Checkpoints Class News
RD 2, Box 85
Ottsville, PA 18942
Home: (215) 847-5719
This quarter's news is being written by a "ghost writer"; however, this will be my one and only effort at this task. Send your class news inputs NOW to Dale MAYO, our new Scribe, at his address above.
By the time you read this, the 25th will be history. Pictures and news will be in the next magazine. At this time, over 100 classmates are returnĀing. That's a great response, and we hope some will be able to attend the reunion at the last minute. The class project is in some jeopardy--not everyone has contributed to the class fund. If you haven't, please do so TODAY!! The project is a flag case, museum quality, to display the class flags and yearbooks. It will initially be installed on the west wall of ArĀnold Hall Ballroom, and moved to the AOG building when the building is completed. Remember, your donation is tax deductible, and every little bit helps.
Wayne KENDALL retired in September and is now doctoring in Denver; he and Barbara are building a new home in Woodmoor. Al JOHNSON also retired, and he and Gail moved back to Washington, DC, where Al is now with Burroughs.
The Class of 1989 entered with more '60 second-generation cadets: Greg, son of Reb GUILLOT, and Mike, son of John PEEBLES. Having met and spoken with these two, I can report that they are representing the Class of '60 and the wing admirably.
Change of Address: Dick SEXTON has returned from Europe to 12724 Parkton St, Fort Washington, MD 20744. Don WOLFSWINKEL is now at ROTC, Route 6, Box 55, Lexington, VA 24450; Jim WADDLE is now at 111 Freeman Dr, Warner Robins, GA 31088; Roy JOLLY is back in Denver at PO Box 319, Littleton, CO 80160-0319; Derry ADAMSON is at 517 A William Reuben Dr, Endicott, NY 13760; Phil COOKE at PO Box 141, Cookstown, NJ 08511; John MACARTNEY at 1128 N Pitt St, Alexandria, VA 22314; and Mike LOH (now major general--congratulations, "Roach") at 29 Westover Ave, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC 20336.
Gary VAN SINGEL made a video tape of the reunion. It can be ordered from Gary at Van's Ventures, 9275 Catalpa Dr., Newaygo, MI 49337. Specify Beta or VHS.
Keep those cards and letters coming, folks.