Checkpoints Class News
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Men! Let me tell you about these deadlines for Checkpoints! I haven't made one yet. At least the column is short and doesn't create a lot of grief, thanks to Linda Glaza. By way of excuses, I'm out of the country as much as in, especially having just finished Pan Am's 747 TTU and trying to perform a 3,000-mile PCS to include dog, sailboat and family!
I have a few change of addresses. Miles KASPAR to Anaheim Hills, CA. He and George LESTER did get to United Airlines. Bill HODSON moved into new digs in Colorado Springs. Jim THOMASSON apparently has a new "mansion" in Charlotte, NC (built it himself, I'll bet!). Ken BIEHLE from Kingswood, TX to Roseville, CA. Bill GOODYEAR from Osprey, FL to Fullerton, CA. Bill says he's changed most aspects of his life--wife, job and who knows what else. He's a tech manager for Northrop. Apparently the flying wing is to be a part of "Starwars" now! Thus, several new jobs for more experienced help!

I've also spoken to a few of you. It surely is fun if not cheap. I am amazed at the way you guys respond to a midnight phone call! The calls do get some info for me--even some that's printable.
Leon GOODSON is a new V/P for a systems tech and research company--also working on occasion with the House Armed Services Committee. Apparently he enjoys his retirement. Gary CREW is still with Martin-Marietta in Denver. Clark WALKER is still DO for a test wing at Wright-Patterson. Jack SCHIRA got to pin one side of captain's tracks on his wife--I guess the general pinned the other side. Tom BURKE is busy in Washington with a smaller (but more elite) think tank. Ralph LALIME is retiring this year--no word on his plans. George ELSEA is heading for AFCS at Scott. He'll probably own Mascoutah, IL before he retires! Norm HALLER is with the NRC--an executive. Ron DEEP will retire in September and plans to stay in Dayton. Bill TAYLOR is still assistant dean at the AFIT School of Engineering. Hal BROST is with Teledyne. Where is Toledo, Hal? Ken ALNWICK has just returned from China. He will be lecturing and studying war gaming--one of which missions is to locate Ace HOLMAN, said to be in Atlanta.
Don STEVENS is retiring as CO of CADRE and going to work at Georgia Tech soon. That's a switch from Maine apparently! John MACARTNEY is still at Defense Intelligence, and Richard HEAD is a "Watch" chief at the Command Center. Sorry about the terminology, Richard. I'm not up to speed. Also, hello, Elaine! How is the house progressing? Charlie HART is with VERAC-government contracting.
I had a postman strike last quarter. One letter was not worthy of a trip into Ottsville! Thanks to Paul SULLIVAN, I won a battle with the Post Office. They delivered it, rather than have me pick it up. Paul is fine, but at his writing he had not received his slides which he sent in for the reunion. Anyone know where the slides got to?
That's it gang. Keep the news coming!