AOG Magazine Class News
Qtrs 6402 E
USAFA, CO 80840
Lord be praised and Hallelujah! Since the last Quarterly, I have received, through various sources and devious means, five (count em!), five letters—one even had a compliment (bless you Oogie). I also received three Christmas cards with news. Fred Metcalf wanted to know what deadline to give to you guys for news inputs—anytime is acceptable. If your info is too late for one column I’ll just hold it for the next. You might consider sending exchanged Xmas cards next year. If I don’t personally answer your letters, please forgive—I’ll use the column to acknowledge them whenever the press of duties (you know what that is) necessitates.
I’ve divided the column into four areas for this issue: Overseas, Stateside, School, and Expatriates (civilians). This by no means establishes a precedent—Lord only knows what will appear next time.
OVERSEAS: Dale THOMPSON dropped a letter and pic from Oxford-shire, where he is flying the F-111 (Dale calls it the Aardvark) and enjoying his tour with wife Cherie (see pic). As a result of Dale’s latest 0-1 tour, he has been awarded the 3rd and 4th OLC’s to the DFC, a Bronze Star, the 5th through 9th OLC’s to his Air Medal, and the 2nd OLC to his AFCM. That reminds me of the story about the stripper with a “48” bust ... In all seriousness, Dale, congratulations for a job extremely well done.

Dale also sends word that Don WOLFSWINKLE recently had a huge write-up in the European Stars and Stripes for his superb coaching of the USAF Basketball Team, which won the SHAPE tournament. What do you do in your spare time, Don?
Denny WALSH took time out from his advisory duties at Da Nang to write (as he put it) “the fount of knowledge” to order a miniature for his wife. (If it’s not your wife Denny, I apologize!) Says he ran into Bill GOODYEAR and Don SINGER who are vacationing in Saigon flying SCATBACK Airlines (T-39). Al ZIMMERMAN was also reported alive and well somewhere in that area. Denny should, by the time this is published, be flying the FB-111 at Plattsburg.
Mike MCCALL wrote from Ubon, where he is flying “the last of the great tactical fighters, the AC-130,” and informs us he picked up his PhD in chemistry from Stanford last summer.
Tony LONG is reported at HQ, 7AF in Saigon; Jim PEEL in TAC Air Support at Cam Rhan; Steve HOLT escaped(?) from Scott to Da Nang; Gordie FLYGARE is winding turbans or some such for MAAG in Addis Ababa; and Don ALMANZAR is still horsing choppers around, but now out of Kadena. I’m sure Don must be half Asian by now (third tour—or is it fourth?).
Meanwhile on the home front, I received a nice long letter from Hoyt and Carol PRINDLE, who are firmly ensconced at Scott. Oogie says the ‘60 contingent at Scott is growing by leaps and bounds and now includes Derry ADAMSON, Tony BURSHNICK, Nels DELISANTI, Tony MASON, and Bill KORNITZER. If this keeps up, we’ll have to move the reunion to Scott. Oogie is now Exec for M/G Cole and enjoying it, while Carol is trying to figure out how to meet the payments on their first home and still afford hamburgers twice a week.
Had a long enjoyable visit from Charlie WATERMAN last month (Jan). He is presently Senior Avionics Maintenance Officer at Travis and living a bachelors life (envy—envy!). Says he finally learned to say “Sir” after chewing out senior officers and hopes to become Division Chief in the not-too-distant. He did have some sad news however: Larry JOHNSON is still having difficulty as the result of his jumping accident and is at the David Grant Medical Center at Travis awaiting Medical retirement. Knowing how much Larry wanted to stay on active duty makes it even worse. Good luck to you from all of us, Larry, and keep us informed.
Les HOBGOOD is down to his cuticles as an instructor at Webb, Mike CLARKE is at the Fighter Systems Office at Wright-Patt after finishing charm school at Maxwell, and Johnnie TOWNSEND is Chief of Ground Training also at W.P. Tony JONES is in missile safety on the beach at Norton, Dick MEYER is an F-111 flight commander at Clovis-By-The-Sea, and Charlie MCCAIN is defending the Air Force (fat chance!) at Marine Corps Headquarters in Washington as an Information Systems Analyst. I had a short visit with Gary CREW at Randolph a couple of months ago. Gary is now Academic Chief at IPIS and busier than the proverbial. Also ran into Norm ALEXANDER at Mather—Norm is still at Wright-Patt.
