AOG Magazine Class News
Qtrs 6402 E
USAFA, CO 80840
As usual I’ve managed to put off writing this until deadline was upon me—in the hope that more news would be forthcoming. You’ll be pleased to hear that my problem this time is not unofficial news (keep those cards and letters coming!), but official news. Either you guys have stopped winning medals and special accolades (heaven forbid!) or all my spies have gone out into the cold.
Since I don’t have a copy of the last quarterly available (has it become a collector’s item already?), I can’t remember the exact structure I intended to follow, so I’ll just invent a new one. It seems reasonable to give first space to correspondents anyway.
Lost Soul Found: Bill CARNEGIE dropped a line from McGuire, where he is newly married and working in the ACF. He assures us he has not resigned but is busier than the proverbial with his new family. Congrats on your marriage Bill and Anne, and thanks for the almost word on Lew PRICE. Lew was last seen somewhere in Calif. working for Ma Bell—he is, therefore, prime candidate for Lost Soul of the Quarter—Lew PRICE where are you?
Andi BIANCUR wrote a great letter to Sid NEWCOMB, which Sid passed on to me—probably as an attempt at reconciliation for sticking me with this bucket; Nice try Sid! The puzzle-palace inhabitants held a State-of-the-Wing dinner in D.C. in March with great success and large attendance. Paul VALLERIE and Tom BURKE helped Andi represent the Air Staff component of ‘60. Andi is in Airlift, while Tom is in Studies and Analysis for Tac Recce Electronics. Tom informed me by phone that Alex ZIMMERMAN arrived in Tom’s shop a few days ago after finishing his tour in the 7th AF Command Post. He also says Leon GOODSON left the palace for F-111 training at Nellis before going to Mt. Home. Tom has offered his help in finding living space for anyone going to the D.C. area. As a licensed realtor, he’s in an excellent position to give both sound advice and service. His autovon is 22-48113, home phone (703) 569-0971. Norm HALLER is in OSD; Mike LOH is a hall monitor (or something); Ron YATES is at Andrews, according to Andi, “throwing darts to manage officers for AFSC.” Chuck MCCAIN was up from Hq SMC, and Howie WHITFIELD came from Quantico, where he and Greg BOYINGTON are going through “super boot camp.” Pappy didn’t make the trip to D.C., as--reportedly--he is in training for the Boston Marathon? You’ve got to be kidding! Paul will be leaving for ACSC this summer to find out what he should have been doing on the Air Staff. Thanks for all the info, Andi. From the sound of it, we definitely do “have the place surrounded.”
Russ CURRY sent us a superlative missive from Wright-Patt. Russ’ prose is absolutely superior (particularly where he, compliments this column). Russ’ letter was truly interesting and offers all of us some ideas. About two years ago, several ‘60ites began a local USAFA Alumni Newsletter at W.P. Of those Vic YOAKUM; Denny O’KEEFE; Charlie THOMPSON; Ken BIEHLE; and, of course, Russ are sustaining its publication with continuity already programmed. Paul SULLIVAN was another prime mover, but Sully is now stationed at Ent. Russ suggests that more bases with numerous grads might consider such a venture (Scott or AU, for example) and offers his help in getting anyone started. I wish there were some way to show you the newsletter itself. It in no way overlaps or detracts from this magazine, but is a superior local addition chock full of news not otherwise readily available. I may be putting my foot in it, but I’m sure Russ would be happy to send you a copy as long as any are available. His autovon number is 782-74531. Russ also sends word that Joe HIGGINS, Jim CLARK, Ken BIEHLE and Fred PORTER are struggling through AFIT in residence, “wishing they were anywhere else.” P.J. SMITH is also at W.P., but his level of incompetence is unknown. Russ himself has a title that would use up the rest of this rag; suffice it to say he’s in AFLC design and procurement. Many, many thanks from all of us for your ideas, Russ; thanks for the kind words; and congratulations to all of you at W.P. for an outstanding job of keeping the grads informed and together.
Fat Mac MACFARLANE is now in F-15s at Edwards. Mac called me early in April to pass on a few tidbits: Jim ANDERSON is in F-14 school at Luke, Jerry GIRARD is going from Lakenheath to Nellis as Flight Commander in the Nonnuc Weapons School, and John GRIFFIN is a Military Assistance pilot in SHAPE. He says Mike LOW wrote an article on vector trust for Aviation Week (Jan 72) which Mac takes exception to—come out at the bell, fellas. Mac has tied me at four boys and one girl. If anyone can beat that let us know— I'll give you the same explanation someone gave me as to what’s causing it!
More ZI news: Ken ALNWICK, is going to the Air Force Advisory Group, Bangkok (too bad that’s an accompanied tour, Ken—no offense intended, Judy); Fred WALKER snuck through AFSC and is now Commander of the 485th Elec. Installation Sq. at Griffiss; Dick SCHEHR became Chief, System Analysis Br. at Lowry; Lloyd SHIER is a Missile Combat Crew Commander at Whiteman; and John BRUSH screwed up by coming to DFE here at the Ranch—Lord, how the wind blows around here! New location info: Don STEVENS at Univ of Ariz., Tempe; Phil ROBERTS in San Fran.; Gary SHEETS at Omaha; and Jim BILELLO in New Port Richey, Fla. (where ever that is). Hey guys, send in a C-of-A card; huh?
Overseas: Dick SEXTON is reported to be doing a Sierra-Hotel job as head of CHECO in Udorn, Thailand; and Tony LONG, who is the Asst. to Chief of Staff, 7th AF, Vietnam, appears to be going to the land of the rub and the scrub to join Ken ALNWICK.
Back on the civilian front, Dean BRISTOW is reported alive and well in Santa Ann, Calif. and L.A.—where are you, Dean—or do you commute a lot? Jerry FARQUHAR is at Lighthouse Point, Fla.; Charlie HOLMAN is a sales manager for RCA in Tallahassee; and Dave REED of Nebraska is now Dr. Dave J. Reed, MD, c/o Auckland Hosp. Bd., Auckland, New Zealand—how 'bout that! Congrats from all of us Dave—I wouldn’t worry about too many of us dropping in on you.
I’m sorry/happy to report that this is my last news column (exit to the sound of one hand clapping!), but I’ve been selected to attend ACSC along with Paul VALLERIE and a couple other of us late starters. I have prevailed upon Jock SCHWANK to assume the duty—bless you Jock! I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing from/about all of you and hope you will continue to keep all of us informed through Jock and his lovely wife, Hope. Jock’s address is Qtrs 4410 B, USAFA, CO, 80840; office phone (autovon) 259-2925 and home (303) 472-0771. Rather than wax nostalgic I’ll merely wish sincerely that this finds you and yours in the best of health and happiness—be seeing you.