Checkpoints Class News
limitations, couldn't be included in the magazine article.
Last month my son Jay borrowed my RV to take his family (wife & 4 kids {16, 13, 11 & 9] ) on a trip to a Christian conference in Oklahoma. First leg was from VA to Tennessee. As they travelled south on the highway they came up against an extended traffic jam. A tractor trailer with a full load of lumber had jackknifed dumping the lumber completely closing the road. Their 6 hour trip became 10 hours long. The kids of course (not the drivers) were enjoying the freedom inside the RV.
After spending a pleasant night at a campground where they made several new friends and met up with some folks they knew, they headed for Hot Springs Arkansas. Near there they stopped at a diamond mine. The next day they camped at a park where they found fascinating fossils by a lake. They are homeschoolers so this was a great learning opportunity!
The following day they set out for Oklahoma. On this leg the smell of propane came into the RV. On checking it out Jay also found a fuel leak in the fuel line from the tank to the house generator. Getting the leak "repaired" at a gas station didn't last. Now the outside air temp was about 100 degrees so the RV generator had been powering the house air conditioner. The cab air was not working well so it was a "warm" trip. Once in the Oklahoma City campground across from the hotel where the conference was being held Jay called a mobile RV mechanic who came out to repair the fuel leak. Meanwhile Aimee went over to the hotel and booked rooms for the family!
Kids enjoyed the hotel. After the conference the plan was to head up to Massachusetts. Along this road they experienced a tire blow out. Wisely Jay called me and I gave him our Good Sam insurance information. They spent that night in the RV in a gas station. (the kids loved it!) After a $600 tire replacement they got back on the road. With confidence waning and in discussion with me Jay opted to skip Boston and RTB.
Now the kicker: The trip was so exciting that Jay booked a campsite at Sanibel for next Spring even though he didn't own an RV! Last week Jay & Aimee bought a used 30 ft RV that can sleep 8!