Checkpoints Class News
1846 Baywood Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84117
(801) 277-1239
Karl M. JONES has finally left Andrews (PCS to Las Vegas). Paul VALLERIE has retired, moving from Albuquerque to Seattle, where he now works for Boeing. Ted STUMM has PCSd to Pope from Alexandria, VA; George FRIES, from Europe to Grafton, VA (whereever that is); and J.D. MACARTNEY seems to be back at the Pentagon, or at least the D.C. area from Honolulu. Paul and De SULLIVAN really like the Northeast, even with an empty house. Son Lance graduated from Texas A&M last summer and just completed the U.S. Marine Infantry Officer Course. Daughter Terri is married and runs The Fitness Center in Big Springs, TX. Gary SHEETS has retired to work for Lockheed in Austin. Bill GILLIS will retire in February '85 and Jock SCHWANK in summer '85.
Seen at West Point for the Army game were Jim and Linda GLAZA, Ed and Mary WHITMAN, Dick and Ginette KINGMAN, Brian and Carol KALEY, and Fuller and Judy ATKINSON.
Momentum is really building for 25th Reunion! Notre Dame can't wait to get beat by us for the fourth consecutive time. The girls are getting all excited about renewing their marriage vows at the Cadet Chapel--with ceremony, sabers, and us loving husbands. RosAl is planning the Wing Ding of all times, and some great MC will come out of the shadows (like Roy JOLLY at the 20th) and make us laugh, cry, remember, hoot and holler. And, of course, there'll probably be a memorial ceremony and/or parade, meal with the cadets, belly and hair inspection, spontaneous pep rally, slide show, briefing by the Academy staff, and so on.
Lots and lots of fun is what I remember most from the 20th Reunion. So, start saving money and time now, folks, because you don't want to miss this one!! Mark 3-6 October 1985 on your calendar now. Let Gary CREW, Jim GLAZA (wife Linda works at the AOG), Earl VAN INWEGEN or Jock SCHWANK know how you can help, or any ideas you may have. Our classmates in Colorado have had several meetings already. Send old photos to Dick SCHEHR in care of Linda Glaza at the AOG. Put your name on the back, and they'll be returned to you.
Can anyone provide information/addresses for the following lost souls: Bob BAKER, Mike BUCHEN, Bill CURRIER, George HINES, Larry JOHNSON, Bill LENINGER, Doug MILLER, Dick O'KEEFE, Charles SANDS, and Ernest WHALEY?
That's all for now from your lowest ranking AFA grad. Except many thanks to Rosie, Al, Bruce, Jim and the rest of you guest scribes.
25th Reunion
3-6 October 1985
Start making your plans to attend NOW!