Checkpoints Class News
20522 Falcons Landing Circle, Apt 5204
Sterling, VA 20165
Email: kjalnwick1@gmail.com
Class Web Site: www.usafaclasses.org/1960/afa60.html
JT Smith had a busy spring. In April, he accompanied friends on a 12-day trip that started with 2 days in Amsterdam followed by a cruise on the Waal and Rhein rivers to Basel. Rain marred some of the activities in Amsterdam, but—despite some illness for everyone—it was an enjoyable time. In early May, he presented this year’s Diane Lynch Smith Scholarship at the School of Nashville Ballet. Later, in May, he joined his daughter Tracy for a dance performance as part of the Spring Showcase for the Ballroom of Nashville. This was Tracy’s first such event, and their Rumba routine went well. And finally, in June, JT joined about 20 of his motorcycle friends—Los Guajolotes—at their annual gathering, this year in Silverton, Oregon.

JT Dances, Presents, and Rides.
Recently, the spring 2024 copy of the Daedalus Flyer appeared unexpectedly in KJA’s mailbox. Primarily featured therein was Part Two of RG Head’s “US Attack Aircraft: Air Force & Navy Light Attack, 1916 to the Present.” Featured in this segment was the competition between the LVA A-7D and the Fairchild A-10. Among those individuals who were central to the ultimate success of the A-10 was the work of then Lt Col Ron Yates, who was the head of the AF Test Pilot School at Edwards at that time. RG reports that, at the end of the test and evaluation trials, the critical factor was the A-10’s ability to perform high-G maneuvers at 200 knots which gave the A-10 a high degree of survivability. A total of 716 A-10s were produced.
Jon McClure is an Assistant Public Defender in the Southern Judicial Circuit Courts of Georgia, and he often works with clients in the Dooly County jail. For example, in June, he worked with a 23-year-old female client who had been indicted for murder. Jon is helping her prepare for her “Stand Your Ground Immunity” hearing, which has been delayed for almost a year. He also represents indigent defendants in felony cases in the Superior Courts of Georgia. He presently has about 200 pending cases.
Jim Glaza and Jenny finally executed a long-standing bucket-list item by visiting all the Utah National Parks--Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, Brice, Zion and Escalante--while en route to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and other lesser parks and attractions. Jim says that navigating the 12-day self-driving circuit was relatively easy (thanks to Jenny!), and they offer their help to anyone considering such an excursion.

Jenny and Jim in Antelope Canyon
In late May, Marvann and Sid Newcomb attended the annual Ligonier Conference in Orlando, FL. It featured seven amazing preachers (1 from Scotland, 1 from Dominican Republic, and 5 from USA). After they returned home, their son Sid Paul—with his daughter and her soccer teammate and their granddaughter Maddy and her boyfriend—joined their daughter Nancy and her husband Manual Martinez (who is Honduran) in Honduras. There they shared the Gospel with Honduran kids and teens by means of and through soccer and tennis. The ministry, started by Sid Paul, is called H3 Sports (head, heart, hand).
At the end of June, Norm Haller and Liz were delighted to participate in the Indiana wedding ceremony of their youngest grandson. Their son Richard and his wife July (both USAFA 1988) drove them from and back to their home in Georgia. During the trip, they enjoyed visiting family members, including several of their 15 grandchildren, spouses, and 15 great grandchildren.
In late April, John McCullough, Jim Glaza and Ron Yates had an hour+ video conversation with Jim Kerr in Toouoomba, Queensland, Australia. Glaza reports, “. . . We're happy to say he appeared fit and confirmed that he was healthy and still involved in the mower business.

Also, Norm Haller relayed contact from Jim Kerr who reports that he had a fall in January and injured his right hip. After surgery and ongoing rehab, he is doing well enough to do most things, including driving. As Jim puts it, “I am on the ‘Take it easy ... GOD DIDN’T WACK ME TOTALLY ... up and rolling!’"
Gary Van Single has relocated from Michigan to a retirement village near the ocean in Englewood, Florida. His home is a “manufactured” double-wide structure surrounded by a comfortable plot of land including shrubs and trees along with a well-appointed community clubhouse close by. Gary and his wife Pat love to travel and keep a smaller mobile home nearby for occasional road trips.
Ted Hopkins and Dawn, after 7 years in Oklahoma City, are heading to Bettendorf, Iowa to be near family. They recently returned from a trip to the Galapagos Islands, where they enjoyed observing the giant land tortoises. They report that the islands are a treasure trove of exotic animals, birds and beautiful flowers. They are looking forward to at least the possibility of one more reunion of the Class of 1960.
Doug Miller is in his last year as president of the Hyndman, PA Lions Club. Throughout his post-retirement years, he has served in similar positions throughout his community. Doug is an avid model builder, having assembled some 35 high-density models since his retirement. His current model, a lighthouse, has 10,080 pieces.