Back in school again (or is it still?) are Bill OUELETTE at the DIS, Ft. Belvoir, VA, and Ralph MILLER—also at ACSC. Ralph writes that he and Loretta are enjoying both the social life and their new baby. Based on my own limited experience I didn’t think the two were compatible.
On the ever-increasing civilian front Wayne PETERSON has moved from L.A. to Hollywood in a thinly disguised attempt to get closer to the starlets. Dean BRISTOW filled the void (adequately—as I remember Dean’s size) by moving to L.A. Frank GORHAM writes from Pleasantville, N.Y., that he is up to his ... in aviation lubricants and fluids for Chevron International (manager—Atlantic Region) and says he is logging more hours with a tray in his lap than he was getting before in F-102s. Why do you have to hold that tray in your lap, Frank; didn’t they have stewardi on 102s? Frank is newly married but still managed to find time to write us about Ted and Dawn HOPKINS. Ted has moved from G.E. to Rochester Instruments and is now a Group V.P. in N.Y. Ted probably got out of the service ‘cause he had to move too much. Most of Ted’s responsibilities are in Canada, according to Frank, but it seems a trifle late to be running off to Canada at this point, Ted. Frank found a “lost soul”; he reports Dave LUCE has graduated from UCLA Medical School and is (or was) interning at the Public Health Hospital in San Fran. while contemplating a surgical practice in either Northern Calif. or So. Oregon. It might be handy to have a surgeon in the family—cut-rates, Dave? (pardon the pun!) Thanks for all the info, Frank; don’t stop now.
Bert CROFT is still TWA’ing it as a copilot on 727s. Gary GULBRANSON is reported (via Russ MACDONALD) to be flying for PAN AM out of Frisco. Aside from being an accomplished mud-shoveler (no—that’s not the same as bull-shooter, there’s movement in them thar hills when it rains!) Gary plays golf between flying twice a month. He is reported to be an expectant father and has purchased a VW station wagon to go with his Corvette in anticipation of the blessed event.
Last but not least, Rosie CLER reported from Bryan, Ohio, and listed his present job as “civilian.” From the looks of our other “expatriates” that appears to be a truly full-time job.
Meanwhile back at the Oasis—Cres SHIELDS was presented the Air Medal with “V” device by Col Lochry, head of the math department. Cres won the award as a FAC defending a grunt company, near Quang Tri, that was in contact with a platoon of NVN regulars. The citation reads in part: Major Shields inadvertently flew his unarmed spotter aircraft low over the enemy position (he was looking for a reported zip nudist colony) and, in his terror, betrayed the enemy position and his presence to the allied ground commander, who unjustifiably demanded that Maj Shields advise him in deploying his troops. By this time fighter aircraft had arrived and made it impossible for Maj Shields to leave the field of battle without severe loss of face. In his agitation Maj Shields salvoed his smoke rockets starting a fire in the jungle. Being a strict conservationist, he directed the fighters to establish a fire break with their ordnance and flew in ever more erratic ellipses around the area directing their placement. Unbeknownst to Maj Shields he caught the NVN platoon on a latrine break and inflicted grievous shrapnel wounds upon them in the most awkward places, thereby completely demoralizing the enemy and allowing the friendly force to defeat them.” Well done Cres—now you know why I was in Awards and Decs for only 3 days! Seriously you did a Sierra Hotel job—congratulations.
Lost Soul of the Quarter: Dean BRISTOW, where are you?
Now back to some pseudo-classmates: I’m sure most of you remember the original four squadron AOCs from good ‘ol Lowry II. 1st Sq: Barton, 2nd: Yancey, 3rd: Gabriel, and 4th: Braswell. Barton got out long ago, but, in case you don’t read the star selection lists, Maj Gen Braswell will soon have in his select fraternity, new blood and old friends in the shape of new B/G’s Yancey and Gabriel—and to think what we used to call them when they weren’t looking! I think I can safely say we’re all very pleased and proud to have been closely associated with these outstanding gentlemen.
Well, that’s it for this time, gents. Hope you enjoy the column, and keep me advised so I can pass it on. My world travels are a bit restricted in the great aerospace T-29, but I’ll call you if ever I’m in your area—please reciprocate—my wheels and bar are always available. Hope this finds all of you and yours healthier and happier—Jim.