Checkpoints Class News
20522 Falcons Landing Circle
Potomac Falls, VA 20165-7595
Email: kjanlnwick@cox.net
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
A new racquet game called Pickleball caught Betty de la Cruz's interest several years ago. This quirky sport, with its odd rules and strange terminology (e.g. kitchen and dink), is played on a court about half the size of a tennis court using a larger-sized, fancy, table-tennis paddle and a whiffle ball. While Jerry and Betty soon became good enough to play and win in some senior tournaments, various ailments kept Jerry away from the game for several years. This year, however, the couple qualified to play in the National Senior Games. Although another problem kept Jerry from playing, he did witness Betty's winning a gold medal in her age group.
Sid Newcomb reports that he had back surgery in July. It was perfect−no side effects. Marvann had much more serious back surgery in September. She’s convalescing very well, taking short walks, wearing a back brace, but no longer needing stroller! Sid sums up with, "All in all, as 80+ year old farts (Nulli Secundus), we are super blessed with a magnificent family, great church, many good friends with whom we play lots of Rummy-Cub, Canasta, and Poker."
Karen Burshnick had knee-replacement surgery in August and is recovering nicely. "The implant doesn't hurt at all, but I have to strengthen all the supporting structures which is painful but going very well. I am walking and using a cane or rollator. My goal is to walk without assistance."
Diana Pupich says that the, "Pupiches had a family reunion in Thousand Oaks/Camarillo area in July. About 80 attended to include Alex, who is now Chief Pilot; SWA LAX, Jill, both of George's grandsons & Diana."
Bill and Barb Hales are still living happily in Greenville, SC. Bill adds, "We still travel to Hilton Head Island at least once a year and to Florida at least once a year to visit with our son and family. We’re into road trips since we own Tesla cars and enjoy driving them. Barb and I continue to enjoy good health and are very active in a sports club where we work out about 5 days a week."
Bill Carnegie has an interesting story about his flying a vintage sailplane. It's too long to relate here, but it has been posted on the Class website in Stake Your Claim. Check it out.
Charlie Liggett checks in with, "Kathy and I completed our sixth world cruise earlier this year, this trip nearly five months starting in Sydney and ending in Fort Lauderdale. One stop that may be of interest was Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon. Probably many of you had a drink at the bar atop the REX Hotel.

Paul Sullivan says that he and his wife Lynn Hart ". . . have been together in South Phoenix for about 8 years; I've been here in AZ since 2003 full time, and love it. ... I'm still playing tenor banjo and am now settled in to a quintet, Cimarron Sidekicks ... . We do about 2 gigs a month at assisted living facilities and community centers, and it's fun."
Judy Bronson reports for Howie that, "The Bronson family just welcomed their third great grandchild. Two boys and a girl. They are so much fun. Henry, Gabriella, and Luca."
Norm Haller says that he and Liz are, "Staying in touch with ever-growing family, attending family functions when possible, and otherwise keeping up with house and large yard plus 1 1/2 yr-old puppy. "
Dave Sweigart contributes, " ... On Friday of Memorial Day weekend I [played] all 18 holes with the chest pressures coming and going the entire round. ... Saturday morning [I] decided to go to the emergency room before I have a heart attack. ... I ended up with a 2-day stay in the hospital. ... My reason for boring anyone with my story is to pass on an important message. Don’t do what I did by ignoring symptoms of something not being right!
"My second news is that Camille and I are moving to Blue Skies of Texas West (formerly Air Force Village) near San Antonio at the end of this year. ... I seriously recommend everyone taking a look at it on Google and see if it fits your final retirement plans."
Wayne Kendall reports that in Colorado Springs, local classmates convened for a luncheon on June 15, 2023, in a private room in a local sports bar named Champs. There were 20 classmates in Colorado Springs at the time, and 19 attended.
John and Deanne McCullough, ". . . just spent a week in our old haunts in MN visiting family and old friends. It will surprise you to know there was no fishing included. Either Deanne is getting more assertive or I’m getting soft! The highlight of the trip was spending time with our new great granddaughter Olivia Claire. 5 months.

Bill Kornitzer adds, "Most people downsize when they get older, but we did the opposite. We started building a house when COVID started 2020 and finally moved into a new home in March of this year. We lived in a condo for over twenty years, but now have space for at least some of our 14 grandchildren.
Don Wolfswinkel's wife Donnie sends this unwelcome news: " You may or may not be aware, Don is suffering from severe dementia. He is presently home as we live in an over 55 community, although we are starting to use daily home health services. Please keep us in your prayers as this is a horrible disease for all concerned."