AOG Magazine Class News
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A few letters came in this last go around—it was good to hear from you, Gordie, Les, and Paul. Here at USAFA we are in the dark ages, but it doesn’t seem quite so bad this year. Except for one real cold spell (RCR=3) to welcome back the cadets from leave, this winter has been very nice. And in spite of the disaster in New Orleans 1 Jan, the cadets are surprisingly attentive and enthusiastic in the classroom. The hockey team, after dropping two to the Irish, held tough C. C. to a tie, then soundly trumped the Buckeyes on their own ice one fine nite. After a bad losing streak, the basketballers have rebounded with two straight wins. So, all is not glum here. May your new year also be off to a fine start (Romans 7:6).
The only local PCS changes that I know about are Jim GLAZA’s arrival last summer (sorry about the late report) as a welcome addition to the nav division. He and Linda are settled and awaiting house guests. A real loss to the Comm Shop, Tony BURSHNICK left for charm school at Norfolk in December.
I heard from somebody that Wayne KENDALL is on duty in a hospital in Little Rock, retreading to become a flight surgeon. Outstanding, Wayne! Tom BURKE left SEA last October for CONUS to help the gang decipher things at the Pentapuzzle. And I understand Bob HEIGES has gone into rescue ops in HH-53s at DaNang. Somebody saw DK JOHNSON at base ops the other day and said he’s pretty busy at Nellis as a wing briefer/weapons officer/etc., in the F(?)-111 trade. (When I talked to Deke at the reunion, he had great praise for the new bird.) A newsy letter from Les HOBGOOD in England (UK): all he does there, besides instructing instructors, is fly solo on a RAF aerobatics team. He recently flew a show upside-down-backwards-sideways-etc at our USAFE base, Upper Heyford, at 500’ AGL in a jet Provost. Les also reported on Phil COOKE in the RAF Transport Command at Brize Norton and Gerry DE LA CRUZ, merely a flight commander on Hawker Hunters. Les says it’s great flying with the mother country if you have an active liver and enjoy doing somethin’ else!! Up in our own north country, Chuck DIVER, recently back from SEA, is chief of a management engineering team at Malmstrom AFB, Montana. And Bill CARNEGIE has signed in with the 6th MAS (MAC) at McGuire in C-141s. Frank MAYBERRY is doing some kind of student-bit at Keesler, and Ron YATES has gone from instructing test pilots at Edwards to Andrews doing something else for AFSC.
In the AFIT pipeline, an address card shows Gary SHEETS at Florida Tech in an MBA program. Reb GUILLOT is at Arizona State in Tempe (with a nice horn pool), and Jock SCHWANK is en route to Fairchild Hall via the U at Eugene, Oregon. Several hero badges: to Jerry GIRARD whose F4 wing at Phu Cat was awarded the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award; to Jim WADDLE, now in Hq at Saigon, awarded five Air Medals for “outstanding airmanship and courage in sustained aerial flight ..., under extremely hazardous conditions;” and to Earl VAN INWEGEN, in AFIT at San Diego State, the Meritorious Service Medal for distinguished duty as a command presentations officer while at Hq MAC. Congratulations Jerry, Jim, and Van!!

About those wearing the civies, I hear that Dick LINDSAY, selling insurance in Cupertino, California, and his wife are expecting their second child in September. Dick AMES, of the Aldred, Aldred and Ames law firm, was seen digging his way out of 60 inches of snow by Bill OUELLETTE when Bill was back home in Brunswick, Maine, a few weeks ago. And our own Pops JOLLY, still smiling even though on furlough from TWA, is selling oil filtration products out of Denver, where he keeps in touch with the Air Force by winning bets on the gunnery range from the Guard. Lovely Barb and Roy are moving or have moved to Castle Rock where Barb has a good job with CSU Extension Center.
Where are you Walt SWEENEY? Anybody know?
Recent honorary members of '60 are Samantha Kate (what a name!) FISCHER born to Bob and Lutzi sometime last year, and Gordie and Carol SAVAGE’s third, also a late-1970 arrival. (Gordie has moved from recce ops at Udorn to recce staff at Saigon.) Ralph and Loretta MILLER expect their first in the spring. The GILLISs have #4 in the hangar, also due in the springtime. (Did you see Bill’s picture in a recent Interceptor??)
My super filing system just uncovered an old letter (May 70) from PAUL VALLERIE who, after getting shuffled around, ended up in the Strategic Missile Division of the Asst Ch of Staff/Studies and Analysis shop, Hq USAF. Perdóneme, Pablo
It’s blowing and almost snowing. From now 'til April, please write.