Checkpoints Class News
2403 Arrow Park Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306
Email: kjanlnwick@cox.net
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
Speaking for his classmates and their families, Bill Kornitzer was extremely pleased with our long-delayed 60th Class Reunion and the work that Jim Glaza and the rest of the Colorado Springs team put into making the event a smashing success. Meeting with the Don Stevens family members and having access to the entire campus, including the refurbished Planetarium, plus meeting with the Academy leadership were highlights of the on-site experience. A winning football game and pre-and-post-game tailgates and renewing old friendships was the icing on the cake.
Class of '60 authors have been busy lately. Our science-fiction author, Gordon Savage, is working on the third book in his Teleportal series. Titled Teleportal: Aftershock, this book deals with the aftermath of a future nuclear assault on Israel and the subsequent search for justice. Previously, RG Head had announced that his book, US Attack Aviation: Air Force and Navy Light Attack 1916 to the Present, is on track to be published in May 2022. Ken Werrell is putting the final touches on a manuscript that has been accepted by Texas A & M Press. The tentative title is: "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: AAF/USAF Disappointments, Mistakes, and Failures, 1945-1995." In it he explores interesting case studies of mainly military hardware that didn't work out as expected. He thinks that it will probably rustle some feathers. It is most likely that Ken is our most prolific author, with eight published hard-cover books in his portfolio.
The Hobgood Racing Team has a "new" vehicle! It is track-ready, modified 2009 C-6 Corvette with a racing cam and additional cooling mods for the oil and water. First thing Les did was to lift the suspension to make it compatible with public road speed bumps and steeper driveways. Les and his daughter, Rani, took the car to Nevada to compete in the timed Silver State Classic Challenge. The car ran great, but the team tried to do too much with the timing calculations, and "it all fell apart in a comedy of errors". The team plans to put in some serious practice before entering the Big Bend Open Road Race in April 2022.
On 17 January, the Air Force Historical Foundation web segment This Day in the Air Force featured a picture of Mike Loh with the caption, "1993: The USAF receives the first B-2A bomber (Tail No 80329) the Spirit of Missouri. General John M Loh, the Air Combat Commander, and Lt Col John Bellinger fly the aircraft from Palmdale CA to Whiteman AFB, MO for its assignment with the 509th Bomb Wing." Looking back on that event, Mike says that this first operational flight took place on 17 December 1993 to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' first flight.

Denny O'Keefe, Vic Yoakum and Chuck Diver are the last members of our vibrant Northwest community. They and the groups wives are planning to celebrate the New Year together. Denny's most recent visit to the Academy was in October 2021, to attend the dedication of the Air Force Combat Memorial, which features a statue of the renowned B/G Robin Olds. The memorial is a Class of '71 project twelve years in the making. Denny, whose parents were close to the Olds family, was the co-instigator and a significant contributor to the project.
Dale Mayo and his wife Idee are comfortably retired in their Delray Beach condo. Dale was an avid aviator, having flown for Delta Airlines for many years. He ultimately retired as a simulator instructor pilot for the Boing 737. During his active flying years he had acquired several personal aircraft including a Cessna 310, a Stearman, and a Tiger Moth (which he never could make airworthy). Currently, his aviation collection consists of a hanger full of spare parts. Any takers?
Jon McClure is a Public Defender in Moultrie, GA. After serving as a T-28 flight instructor for fledgling Vietnamese pilots, in 1966, Jon went on to fly for Eastern Airlines and as a C-124 pilot for the Georgia National Guard. Using his GI bill benefits, in 1970, Jon went on to study at the Woodrow Wilson School of Law and was admitted to the bar in 1977. Although he is not particularly fond of "lawyers, prosecutors and judges," Jon loves trial work and derives great satisfaction from fighting for the underdog.
In 2020, because of the pandemic, DC '60 could not have its annual Roosting; so, they had a "Virtual Roosting" instead. But, in 2021, they did the real thing again and had a concurrent "Virtual Roosting" so that other classmates could join them remotely. Twenty-one attendees gathered locally, and joining in onscreen from afar were: Joe Higgins, Ben Furuta, Charlie Sands, George Collier, Norm Haller, and Greg Boyington. Photo shows Leon Goodson and Les Querry with others raising their glasses to the virtual attendees. Traveling quite some distance to join in were J. T. Smith from TN, Brian and Carol Kaley from CT and Bob and Lutzi Fischer from PA.

Full coverage is on the Class website at: https://www.usafaclasses.org/1960/Groups/DC/Roostings/Roosting-2021.htm Congratulations to the Falcon Football Team for their victory over Louisville in the SERVEPRO First Responders Bowl in Dallas, TX. Brings back memories of a certain train ride to Dallas and the Cotton Bowl.