Checkpoints Class News
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AV 259-2270
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Merry Christmas to you and yours! As I write this (Oct 10) the aspen leaves are in full color, the prime rate and the price of gold are skyrocketing, and the stock market is tumbling. Where will things be when you read this? I hope my house sells before a recession really sets in.
Class Crest: Jock SCHWANK is still looking for 20-dollar contributions. He tells me that he has 40 responses so far, and we are about one-third of our way to our goal. The bad news, incidentally, is that our goal receded a bit when the '59rs started a new tradition at their reunion by presenting a $350 '59 flag to the new doolie class. (Jock says that judging by the cost they must have reincarnated Betsy Ross herself to make it.) The good news is that we escaped several hundred dollars of inflation on our crest because Tony BURSHNICK had the foresight to order it last year. But that leaves Tony holding the bag for over a thousand more dollars--let's get him off the hook. If you haven't done so, make your tax deductible checks payable to "The Class of '60, AOG Fund," and mail them to Lt Col Jock Schwank, c/o The Association of Graduates, USAF Academy, CO 80840. If you have already done so, turn your holier-than-thou face to a delinquent classmate--and gently kick his ass.
20-Year Reunion: Plans are moving ahead for next summer's reunion in Colorado Springs. It will be 26 through 29 June at the Raintree Inn. We've already reserved rooms for you and your family--make sure you have your calendars marked and summer plans in order. Our chairman, Tom BURKE (Andrews AFB--AVT 856-6184), would like some feedback on agenda ideas. How would this be?
What do you think? Any ideas for Saturday afternoon, or should it be free? Do we want a special session for teen-age children who might be thinking about applying for the Academy? Guest speaker? Let Tom hear from you.
Gossip. Doug MILLER writes that he retired at Wright-Patt a year ago and is now a Department Manager with Simulation Technology, Inc. in Dayton. Other retirees I am aware of include Greg BOYINGTON, John GIFFEN, and Hardy LEBEL. Who else? The guy who deviously lured me into writing this column several years ago, Bill TAYLOR, sends this message from the Far East:
Congratulations, Bill! By the way, I flew with the Dice at Bien Hoa 11 years ago.
Guess who is the Outstanding Academy Liaison Officer for the Northeast. He was honored in October at an Antlers Hotel banquet, and this reserve major lives in Pennsylvania and flies for Pan Am out of New York. Who is he? None other than Dale MAYO!

The AOG is looking for "lost souls." They thought Denny O'KEEFE was lost, but I told them he is alive and well, on active duty and working in a Systems Command office in Crystal City, Virginia. How about Tony BILELLO--anyone know anything? An ex-lost soul who has recently written the AOG from Toledo, Oregon is Dave LUCE. What are you up to Dave?
The letters and visitors bearing Class Crest contributions have been a gold mine of news. To wit: Ed HAERTER has been at the Academy several times to visit his son, Chris, a fourth classman. Ed flies for TWA and the Illinois ANG. Jerry STACK and wife Susie were here from Dallas on a September vacation. Jerry is a 727 captain for Braniff and a C-130 driver for the Texas ANG. Charlie LIGGETT was here on a squadron sponsor trip. He's Chief of Ops and Tng for the 307 Air Refueling Group at Travis, while Kathy is busy selling real estate. Ralph LALIME and Darlene are in Alaska with the 43 TFS. George PUPICH is busy as a successful Los Angeles businessman and a DC-10 pilot for Western. Bruce MOSIER--the only out-of-town '60 grad to make homecoming--has been house hunting in Colorado in between flying for TWA and the Iowa Guard. Bill SIEBECKER and his instrument-pilot-rated wife, Nancy, have their own Piper Arrow up in Wausau, Wisconsin. Dave SWEIGART dropped by a few weeks ago. He commands the 1401 MAS at Scott, a CT-39 outfit with four detachments, the largest flying squadron in MAC. Dave reports that Phil COOKE, Syd GURLEY, and Walt FUTCH are the last of the '60 contingent at Scott. Andi BIANCUR is apparently having some "role identity problems" at Yale where his compatriots there view him as an ultra-conservative troublemaker, while his '60 classmates recall him as a radical, black sheep troublemaker. He is looking forward to rejoining the real Air Force for a re-blueing next summer. Bill KORNITZER is ADO of the 437 MAW at Charleston, Dean VIKAN is ADO of the 354 TFW at Myrtle Beach, Howie BRONSON is ADO of the F-15 wing at Bitburg, and Tom SEEBODE is Vice Commander of the 60 MAW at Travis. George ELSEA writes that there isn't much sunshine in Kalkar, Germany, nor was there in Scotland where he went fishing this summer. Bill CARNEGIE says all is well in New Jersey where he is a bank computer auditor. Hal BROST is now at Wright-Patt, and ANTOM, PH has PCSd from Aspen to Cannes. Chris and Pat WARACK are still at sunny (and smoggy) Norton AFB. Jock SCHWANK was TDY at Fort Sill recently where he ran into Major General Charles HALL, USA, who was AOC of Fightin' Fourth during our cadet years. Neal and Niki REAVELY have moved to Bozeman, Montana. Neal is in the log cabin business and also flies F-106s for the Guard. Steve HOLT and Earl VAN INWEGEN, bless their hearts, are now defending democracy by pushing paper around the Pentagon. Bill ZERSEN, who is still at SAMSO, just moved to San Pedro. Denny WALSH, whose selection to colonel was maliciously overlooked in this column, is at AWC. Vic THOMAS is at Nellis, and Mike J. CLARKE has just assumed rough duty at the Minsterio Del Aire in Madrid.
And in conclusion--Pikes Peak or bust--at the end of June next. Thanks to all of you who (wonder of wonders) wrote in this time and thanks to Jock who put much of this column together. Jock also wants to thank those who have already contributed to the Crest fund, especially those who have been extra generous and those who have contributed additional amounts in memory of fallen classmates. Keep your cards, letters and checks coming!