Checkpoints Class News
1200 South Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 206
Lakewood, CO 80226
(303) 936-5522
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The loser in our first trivia quiz was Gary GULBRANSEN, who must spend a month in Ponca City: "Dick HEAD's car was a light blue TR-2. The major design feature was its tendency to turn turtle at the first opportunity. R.G. did not make use of this feature." (Scribe: It was actually a TR3-A.) Gary countered with his own trivia--"Which classmate distinguished himself by crashing through a plate glass door at one of the RosAl parties, obtaining as a memento a nice scar on his chin, visible to this day? Enclosed is an almost mint condition (except for what appears to be a few phone numbers) Rosie CLER card. I'm sure that this and the one in the Smithsonian are the only genuine articles around." (No, Goose, I recently found several dozen. Thanks.)
Who bought our class beer mugs? Paul VALLERIE who writes: "There was a bar outside the gate which we used to frequent (Lowry?) where I left my black mug with 'Val' on it with the understanding that the first beer was on them whenever I returned. Unfortunately, they closed before I could return and get my free beer, or my mug! Does anyone recall the joint? I married Kathryn Knutson from Windham, MT, back in 1967, and we have two kids: Paul Jr. and Tonya (16 and 14). Kay is an elementary school teacher and picked up a master's in Albuquerque. I retired last August and work for Boeing in Seattle ... found the enclosed photo of me, Phil MEINHARDT, and Denny WALSH, taken just before the Roarin' 20s Blast. I do plan to attend the 25th." (P.S. from scribe--my own mug still sits atop this writer's desk.)

Gordy FLYGARE writes: "Retired August 1st after being threatened with Korea. AWACS represents nice woolens (Iceland) and fine carpets (Saudi Arabia). I had to get out before they start training the Saudis. I'm working for Halifax Engineering in OKC and hope our contract will be renewed ... present task has been editing F-16 structural data ... enjoyed your column."
Corresponding from Panama was Sid NEWCOMB: "Our biggest news is Holly's engagement. In September, Scott Richie from Dewitt, MI flew down to bring her a diamond ring. The wedding will be in April. Marvann's playing tennis after a three-year break. Danelle is in the 7th grade and has put her music on the 'back-burner' to take up Spanish. Sid Paul is completing his 1st semester at Michigan State, and Nancy is at Eastern Michigan University in social work."
3-6 October 1985
Start planning NOW to attend!

Some amusing notes from Salty Able: "I will be at the reunion. Can't think of a better weekend than the periodic drubbing of Notre Dame ... spent last winter flying the overnight freight as a captain on T-29Ds, which had been retrofitted into 'Convair 240 Freightairs;' the summer flying tourists around southern New England in BN Islanders; and this winter restoring an 1870's Victorian in Providence. Living adjacent to the Brown University campus is like an Oscar Wilde play. The progeny of the privileged are bitching about the wicked U.S. abusing 'poor downtrodden whomevers,' while in the salons of the East Side, parents who are shelling out $20 grand in tuition are cocktailing on sherry and brie ... makes an old Air Commando want to put on a toga and terrorize the Blue Onion." (Hardy LEBEL).
The manager of Program Development at LTV Aerospace in Dallas is none other than the quarterback from St. Mary's, OH, who writes: "I retired 7/80 from Eglin on a Friday and started to work here in the D/FW area the following Monday. Drove cross country with 3 cars, 3 kids, 1 wife, 3 animals and numerous (censored) plants, during the heat wave of '80. In my current incarnation as an international arms merchant, I occasionally see a classmate, including the following: Wayne PETERSON, with ITT; Jim CLARK, with GD; Derry ADAMSON, with ORI; and Mike CLARKE (the skinny one), with Lockheed. We are all planning to attend the reunion for sure. Neither PUPICH nor I will ever see 46 again. But, we can still fumble with the best of them." Who else but Johnnie KUENZEL?
