Checkpoints Class News
3055 Las Mesitas Ct.
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Home: (707) 538-5028
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Howdy from Southern California! We made it: 3,318 miles in a U-Haul! No breakdowns until the last seven miles. We limped into the blocks with a blown water pump. It's good to be back where home prices reflect the true status of the nation's economy. As U-Haul says: "An adventure in moving."
I had the pleasure of two neat notes from folks this quarter. Thanks, Miles and Phyllis. Keep the letters coming. They are really informative.
Phyllis and Dean VIKAN believe they have an Academy first. I'm certain they are correct. We will further announce the first known wedding of children of Academy grads! Jeff SHEETS and Wenda VIKAN, both offspring of 1960 grads, were married in Manchaco, Texas on April 19. Congrats, kids, and also to the proud in-laws. Note the wording: kids! Man, am I aging!
Miles and Charlotte KASPAR are enjoying their new life with United Airlines. They live in Anaheim Hills, CA, and Miles spends his time flying the South Pacific while planning to be a DC-10 "jock" in February '87.
Thanks for the note, Paul! Did SCHEHR send your pits/slides back yet? Paul SULLIVAN is now with AVCO Systems, TEXTRON, working on the Peacekeeper Missile Program.
I had hardly listed Norm HALLER as an exec with NRC when I got his call announcing his retirement! He is establishing a new business--yep, you guessed it-consultant!
Jerry STACK is president of Stack Realty. Nice name, Jerry. 2401 Hondo, Dallas, TX 75219.
Dale THOMPSON is wearing his star and has arrived at Hill AFB. I haven't learned his new title yet, but congrats, again, general! (Perhaps it uses the skills gained from dancing on stone walls at reunions.)
Marty RICHERT has changed addresses from Greenville, SC to Piedmont, SC. Is that to a new job or just to suburbia, Marty?
Fuller ATKINSON left Connecticut for Inverness, IL. What's up, Fuller?

No more news at this end, gang. I had no telephone at press time. Have it now, so call me and say hello! Yessir, Russ CURREY, that means you! 707-538-5028.
Bruce MOSIER, now a colonel in the Guard and flying with TWA, was in town for a few weeks for a course at National Defense University. Caryl and one of their daughters were here also, and we had a very nice visit and dinner with them.
Also at NDU is Ken ALNWICK who runs the wargaming department out there.
Ralph LALIME retired earlier this year from his job on the Joint Staff. He immediately left for Europe for a well-earned vacation. When he returned he planned to go on the job-hunting trail.
Planning to retire very soon is Joe HIGGINS. Joe and Sue joined the grandparents club for the first time and just spent a couple of weeks seeing their daughters and grandchild in Washington State and California. I don't think Joe has settled on what he's going to do after his Air Force career.
Ron YATES has recently come in from ASD to lead the R&D Development Directorate on the Air Staff. Together with Mike LOH who has the R&D Requirements side, '60 has a lock on R&D in the Air Force (particularly with my help from the ANSER Corp.)
Steve HOLT left the Joint Staff for a tour with NATO in Belgium. He should be there now and having a good time.
As my daughter went to Virginia Tech, I keep getting magazines and other literature from them, always prominently displaying Russ MACDONALD as the PAS (Prof of Aerospace Science) there.
John MACARTNEY stays very busy as commandant of the DIA school over at Bolling, as does Rich SEXTON with the Joint Staff.
I sent our 25th reunion video tape to Les HOBGOOD over in Germany as he couldn't make the reunion. He, in turn, passed it to Earl VAN INWEGAN who was TDY to Europe at the time. I think Van is on his way to Colorado Springs now.
Betty and I were trying to get to Austria on a ski trip last March and planned to see Les and Marilyn on the way, but we weren't able to make it. Maybe next year.
Two faithfuls at graduate affairs in the D.C. area are Tom BURKE and Norm HALLER. Norm is with the federal government with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Tom keeps moving up in his company.
After retiring, Leon GOODSON is heading up some high-level commission doing studies for the government.
George ELSEA just left this Air Staff for AFCC at Scott. I'm sure there are other '60 folks in the D.C. area, but these are the ones I've at least seen recently. I hope there's some grist here for The Graduate Rag Mill.
The Glaza's sent some items to me that I ordered at the reunion. We, as a class, can't thank Jim and Linda enough for all their efforts on our behalf.