AOG Magazine Class News
Qtrs 4301 C
USAFA, CO 80840
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Let’s start with good news! By the time you read this, yours truly will be back in F-4s. My check-out starts at Homestead in April, and then I head for Udorn in July. That means that this will be my last column as Class News Secretary. Jock SCHWANK had originally agreed to take the job back this summer when he returns to USAFA with his doctorate. Since gate legislation etc. may affect Jock’s return date, John MACARTNEY has volunteered to serve until Jock returns. Send your cards and letters to John at 160 Areque Ridge Drive, Colorado Springs. Co. 80819. He will write the September column for sure and play it by ear thereafter.
John recently talked to Reb GUILLOT, who is Squadron Ops Officer for an A-7 Squadron at D-M. Reb reports that Charley SANDS is working with the Kit Peak Observatory which is associated with the University of Arizona at Tuscon. Also Ed HAERTER, who flies for TWA out of Chicago, has just bought a farm which apparently is his pride and joy. Ed is also flying with the Illinois Air unit at O’Hare which recently transitioned from F-100s to KC-97s. Golly. I didn’t really think there were any of those still around, Ed.
Reb also reports that Walt SWEENEY looks good following surgery last winter to remove a non-malignant brain tumor. Walt is still working full time for the Arizona Air Guard and trying to get back on flying status. Good luck to you, Walt, from all of us.

Roy JOLLY now lives in Guthrie, Oklahoma. He is flying Thuds full time for the reserve out of Tinker. He and Barb had their house broken into a while back. I hope things are reasonably well squared away by now.
I saw Jim WADDLE at Pete Base Ops recently. Jim reports no ill effects following his ejection from a 106 last fall. He is now Chief Maintenance for the 106 Squadron at Minot.
Will MACFARLANE is a real live hero. He was one of three pilots involved in the F-15s assault on existing climb records. He wiped out those previously held by the F-4. Rumor has it that Fat Mac was chosen for the project so that the records could be broken again at will simply by using a pilot with a more normal gross weight. The bird really has some powerful engines, eh Mac?
Bits and Pieces: Doug REKENTHALER is with the 3902nd Air Base Wing at Offutt following his tour in Panama. Bill ZERSEN is at SAMSO in Los Angeles following his AFIT tour at Florida Tech. Hoyt PRINDLE left Travis to join the Personnel Shop at Headquarters MAC. Bill GILLIS finished a remote tour at Udorn and has joined the 48th TFS at Langley.
The Quickie Quiz photo shows Pat SMITH receiving an MSM at Griffiss, awarded for duties performed at Wright-Patt, which is where he was before he was at Griffiss, which is where he was before he was at Homestead, which is where he was before he was at Bitburg, which is where he is now. He’s been a busy lad lately.
Writing the column has been my privilege and my pleasure. I want to thank everyone who re-established contact while I had it. With John and Jock standing by, it moves into extremely capable hands, but an occasional letter from you all is what really makes it go. So write.