AOG Magazine Class News
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Colorado Springs, CO 80919
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Attention in the area, attention in the area--it's show and tell time. I spent the month of June TDY to Washington DC where I found and photographed a large contingent of classmates toiling in "The Building," the world's biggest sweat shop. A blue-tag-beer call was held at the Ft. Meyer O'Club in early June where large quantities of suds were consumed in honor of those PCSing: Jerry DE LA CRUZ, Les HOBGOOD and Ralph LALIME are leaving, respectively, the Joint Staff, the Air Staff and the Air Force Council to attend Air War College. Dick HEAD is finishing a book on Crisis Management and a year at the National War College; he'll spend next year as a fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City. Dean VIKAN is going from the Air Staff across the river to ICAF. Dick SCHEHR is also leaving the Air Staff and will be coming here to Colorado Springs (I believe) to help run ADCOM. Jim GLAZA had already departed the Air Reserve Office for nicer duty in Hawaii, and D. K. JOHNSON had gone from the Air Staff to the 474th TFW at Mt. Home AFB. Continuing to push paper in, around, and through the Headquarters Air Force are Ken ALNWICK, Bill GOODYEAR, Charlie HART, Bill KORNITZER, George LUCK, Dick SEXTON and Ron YATES. Ron just graduated from ICAF and is the new F-16 PEM. Also serving in or near the nation's capitol are: Bob FISHER, who is Flight Technical Supervisor for the FAA; Norm HALLER, who is a civilian with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Al JOHNSON, Exec for Air Force Legislative Liaison (where I TDY'd this summer); Denny O'KEEFE, Chief of the Aircraft Test Branch (AFSC/DCST & E) at Andrews AFB; Doug REKENTHALER, Special Assistant to the Chief Scientist at the Defense Mapping Agency; and Johnny TOWNSEND with the National Guard Bureau. These pictures were taken at that Ft. Meyer beer call.

Meanwhile, back in Colorado, Lana and Cres SHIELDS gave a Class of '60 party at their beautiful new home in Rockrimmon. Present were Pat and Van VAN INWEGEN, Jeanne and Jack BRUSH, MaryLou and Fred PORTER, Bill and Ann HODSON, Carol and Roger LENT, Plus Anne and me. Besides admiring the new house, we viewed slides of the "brown shoe days." Pete BURTON, who wasn't able to attend, sent word he is alive and well in Denver, where he is a Management Consultant. The LENTs are PSC'ing to Maxwell AFB, the VAN INWEGENs are at ADCOM, and the rest of us are still playing professor at the Academy.

Change of Address: Howie BRONSON has left Headquarters TAC at Langley to attend the NATO Defense College in Rome, where he and Reb GUILLOT will be classmates. Bob RAGER as moved from New York to Grapevine. Texas.
Lost Souls: The AOG is trying to trace "lost souls" Grads. If anyone has a clue on the whereabouts of these classmates, please contact the A0G office: Robert BAKER, James BILELLO, George HINES, Lawrence JOHNSON, William LEN1NGER, David LUCE, Robert WEINAUG.
Twenty-year Reunion: It seems like every classmate I've talked to lately has been promoting a big turnout for our 20-year Homecoming, which will be in October of 1980. In all probability, that will be our last opportunity to get together as a class. Let's do it! Mark your calendars!
Class News Inputs: The next AOG Magazine will go to press in early October. Ralph LALIME (in an almost-sober moment) has agreed to write part of the next column from Maxwell. But we need help. Now is the time to contact Ralph or myself to pass on tidbits of news. In that regard, it would really be great if more of you guys could drop me a note and/or a snapshot now and then, especially when you are getting together with other classmates. Security Flight out ...