AOG Magazine Class News
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Res.: (303) 599-7482
Ofc. ext: (USAFA): 2270
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Can you believe two decades have passed since that day of infamy—9 July 1956? My aunt took this picture of cadets-to-be 20 years ago.

While greetings from our friendly ATOs, the obstacle course, bayonet training and forms 10a occupied us then, the major event this year has been the Lieutenant Colonel list. I went by the Alumni Association twice last week to collect promotion information on our class. The cold hard data:
One hundred twenty-three of us (as far as I can tell) are active duty in the Air Force. Eighty-six were first time eligible for Light Colonel this year and 74 (86 percent) were promoted. Fifteen of those 74, 20 percent, were also nominated for senior service school. Thirteen were passed over, chiding one for the second time. (By way of comparison, the Class of 1959 suffered 20 pass-overs last year—one of whom was promoted on this list.) Four of the class of ‘60 are not yet eligible (due to late promotion to major or interrupted service), while 32 had previously made LC, including three who are full Colonels.
One of the new telephone colonels, Clark WALKER, is pictured here receiving his 13th Air Medal.

This one is for acting as a battle-staff operations officer during the Mayaguez incident. Clark is now Chief of the Space and Missile branch at the Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tennessee.
Expatriate Frank MAYBERRY dropped a note from Headquarters USAFE, Ramstein AB, Germany, where he is completing a five-year tour and PCS’ing to Incirlik, Turkey for another two years overseas. Frank has become a serious runner in his old age. He recently won the Un- sponsored 40-year-old class in the Metz Marathon—26 miles, 385 yards in two hours, 57 minutes and 47 seconds. Anyone out there ready to challenge him?
All those classmates who are especially eager to learn about the acoustic emissions of propagating cracks should get in touch with Gordy FLYGARE. Gordy recently earned his MS at Oklahoma and wrote his thesis on the above subject. With the academic hassles behind him, Gordy enjoys motorcycle riding when he’s not working on his new job at Tinker AFB in MASIIS (MADARS/GPS). For anyone not up on USAF jargon, those initials quite obviously identify: the office of Maintenance Analysis and Structural Integrity Information Systems (Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording Systems/Ground Processing Branch). Before his AFIT tour at OIJ, Gordy spent two years in Ethiopia, and he assures me there is enough trouble brewing in Africa to forestall any danger that peace might break out any time soon.
Jack BRUSH who teaches Econ here (and who always seems to end up in this column) was recently honored by the DoD Economic Analysis Council with their 1975 “Modeling” award. Jack developed a compact economic model that predicts yearly changes in the GNP price deflector. In other words, a computer model that can be used to forecast inflation rates.
Quickies: Doug RECKENTHALER has PCS’d from Offutt AFB to the Defense Mapping Agency in Washington, DC. Jack SCHIRA is at Langley after completing a tour at Cannon. Kitty TAYLOR has recently jointed Bill at Kadena AB, Okinawa following Bill’s tour in Thailand. Steve HOLT has moved from Dyess AFB, Texas, to Sembach AB, Germany.
Thanks to MAYBERRY and FLYGARE for their letters. BURTON and BURSHNICK both tried to call but missed me—Pete from a bank in Denver and Tony from Maxwell AFB. Please keep calling and/writing.