Our Navy captain--the real Mr. ROBERTS (he's the JAG at Treasure Island)--gave us this massive typewritten naval missive: "Still judging court-martials in San Francisco. Been doing that for nearly five years and am scheduled to keep it up until at least 1986. I could retire now, but I'm sort of in retirement with this job; so, it would just be like lowering my pay. By next fall, both kids will be in college. As for a RosAl? I'm not certain I could live through one, anymore. I'll give anything a try, however; so, count me in." (Thanks, Phil.)
From John (the Whale) GONSKY: "All four children continue to do well. Jack is going for his master's at the U. of Florida and expecting his first child. Susan is an EE at E-Systems in the D.C. area. Linda is a junior at Emory U. in Atlanta and has been accepted to med school. Karen is a sophomore at Seabreeze High School in Daytona Beach, and wife Nancy is feeling and looking wonderful ... I run a bunch of defense programs ... We've been in Florida for seven years and hope to move north with GE."
The card from Hoyt and Diana PRINDLE included the following: "In the midst of job, social, and community activities, Diana announced she was pregnant! On December 10th, Hoyt L. Prindle III (aka "Stumper') entered this world. We went the natural childbirth route, making the event even more unique, and are now undergoing a severe life style and environmental adjustment. Di is working on her master's in criminology, and may find maintaining her 3.5 + GPA rather difficult. I'm commander of the AFROTC Detachment at Florida State, and daughter Cindy is still residing in Vacaville, CA. Saw Billy DELONY a few months ago. He has a daughter here at FSU ... See you in October."
Also heard from Russ CURREY, who's living in Tequesta, FL: "I have been in touch with Syd GURLEY. Syd has a son ('84 graduate) who's now in pilot training and a daughter beautiful as all 17 year olds. We both spend our spare time cruising the Loxahatchee. I've been working for Pratt & Whitney, working materials in our Advanced Projects group. My two kids (14 and 13) live in Virginia Beach ... I still correspond with O'KEEFE and DE LA CRUZ. They have mentioned the 25th; so, the word's getting around. See you in October." (Note: an enclosed newspaper clipping pictured Syd GURLEY at the controls of a test helicopter.)
John MACARTNEY's Christmas card: "I took this photo on a TDY to Arizona. Reb (GUILLOT) is retired in Tucson working for Hughes ... I'm commandant of the DIC in D.C. and loving it ... son Steve's (22) a senior at Colorado State. An Army ROTC scholarship student, he expects active duty in late 1985."

A letter from Boulder, CO: "I saw my old tennis partner, Jerry STACK, in Santa Fe. Looks more like he did than when he was a cadet! Bill GOODYEAR, my old roomie at Lowry II, stopped by for drinks and dinner ... I was finally able to be in a position to take my window seat in the 767! What an airplane! I just grin from coast to coast." (From Steve BISHOP, of course.)
Fuller ATKINSON is VP/GM of Allied Amphenol in Danbury, CT and tells what it's like to be a grandfather--"Residing in the Connecticut countryside just a mile from Brian KALEY. Son David is married and an engineer for the Aeronautics and Space Division of Emerson in St. Louis. We are grandparents of a two-year-old, another expected in May. (I still have trouble sleeping with a grandmother.) Daughter Debbie is living at home, finishing her studies in interior design. Definitely planning on the reunion (especially the RosAl production), though I must confess concerns about ability to survive our advanced state of senility. I recommend some 'walk-around bottles' for the next morning."
Howie WHITFIELD's living in Mission Viejo, CA, and wrote: "Lynn (21) finished Saddleback Junior College and is now at California State to become a school teacher. Dawn (221/2) and her husband moved to Ojai, and she has a job with a bank. I'm still assistant chief of staff (G-3) for 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing at El Toro, faced with another unaccompanied tour on Okinawa or retirement ... I'll make every effort to attend our reunion (the used clothing store on Larimer Street will be elated to hear of another RosAl production)."
Phil MEINHARDT is working days for Dale THOMPSON in England as chief of Command Post but found time to write: "Son Brad is getting married in April ... I have signed up for the reunion ... going to Moscow and Leningrad in March. Gave up skiing for the Russian trip--always on zero leave balance. I live in Woodstock, five miles northwest of Oxford. I'll retire in 18 months with 30 for pay. Plan to live in Switzerland for six months, then lack to La Jolla, CA. See you in October."
