Checkpoints Class News
3305 Edgemere
St. Anthony, MN 55418 84117
(612) 781-7511
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Do any of you recognize this gentleman--does he look like someone you can trust? He hasn't changed a bit!

deputy commander for operations,
479th Tactical Training Wing,
Holloman AFB, NM
Ken ALNWICK is the new director of the Airpower Research Institute at Air University, Maxwell. Look at these credentials: MA in history, research project officer in RVN, history instructor at AFA, AWC faculty member. Remember him as the great rabble-rousing cheerleader from Long Island? Dr. Ken "Panda" WERRELL of the AFA pistol team is the new professor of military affairs there with Ken. Duck WADDLE from Downey is also there at Maxwell now.
Steve BISHOP has moved to Longmont, CO, from Sante Fe--with UAL. And Cres SHIELDS, now retired, is a real estate broker with Paul Hamilton Realtors in C-Springs. Wil GOODSON is now commander, 50th Tac Ftr Wg at Hahn AB, Germany. Charlie LIGGET has moved from Beale to Cupertino, CA, and Marty RICHERT has retired and now lives in Greenville, SC. Paul SULLIVAN, from Columbus, MS, to Hanscom AFB, MA; Sid NEWCOMB has become honcho of AFROTC at Michigan State; George ELSEA is now at the Pentagon; and Ted STUMM is now at Robins.

Here's John MACARTNEY, (above right) with G.J.C. FRIES, at Lowry and (below) with 19-year-old son, Steve--J.D. hasn't changed a bit, either!

And do you remember Rosie CLER and his famous parties? Who can forget???

Don WOLFSWINKEL was on hand at Travis as deputy base commander when Tony BURSHNICK heard about his BG selection (Tony is now vice commander, 22nd AF, MAC, at Travis.) Quite a celebration!

Mike MCCALL lives in the Travis area, having retired at his earliest opportunity without a job waiting for him and being unwilling to commute long distances to work--both mistakes he feels any of you future retirees should avoid. He found that his experience in the USAF could not easily translate into civilian terms--college teaching jobs were filled, chemistry (his expertise) positions were nil, and management positions required experience in the area managed. Mike ended up sub-teaching in public schools in everything from PE to Spanish (his language experience was French and German) for six miserable months (similar to my experience upon my airline furlough in 1969). He did find an interesting--however, short--assignment as librarian at the California Medical Facility, the current abode of Charlie Manson and the like. He finally found a position as a staff research associate in the UC Davis Chemistry Department working for a fellow with whom he took his PhD in 1976--organic chemistry (remember that one, folks?), making and modifying "molecules" used in cancer and cell research. Mike is pursuing an MBA and says he is still growing up, thoroughly enjoying a busy life with his wife and two teenage boys in Vacaville.
Walt FUTCH retired last summer and is now a senior field engineer (software) with Martin-Marietta in Lompoc, working on the automated information management system for the space shuttle project. Walt called me from Scott just before our 20th reunion urging me to attend. When I got there, the turkey didn't show! We missed you there, Walt. George PUPICH and I are reeling from Western Airlines' realignment. He'll stay in LA as a 727 F/O, but all of us here in MSP are being displaced; so, I'm going to our new base in Salt Lake City this summer as a 727 F/O. Just sold the house yesterday. Please send your cards, pics and letters to me at MSP, and they'll be forwarded. We have a great class!