AOG Magazine Class News
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Spring-time arrived the other day, I think, and it had been quite nice 'til we got two sloppy snows this week. How are y’all? All is well here as we enter the home stretch/drag urging ‘71 along to 9 June. A new chapel policy, effective this week (late April), allowing all cadets to attend a church of their choice should produce some interesting developments.
I received several very interesting letters from you all during the last couple of months. Rosie CLER, presently plant manager for Fleetwood Enterprises in Ohio--maker of mobile, motor and modular homes, plus recreational vehicles--, is homesick for Denver and contemplating moving there but, as yet, has no concrete plans. Then we had two letters from classmates going into the medical profession on their own: Dean BRISTOW and Dave REED. Dean wrote a newsy letter reporting that he is out of the AF and a medical student at the U of Cal/Irvine. His resignation was not due to disenchantment, but rather to a strong, recently acquired yearning for a medical profession which he couldn’t get thru USAF for several reasons. Dave is graduating as an MD from the U of Nebraska this coming June; then he’ll be off for further training in Auckland, New Zealand. He has made it thru with a little help from VA and ANG RF-84 flying. Best wishes to both you doctors!!
A nice long letter from Tony BURSHNICK clues us in that Armed Forces Staff College at Norfolk is a little more work than many of us had thought it to be--he says he puts in longer hours there than he had in the Comm Shop here, which were plenty long enough, as you know. Tony has high praise for the school, says it’s outstanding.

George ELSEA, Neil DELISANTI, and Jack SCHIRA are there with him. George will be going to an Ops Staff in USAFE, and Jack will be returning to the missile systems business in the Pentagon. Nels and Tony will be headed for Hq MAC at Scott. Hoyt PRINDLE is to be Tony’s sponsor at Scott, so evidently Oogie is back from Nakhon Phanom. Jim ANDERSON wrote to bring us up to date on a few news bits from USAFE. Jim is a flight commander in the 493rd TFS at RAF Lakenheath. He just married Lynn whom he had met there on a previous tour. The Andersons plan on driving down to visit Ralph and Darlene LALIME this summer. Ralph (and, by the way, Gene TATRO, ex-ATO) is in STANEVAL at Hq USAFE, Weisbaden, poor fellow!
Some short bits from change-of-address cards: Harrison KING, from Hq 7AF to Seymour Johnson as squadron materiel officer in the 334th TFS; Pappy BOYINGTON is squadron maintenance officer for the 417th TFS at Holloman; Karl JONES, from an MS in Aerospace Engineering, U of Colorado/AFIT, to Edwards; Vic THOMAS, from 17th TAS at Elmendorf to Engineering Management, U of Arizona/AFIT; Ron YATES as Deputy Assistant for Senior Officer Management at Hq AFSC, Andrews; and Tom BURKE, from Phan Rang to Eq USAF (AFCSA). And here is a bit of non-news about Doug REKENTHALER- -he was thru here to say hello and good-bye, and that’s about all that wasn’t classified. Over?
George LESTER, with Pan-am, from Hawaii to the mainland in San Francisco; Bob ODENWELLER dropped us a newsy change-of-address card (why don’t more of you use the remarks section on the blue Association change-of-address card if you are too busy to write a letter?). Bob, with TWA, has just moved to Smiths Parish, Bermuda, from NY. He is now able to spend the better part of each month soaking up rays on the island, since his new international schedule requires him to commute to NY only once a month. If any of you are philatelists (those of you who are should know what it means) contact Bob, recently elected governor of the Collectors Club of NY and fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society of London. Ken WERRELL is now Associate Professor of History at Radford College, Virginia, after having completed his PhD at Duke. Charles GEORGI is a management consultant for Arthur Young and Co., but I don’t know where.
AWARDS AND DECS. Jim PEEL has just been awarded the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for his service as a C-133 pilot with the 436th MAW at Dover; Chuck WATERMAN was cited for meritorious service with AF Communications Service at McChord. He received his medal at Bien Hoa, where he is serving as a FAC. Cres SHIELDS was decorated here with the DFC for courageous control of air support for a US Army platoon under attack near Quang Tri. Congratulations, Jim, Chuck, and Cres!!

LOCAL NEWS. Dick HEAD (Poli Sci) and Bill HODSON (Math) have teamed up on a research project sponsored by DDRGE called Risk Analysis, designed to improve the weapons system acquisition process. Dick recently had his dissertation for a doctorate in Public Administration accepted by Syracuse; for any of you interested in the A-7 (aren’t we all?), it's titled “Decision Making on the A-7 Attack Aircraft Program.” I understand Dale THOMPSON was thru here the other day, on his way to F-111s at Upper Heyford from O-1s in SEA. Charlie and Linda HART have #3 in the hangar with an ETA in the Fall. Charlie THOMPSON, still running a chopper SPO at Wright-Patt, was out here the other day to see about a job on the Faculty. Tony LONG has curtailed and is leaving in middle May for an exec/admin slot at Phu Cat. We’ll miss his smile and good humor here on the sixth floor of Fairchild. Roger LENT is off in June for another academic ticket in Chemistry at Tempe, Arizona, and then he’ll be coming back to our Life Sciences Department. Dick SEXTON is going back to SEA for a second tour, this time a staff job at Udorn, he thinks. And Ken ALNWICK thinks he has a MAAG job in Bangkok wired--accompanied, no less!; so, it ought to be a fine tour for him and Judy. A reminder: when you send in a change-of-address card, please be as explicit as possible and use the “Remarks” section to pass on bits of news. Also, send in any photographs, portraits or snapshots that you can spare. 'Til summer time--stay busy, check six!!