The Quarterly Class News
USAFA, CO 80840
Just got through talking to Aaron THRUSH who is over at the OB ward holding Millie's hand on the verge of a new arrival--he reports that response to our tenth-anniversary reunion questionnaire has been quite good, expects 40 to 50 classmates to be on hand in the Gold Room of our O-Club that Friday night. Aaron says ATO Jerry TILL, who is handling ATO correspondence, has indications we might also have up to 20 ex-ATOs present. The planners say we are open to suggestions right up to the last minute; so, if you have a brainstorm, call Aaron, Area 303, 598-5148 (quarters) or 472-2287 (duty).
USAFA: We have just sent two classmates back out into the real AF from here: Don WOLFSWINKEL for a hardship tour flying C-118s at Weisbaden, and Dale THOMPSON to Hurlburt for an O-1 checkout. Then on to SEA. Nels DELISANTI will be on his way soon to get recurrent on the party line at Maxwell. Inbound to USAFA is John MACARTNEY, who signed in to Poli Sigh the other day, then went on leave to Ann's home in Odessa, Texas. Russ MACDONALD just returned from 30 days TDY helping the Air Staff in DC straighten things out. Last, but certainly not least, would you believe phaculty phinques Roger LENT and Ron DEEP, on BCT as assistant AOCs ?!?!
ELSEWHERE: Congratulations to Meritorious Service Medal winner Gary SHEETS for outstanding performance of IP duties at Eglin. Gary is now an air ops officer at Hq TAC. Also to be applauded is Chris WARACK, awarded the USAF Commendation Medal for meritorious service as a stan/eval type for the 7th Military Airlift Sq. at McChord. Chris is now with MAC on Guam. A clipping from USAF News Center informs us that Oogie PRINDLE is now assigned to the 602nd Special OPs Sq at Naked Phanny, Thailand. Bill GILLIS, F-106 driver, is back at Dover after 6 months alert duty in Korea. Now in the recce business at Misawa is Al ZIMMERNAN. News from the Marine Corps has it that Major Howie WHITFIELD is an Operations Analyst at the Corps’ Development Center at Quantico, Va. Bill TAYLOR just returned from F-4s at Ubon, and is now at North Carolina State finishing his PhD in math, enroute to USAFA. Joe HIGGINS is off to Udorn to fly RF-4s. Getting out of the air rescue business to become a den mother at SOS is Billy DELONY. Garth COOKE is now in the IG Group at Norton. M.J. CLARKE has finished test-pilot school at Edwards and is off to fly for NATO out of New Amsterdam, Holland. Returning from RVN to AFIT at Wright-Patt is J.W. CLARK. Howie BRONSON now hangs his flight cap at Bob Sikes Airport, Crestview, Florida, doing something for AFLC. From MAC to FAC, Chuck WATERMAN is off to Bien Hoa. Marty RICHERT is back from overseas duty in Air Rescue and is now in the chopper test squadron at Dover. For those of you who want to know how the F-15 is coming along, write to Denny O’KEEFE who is now in the procurement office for that beaut at Wright-Patt.
From the airlines, only two notes this time: Pops JOLLY is a flight engineer for TWA out of San Francisco but commutes out of Denver, where he also flies F-100s for the Guard--poor fellow. Bob ODENWELLER is first officer on 707s out of JFK, also for TWA. Jim O’ROURKE has moved from Connecticut back to Miami, where he just bought a home. By the way, Jim’s is the only letter I have received. Most of the rest of the above is from change-of-address cards or second-hand hearsay. Please write, Y'all. Hope to see you in October.