Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
Roger and Carol LENT discovered Spokane as the ideal place to retire. While visiting their folks in the Northwest, Roger found a job teaching chemistry at the junior college as they put a boy and girl through college, with another boy and girl still in high school. Also in Spokane are Andy and Joan BIANCUR. Andy was recently assigned to Fairchild as part of an exchange program of senior staff officers between SAC and MAC. He is vice commander of the 92nd Bomb Wing with extra duty as IG, the "complaint answerer." Andy is temporarily at Moses Lake, WA (where I rode on a couple test rides in a B-52 and KC-135 back in 1957 on summer vacation), where he is deployed while the runway at Fairchild is being resurfaced. Prior to this, he was deeply involved in the Helsinki talks being held in Madrid, and which are still in progress. His qualifications for that job resulted from sitting with me in the international relations elective class at AFA and obtaining a graduate degree in IR from Yale. Joan is deeply involved in Spokane ballet, which she says has quite a potential but is not nearly as sophisticated as that in D.C. where she was a professional ballet teacher and dancer. Their daughter is a freshman at Radford, son has started high school, and saw AFA for the first time recently.
Bruce MOSIER commutes from Kansas City to Chicago as a TWA 727 F/O on reserve (where I keep putting notes in his flight bag as I pass through ORD on turnarounds from SLC). He left the Iowa ANG as an A-7 pilot and now commutes during his X-days to Panama as a Lt Col in his new AFRes job as a mobilization augmentation officer. I remember as his roomie back at the zoo that Bruce was into guerilla warfare and CI--who could forget Col Gruber's classes? He gets down there at least once a quarter for a week at a time. Bruce has also just finished his orientation as an AFA liaison officer in the Kansas City area. Now that TWA has moved its main base to St. Louis, he and Carol are scouting around the west for an easier place from which to commute to St. Louis, where a transfer would give him enough seniority to get off reserve. Sound familiar, you airline folks? They have three girls (14, 12, and 10).
Phil ROBERTS, an ex-nav at Otis with me in 1961 and ex-bachelor roomie on Cape Cod, is an active-duty Navy captain [and] general courts martial judge, based at Treasure Island, SFO (his 7th year as a military judge, the first three being at Philadelphia Naval Base) ... he lives in Novato, Marin County, north of SFO with his wife of 20 years and two high-school daughters. Phil graduated from the U. of Colorado Law School in 1965, earned an advanced degree in international law from GWU, courtesy of the Navy, and is currently admitted to the bars of Colorado, Arizona and California. His current tour ends in 1985, when he'll decide whether or not to retire. Great to hear from you, of buddy!
Gary SHEETS has moved from Tinker to Wright-Pat, and Hoyt PRINDLE from McGuire to Tallahassee. Russ CURREY has retired as a Lt Col to Tequesta, FL as the asst. project engineer of the Pratt and Whitney Government Products Division at the West Palm Beach plant. His job is operations analyst performing new engine effectiveness analyses and working with the AFO LOs in the area. Cliff LOVELL is remarried and changed jobs with Science Applications, Inc. of Fort Walton Beach from deputy manager, Eglin Systems Division, to chief scientist of its Tactical Systems Department.
Chris WARACK has recently assumed command of the 619th MASS in Hawaii after duty as the chief of Logistics for the MAC IG at Scott. Pat and daughter, Karin, will follow as soon as their home is sold in O'Fallon, IL; their boys, Chris and Mark, get off to ROTC (MIT) summer training and AFA, respectively; and a home is found for Karin's blue-ribbon horse. Son Chris, as an Eagle Scout, presented the Scouting Charter to Congress in 1980 and delivered the keynote address kicking off the United Way Campaign in San Bernadino, CA that year. Son Mark is an outstanding prep all-star football player, certain to follow in his old man's footsteps at the zoo. Karin is ranked #11 nationally in her age group in swimming. She won six individual golds and two team gold medals last August in Memphis against the nation's best young swimmers at the AAU National Junior Olympics.
Upon his retirement from USAF, Frank MAYBERRY considered offers with Litton in LA and Martin Marietta in Denver but eventually accepted a great offer with Hughes in Denver as a systems engineer. He, Eve and daughter have launched a tax-consulting service providing tax shelters, preparation of returns, and management of rental properties, among which are several of his own. He and Eve, a Mary Kay businesswoman, met 23 years ago in England on our European field trip. His daughter is in the Colorado ANG, going through Lackland as an AIC, to be followed by ten months of tech school at Keesler in EW systems maintenance. Frank won the Fifth Annual Greater Denver Beerathon last summer--five miles and five beers, setting a new course record, and the oldest entry to boot! His good training in both at school made him unbeatable.
Jim O'ROURKE is on as guest scribe for the next issue--I'll forward what I get to him. If any of you would like to be guest scribes for an issue, just let me know. Does anybody know anything about Vic YOAKUM?
FOR '60 GRADS ATTENDING THE HOMECOMING: Plans are underway for a class get-together on Saturday night. Details will be given at registration.