and married December 12th. Our granddaughter got her driver's permit, so things are hectic here in Boise, Idaho," wrote Paul Vallerie.
"What an eventful Christmas! The capstone was when my condo group (of eight) drove to Beverly Hills," wrote Bill Zersen, "all the way to--hold on to your hat--"The Stinking Rose!" The menu is laden with garlic! Garlic steaks, and garlic laden lamb shanks! One adventuresome diner had garlic rabbit! We stunk pretty bad when we left! Great time!"
"It's great seeing Louisa Congdon, Bobbi Mason Starr and Bev O'Rourke attend one of our meetings this year," wrote George Luck. "Bev received the Class Gift of Jim O'Rourke's Air Force awards and pins, and AFEM cites C-124 operations in Berlin, Congo and Viet Nam (R: photo of Bev with Jim's awards below)."

"2014 seemed like a blur to the Yoakums--Vic and Suzanne, doing much traveling in-between doctor's appointments. Traveled to Palm Desert in January and February and visited with friends and classmates--Van Inwegens, Meinhardts, and Bill Zersen. We cruised New Zealand and Australia in March and April; marveled at the beauty of New Zealand--much like our wonderful NW. We experienced an OMG moment upon arrival into Sydney Harbor, with the Opera House shining gloriously at daybreak off our port side. Spent May on Oahu Hawaii at the Marriott Ko Olina Resort trying to avoid the sun burning these pale Washingtonians. We took our annual week trip to Sun Mountain Lodge in Eastern Washington in June. We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful summer in the Northwest, and spent a week on an Alaska Cruise in September with the Lucks. We're thankful for the luncheons and outings with the NW Falcons, who have lost Jim O'Rourke and Ed Leonard to the group and they are sorely missed. Vic was diagnosed with early stage Parkinson's in November-- increased exercising and more planning for travel lie ahead," wrote Suzanne.
"I reviewed a book by Doug Beason, Class of 1977," wrote Ron Yates. "The Cadet is the first of three novels in the series "Wild Blue U: Foundation of Honor," a historical fiction saga of USAFA that follows a fictional member of the class of 1959, Rod Simone. It will be released 5 April 2015 and available through the AOG web-site, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc; a portion of the sales will be donated by the author to the AOG. Two follow-on novels will be released in 2015 and 2016. The Officer covers 1959-1976 and follows Simone as a USAFA faculty member and in Vietnam; The Legacy covers 1976-2001 and follows Simone as a senior officer, as well as being told from the perspective of woman at USAFA. The book brings back memories of our first summer at USAFA. After 58 years, some of them even seem pleasant!"
Richard Head was named 2014 Citizen of the Year by the Coronado Private Bank in Coronado, CA, and honored 15 Jan 2015. RG was cited for philanthropic activities and donation of his 1/4-scale replicas of vintage aircraft to a local museum and library
Bye for a Little While: This issue of the March 2015 Class News utilized considerable input from George Luck and the Northwest Territory Falcons. Thanks for your efforts, gentlemen. Now, you're freed to go to www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html and read the latest tales on our Web Site, as Les Querry and JT Smith have been adding some interesting episodes. And don't forget--Andi Biancur has booked the Embassy Suites for our 55th Reunion during the first week of October in 2015. You ought to be there, my (aging) friends.