AOG Magazine Class News
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For a lack of news this blurb will hopefully be "concise." Change-of-address cards are about all I have to go on this time.
I did receive one letter from Charlie FOLKART, bringing us up to date on his status and passing on to the Executive Committee all the research he, Jerry CASKEY, and Mike LOVE did in 1960 trying to set up the AFA Educational Foundation. The purpose of the then-proposed foundation was to establish a fund based on monthly membership dues (e.g., $5 per month) to make scholarships available to children of deceased or totally-and-permanently disabled Foundation members. This proposal provides a method of funding the scholarships completely different from the recently proposed, but now dormant, plan based on members' insurance policies. Please comment on this proposal. Perhaps the next issue will contain details of the dues-funded proposal. Charlie says that he, along with two others of ours, Roy JOLLY and Bob FISCHER, have been furloughed by TWA. Charlie is enrolling in Harvard this fall.
Several weeks ago we rendered a final salute to one of our finest. Donald Lee THURMAN, as he was laid to rest here at USAFA.
A clipping from Stars & Stripes reported a probable first: an all-USAFA pilot/copilot combination crewed a Super Jolly Green Giant that executed an exciting rescue of two U. S. Army chopper crew members who had been shot down. Well done, Bob HEIGES '60, and Roger COLGROVE, '67. Bob, in HH-53s at DaNang, is shown here being decorated with the Air Medal for "his outstanding airmanship and courage on successful and important missions completed under hazardous conditions."

Another decoration to Jim WADDLE, now in ADC at Ent, shown here this time receiving the Bronze Star from Maj Gen Dickman for his exceptional performance as an ops staff officer while at Hy 7th AF. Felicitaciones. Bob and Jim!

Denis WALSH is now at Da Nang as a member of AF Advisory Team #1 (?); Frank MAYBERRY, recently completing an advanced comm-electronics officers course at Keesler, is off to Lindsey AS, Germany; Dean VIKAN has left Minnesota for Edwards, where he is Chief of Phase II Operations.
Hey! Walt SWEENEY, we have an address for you in Albuquerque. Standby for a call or two. I'll he down there as soon as possible this fall on a cadet T-33 out-and-back to say hello.
Al ZIMMERMAN has evidently converted from a recce pilot at Udorn to an Hq weenie at 7th AF; also an Hq type and aiding in '60's plan to take over the AF from the top is John KUENZEL, now at Hq SAC; Dale THOMPSON reports in as a F(?)-111 driver at Nellis; Dave SWEIGART has moved from Norton to the Reserve Personnel Center in Denver; Ron PATCHETT is now a contracting officer at North American Rockwell, Los Angeles; Gerry DE LA CRUZ has left merry ol' England and is now at Lincoln Air Park(?), Nebraska. (I wish all you guys would be more specific and informative on your address change cards.)
Can any of you bring us up to date on "lost souls" Bill LENNINGER and Dave LUCE?
I sat next to Jock SCHWANK today in instrument school. He just arrived from AFIT/Oregon to the Psych branch of our blossoming Life Sciences department. Bill TAYLOR is also on board with USAFA/Math. Other than that, my local news is very sketchy; as is, I'm afraid, the whole column. I returned 31 July, after 3 weeks TDY at the Pentagon, working on the USAF Area Specialist Program, and 2 weeks TDY at the COIN Course, Special Operations School, Hurlhurt. Both unforgettable, the latter more enjoyable. What is the USAF Area Specialist Program? Perhaps for some of you, a pleasant route to a sponsored MA and a rated-supplement tour all rolled into one interesting career wrinkle. See AFM 50.5, Change 8. Mar 71, and the newly defined "L" prefix, AFM 36-I, July 71. And the COIN School--outstanding! I highly recommend it to any of you people-oriented, social-science/humanities types.
Another personal note: I am going to try to pass this Class News job on to someone else. Jim GLAZA seems like a likely prospect. So, if I'm successful in my sales pitch to Jim, I close my last contribution to this history of '60. Best wishes from Sid.