"Triple-Threat" PUPICH let us know he was coming back to the 25th, and filled us in on his life: "My brother and I still have the plating business, a pistachio grove, and other real estate interests. This, plus flying with Western keeps me occupied. Have a small oil lease in the San Joaquin Valley and became involved in a computer data bank which identifies drill sites for oil and gas. Recently acquired a publicly-owned company called Geon ... I truly enjoy time with my two sons. Nicky (13) tolerates school, loves girls, and thinks I'm very old fashioned." (You are old, George, but not fashioned). "Alex (11) is going to be a stud athlete. I've coached him for four years in flag football, and because of his size, speed, and love of the game, he's made Dad look like a football genius ... I look forward to the column--it really fills a void." (P.S. from scribe--at our reunion, George will demonstrate his famous "fumbling field goal" foible, assisted by acolytes Deke JOHNSON and Dolphin KERR.)
Potpourri: Tony BURSHNICK, Mike LOH, and Ron YATES got their second stars ... Jack BRUSH bought Al and me dinner, in return for our promise not to publish his picture, which is published herein (you can't trust anybody, Jack) ... Rich CARTER and I attended a November meeting in Denver to hear Gen Scott explain the recent honor violations ... Earl VAN INWEGEN's transferred to the Pentagon ... Jim GLAZA hosted a Christmas party (Gerry GAMMILL did not attend) ... Pete BURTON showed up at our last reunion planning meeting ... Frank MAYBERRY's daughter Kari bought a Toyota Corolla JR-5 sports coupe ... Jock SCHWANK's retiring from USAF and his job at the prep school. Lew PRICE is in Sacramento ... Walt SWEENEY's a minister in Cortez, CO ... Dave REED's planning a sailboat trip from New Zealand to California ... Mike BUCHEN doesn't know his home address ... comment on our previous column: "You'll be hearing from my lawyer." ... George COLLIER retired in June '84 and is a design specialist with McDonnell-Douglas in St. Louis ... Howie BRONSON transferred from George to Nellis AFB, 57th FWW/CS ... "Tailgating" after beating a valiant Naval Academy team in October were: the GLAZAs, Al JOHNSON, Leon GOODSON, and others; thence to the KENDALLs, 0-Club, and Sundance ...

25th REUNION: With 206 living graduates from our class, we're hoping for 80% attendance. '59, '61, and '62 grads are invited to attend Saturday night's production, for which we are hopeful of having a major indignitary in attendance (no costume required). Suggestion to all: "Dial-a-roomie," which means each of us merely contact our former roommates, urging them to attend. Responses to the first mailer were excellent, and we now have 115 who have indicated that they'll attend (not counting about 90 wives). All activities are "go," including the torturous renewal of nuptials at the chapel. As only one indication of overall enthusiasm for the reunion, I recently got a telecon from a East Coast two-star general (guess who), asking whether or not he'd have to bring his Roarin' 20s attire. Another little surprise will be our "Trivial Cadet 60" game, which offers 500 questions to tantalize, tickle, and tintillate: selling for only $14.95. All proceeds go to our class fund, and it may be ordered from the AOG (Dept. TC-60). (Not sold in stores.) Dick SCHEHR needs pictures of USAFA days for our memorabilia book--send them to the AOG, identifying each photo with your name. Area coordinators are now designated, and the event will be a winner. See you in October.
QUOTE OF THE QUARTER: "Yes, Virginia, there can be a good party after life in the military."
SERIOUS NOTE: I received a letter from Col Ronald T. LANMAN ('59) recommending that our field house be named in honor of Val BOURQUE, who started with the class of '59 and graduated with our class in 1960. I would personally--and strongly--support that action. Val was our first Academy grad to die in combat and a remembered classmate. Please write with your support of this proposal to: Mr. W.V. Hanchey, Sec'y, USAFA Memorial Board, USAFA, 80840.