Checkpoints Class News
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Taking over from (new Colonel selectee) John MACARTNEY (Associate Prof. of Poli. Sci. at AFA) is a big order, but--after 6 outstanding years as our class secretary--he deserved a break. He and (New Colonel selectee) Jock SCHWANK (Asst. Prof. of Psychology at AFA) did a great job coordinating our 20th Reunion, with lots of help from Duck WADDLE and Dick SCHEHR (both at NORAD HQ). Nineteen classmates were selected to Full Bull (none made BG this time around).

The others were Jim ALEXANDER (Langley), Phil COOKE (A MAC Wing ADO at McGuire), Joe HIGGINS, Sid NEWCOMB (Holloman), Ron DEEP (Asst. Dean of AFIT), George ELSEA, Ron PATCHETT (with whom I drove top-down supersonic one summer leave at AFA to NY in his Healey), Les HOBGOOD (sqdn. cmdr. at Reese who flew lead in the T-37 Memorial Service reunion flyover--it was beautiful Les!), Steve HOLT, Ron SAPP, Bill ZERSEN, Chris WARACK (Scott--building a house in Idaho?), Vic THOMAS, Dick SEXTON, Fred WALKER, Russ MACDONALD, and Hoyt PRINDLE (who is winding up a fantastic tour as Special Asst. to C/S at AF South in Naples.) His family survived unscathed the Italian earthquake--said the initial shock was 3 minutes of severe turbulence! Vic BOUQUET who was turned back to '61 from a broken neck our doolie year, also made Full Bull.
RETIREES: Jack BRUSH (with whom Brenda and I stayed during the reunion) owns a business which provides interest-rate forecasts to large financial institutions via computer data-link. Neil DELISANTI is a yacht dealer near Seattle; Bill HODSON is a consultant in C-Springs; D.K. JOHNSON is an auto parts dealer in Boise, Idaho; and Frank MAYBERRY, Kerry MILLER, and Gary CREW are all with Martin Marrieta in Denver. Fred PORTER has a computer business in C-Springs; Bill DELONY is the Senior Logistics Engineer at International Laser Systems, Inc. in Oviedo, FL; and Gordon SAVAGE is with Hughes in Denver. Cres SHIELDS is a consultant and real estate broker in C-Springs; and Hardy LEBEL, medically retired and still recovering after a bad auto accident, is now a writer in Destin, FL.
OTHER CIVILIANS: Dick KINGMAN is a semi-retired slum-landlord in NYC. The quality black sombrero he wore to the reunion was typical of Dick's unique lifestyle which I observed as his roommate at AFA. He gave Jack BRUSH a great tour of NYC and promises the same for any of us who visit the Big Apple. Dr. Dean BRISTOW is a urologist in a small Utah town, Dr. John DAY is an ophthalmologist in a small Florida town, and Dave REED is an M.D. in Denver. Bill CARNEGIE is a CPA in a small New Jersey town. Fuller ATKINSON is a Division President of Allied Chemical in Chicago; and John PEBBLES will be moving up NW of Chicago shortly, as he has given up on TWA (after 6+ years of furlough) and become the Midwestern Regional Manager of Universal Instruments Corp., a manufacturer of computer-controlled production equipment for the electronics industry. He's the DO for a TFG at Toledo, Ohio flying the A-7D, with 2 years to go 'til retirement from the Guard. John is now trying to sell his big home in Delta, Ohio in which he and Barb have raised 1 girl and 3 boys, all in their teens now. Clif LOVELL, father of 5 kids, is a research scientist at Ft. Walton Beach, FL.; and Jim GLAZA, another father of

5 kids, will soon be retiring after he secures employment stateside in the public relations field. Jim is now in the protocol office at CINPAC HQ and promises the same great hospitality to you which he and Linda gave Brenda, CT IV, and me recently on Oahu during our vacation to the Islands. It was great getting an ear on old scandals too ribald to explain here, hilariously told by Jim. Roy JOLLY, an F-105 pilot in the reserves in Oklahoma, was a super MC at our reunion dinner. Brian KALEY is a 727 First Officer with American and also flies with the Connecticut ANG. Miles KASPAR is finally upgrading to First Officer with Pan Am (he flies KC-135's in the New Jersey ANG). At the reunion, Miles outlined the problems of integrating the Pan Am (14 yr. pilots on furlough) and National Airlines (2 Yr. First Officers) pilot-seniority lists. Bill MOSIER is a TWA 727 First Officer commuting to NYC from Kansas City and flies in the reserves to boot. Ed HAERTER is a First Officer with TWA in Chicago and flies KC-135's in the Illinois Guard.
MILITARY: Jerry MASON and Chuck WATERMAN have returned to line flying at Dover and Travis, respectively. Seal HUHN is a Navy Commander working with fleet combat director systems in Virginia. Jerry DE LA CRUZ instructs at the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk; Andy BIANCUR is in J-5 at the Pentagon; Ralph LALIME is Asst. DCS, OPS, AAC near Anchorage; Roach LOH is DCO at England AFB in LA; and Phil MEINHARDT and Ralph MILLER are both at SAMSO, Los Angeles. Walt FUTCH has returned stateside to Scott; Paul SULLIVAN is with Stan EVAL at Columbus AFB, Miss. (remember those check rides in Pilot Training?); D.L. WALSH is Chief of Plans at HQ SAC; and Don WOLFSWINKEL is a squadron cmdr. at Charleston AFB. Garth COOKE is the Chief of Engineering Division at HQ AFLC, where Charlie and Linda HART also are stationed. Bill GOODYEAR is now Dep. Dir: of Force Management, DCS/Plans, HQ SAC. Dean VIKAN has moved to Ramstein.
It's great to have taken the opportunity to attend a very meaningful 20th reunion, to be a member of '60, to be a graduate of Aluminum U., and to look forward to keeping track of you turkeys and writing this newsletter. Next letter we'll discuss a 25th-reunion-era super-reunion, statistics on our class, and more info. on our recent retirees. Please drop me a line or call me if you pass thru Minneapolis--free room and board awaits you. We have lost track of BAKER, BILELLO, HINES, L.M. JOHNSON, LENINGER, O'KEEFE, UPTON, WEINAUG, WHALEY, and FOLKART (although rumor has it that Charlie is no longer with TWA but has moved to Virginia Beach to pursue his religious interests). Any word on these would be especially helpful.