AOG Magazine Class News
The National War College
Ft. McNair, Wash. D.C. 20311
Autovon 223-8383
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As this is written a "spring buck-up" is underway here at the Academy. Last week the cadets were upset, because they had to clean up their squadron areas before signing out on Friday evening privileges. There was little sympathy from me. I told them about the "brown shoe days" when we spent every Friday night preparing for classes as well as SAMI and IRI. Saturday academics passed into history long ago, parades occur about once a month, and a "triple threat" Saturday (SAMI, parade and IRI) now happens only once or twice a year. Nevertheless, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same.
Congratulations to our new colonels! Bill GOODYEAR, Bill KORNITZER, Mike LOH, Dale THOMPSON, Dean VIKAN, Andy BIANCUR, Howie BRONSON and Earl VAN INWEGEN were on this year's Full Bull list. They join our fast burner classmates already wearing eagles: Tony BURSHNICK, Leon GOODSON, Richard HEAD, Ralph MILLER, Tom SEEBODE, Fred WALKER, and Ron YATES.
Richard HEAD, who is completing a year as a fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City, gave a party for '60 grads at his Virginia home in February. Among those attending were Ken and Judy ALNWICK, Al and Gale JOHNÂSON, Howie and Linda WHITFIELD, Charley and Linda HART, Buck and Louisa CONGDON, Dean and Phyllis VIKAN and Bill GOODYEAR. Richard, who sent these photos, will be joining the Air Staff this summer, Ken is already there in Force Development, while Al is Exec at Legislative Liaison and is going to Air War College in the fall. Howie is at Marine Corps Headquarters. Charlie is also on the Air Staff, as are Buck, Dean and Bill.

Bill Goodyear, Howie Whitfield, Al Johnson
Denis WALSH, CO of the 528BSq at Plattsburgh, was here a month or so ago on a squadron visit. We held an impromptu 6th Cadet Squadron (circa 1956) mini-reunion which was attended by Denis, Jack BRUSH and myself, plus '59rs Curt COOK and Charlie MEIER. Conclusion reached: all those guys may have been sadistic SOBs 22 years ago, but they're not so bad in middle age--for '59rs.
I was also in 12th Squadron as a cadet, and last month a young man came to see me to learn the story behind the design of the 12th Squadron patch. I consulted with Jack BRUSH here at Seiler Lab, Charley HART at the Pentagon, and George FRIES, who is Chief of Analysis and Programming at Langley AFB. All of us remember the patch's being adopted but can't recall why. Any help out there?
QUICKIES: Tony BURSHNICK has just left his job as DO at Altus to be Vice Commander of the 63rd Military Airlift Wing at Norton. Gary SHEETS recently received his fourth MSM for his outstanding performance as a B-52 AC, special assistant to the base commander, and deputy base commander during his last tour at Kincheloe AFB. Sid NEWCOMB, back from Chile, is the new Chief of the Aeronautical Test Division at Holloman AFB. Dale MAYO, a pilot with Pan American, has just moved from CaliforÂnia to Ottsville, Pennsylvania. Walt FUTCH has PCS'd from McClellan to Scott AFB, while Ron SANDHOLZER has moved from San Antonio to Universal City, Texas. Russ MACDONALD will be a student as National War College next year, and he better bring an apple for the teacher--because that's gonna be me, visiting professor at NWC.

So far none of you guys has stepped forward to take over this column--the offer stands. Meanwhile, I have listed my future address and phone number. Please do contact me, especially if you are changing jobs this summer. If you're not ready to be News Secretary full time, how about volunteering to write a "guest column"? Jim GLAZA and Ralph LALIME have done that in the past, and Les HOBGOOD, from down at Air War College, is my benefactor this time. Take it away Les ...
"The sabbatical of 78 is over in Alabama, and we are all looking forward to our new assignments (some rumored and some firm as this is written). Ralph and Darlene LALIME are headed for Alaska, where Ralph hopes to compete for an F-4 squadron-commander job. Jerry and Betty DE LA CRUZ are headed to Norfolk, where Jerry will be on the Armed Forces Staff College faculty. Don and Joannie STEVENS are PCAing here at Maxwell, where Don will be on the AWC faculty. Mike and Barbara LOH are headed for England AFB, Louisiana. Mike has been offered the ADO slot in the A-7 wing. Of all the troops here at AWC, Mike has done the most to alter his situation this year--he took up jogging, ran over 400 miles, went on a diet and now he's in better shape than he was the summer of '56. As a result of his 1976 auto accident, looks like Hardy LEBEL will retire from the Air Force as soon a the Medical Evaluation Board renders a decision. He and Joan plan to hang it up in Destin, Florida, where they hope all you passers through will give them a call. Gary and Sylvia SHEETS are headed for "Fort Fumble" where Gary will run papers on the Air Staff. It might be worthy to mention that Gary and Sylvia captured a trophy in a '50s dance contest at the AWC spring party. George and Evelyn ELSEA are headed back to Germany, where George will be on the USAFE staff at Ramstein. For all you antique airplane buffs out there, George has his Tiger Moth up for sale due to the overseas move. And Marilyn and I are headed out west to Lubbock, Texas, where I hope to compete for a squadron at Reese Airpatch. The "Wockin' Winnie" of Atlanta trip fame is going westbound and down. Last, a word of frolic for all you aspiring DG's (distinguished graduate) at AWC next year--they have done it to you by instituting testing in the Air Force's Senior School."