AOG Magazine Class News
160 Arequa Ridge Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Autovon 259-2270
Another summer is upon us--the twenty-first since we all bivouacked on the Lowry Bombing Range!
Sid NEWCOMB wrote from Santiago, Chile where he is an advisor to the Chilean Air Force. He and Marvann play as much tennis as possible, and their four children are all attending Spanish-speaking schools. Jim THOMASSON wrote from Charlotte, North Carolina to pass on a newspaper clipping about Kirk CANTERBURY. Kirk has resumed competitive swimming--in a big way. Last August he set a national record in the 400-meter individual medley for men, 40-44 years old. He now holds the top time in the country in two events, the second best time in five more, and ranks in the top ten in another eight events. According to the news story, Kirk weighed over 200 pounds when he resumed serious swimming three years ago. He's now down to 163. Kirk is an advertising executive in Charlotte, and Jim is in the construction business. There is another middle-aged athlete in our class: Frank MAYBERRY, Chief of Maintenance at Adana, Turkey, recently ran the Athens Marathon in two hours and 53 minutes. Another clipping in my winter mail bag revealed that the 528th Bomb Squadron (FB-111s) of Plattsburgh AFB has been awarded the General John D. Ryan Trophy as the outstanding bomb squadron in the Strategic Air Command. Needless to say, the 528th is commanded by a classmate, Denis WALSH. Congratulations DL!
Speaking of congratulations, we have some more fast-burner promotees among us: Dick HEAD, Tom SEEBODE, Ron YATES, and Ralph MILLER were all on the bird colonel list--Ralph was BTZ, Super! Gary GULBRANSEN wrote to reveal the whereabouts of expatriate Dave REED, Goose is a Pan Am pilot and lives in Mill Valley, California. He came across Dave on a layover in Auckland, New Zealand. Dr. REED is completing his residency in anesthesiology there. Dave is a bachelor and, according to Goose, into everything: piano lessons, sailing and the trampoline (which caused him a back injury in December). Note: Goose claims he gave up the nickname "Goose" years ago.
Reb GUILLOT called from Davis-Monthan AFB last week. He's due to give up command of the 354th TFS (A-7s) this summer. He and Sue have tough duty ahead: they'll be off to the NATO Defense College in Rome, after which they'll stay in Europe for a staff job. Gee, that's too bad, Reb. Bruce MOSIER, an airline type, was recently at D-M, upgrading in the A-7. Bruce flies with the Iowa Guard and just finished a Masters degree in physics.
Jim ALEXANDER, Chief of Training Management with the 347TFW at Moody AFB, has moved to a new home in Valdosta. He says. "If you can't find a room when visiting J.C. in Plains, come on down to Valdosta and stop!"
Ken BIEHLE has PCS'd from Scott AFB to the 55th WER Squadron at McClellan AFB, California. Earl VAN INWEGEN and Cres SHIELDS, neighbors of mine, have both recently acquired TR-6 roadsters and are enjoying springtime in the Rockies. Al JOHNSON is the new Exec. at Air Force Legislative Liaison. I'll be seeing him and the rest of the Washington contingent when I go TDY to L & L this summer.
Comment: This past winter I served on the nominating committee for the April AOG Board elections. Time was too short. I couldn't contact everyone, and some I did contact and who wanted to run were unable to send in their statements and biographies in time to get on the ballot. Lesson: Next time don't wait to be contacted, and don’t wait until February or March to think about nominations. If anyone wants to run for the AOG Board, let me know now, and I'll see that your name is passed on to the next nominating committee